Attached: steam-logo-niebieskie-www_1789c.jpg (615x400, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:



wow a free game

taken :(

what game was?


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gib me bioshock infinite
[email protected]

aragami pls ;_;
[email protected]

yoo pass the tomb tittier

[email protected]
sexy brutale?

Just cause collection please
[email protected]

Company of Heroes pls!!!!
[email protected]

I fucking hate beggars. I think you should all be euthanized. I'd rather never use those keys than give them to the likes of you.

Guess I'll just torrent it then :^)

Why beg in the first place then? Brainlet

No you won't. You'll wait until someone offers free games and try for those because you're a third world spic beggar. And you'll fall for another troll because you refuse to get a fucking job.

Have fun with your botnet.

kek, you are the retarded one
when people gift, they tend to post their keys just like you
if you wanted to trade, you should have said so, kek

or if you just posted for bait, then it's even worse, like what the fuck are you doing with your life

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I didn't want to trade. I wanted to insult scum like you.

kek, I got offended by your words, kek, so I'll just add keks in my post to make it seem like I found it funny, kek.

>2018 still using keks btw

whatever could you mean by this?!

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>gifting free games

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Can I please Get BlazBlue?

[email protected]

give me a random one !
[email protected]

Darkness 2 is free for the next 24 hours you plebs


?? Western Digital

is this faggot even delivering?

Owlboy please if already taken then snake pass

[email protected]

look there

why post it then?

Attached: ifrit.jpg (721x960, 179K)

Oh god whooo

last day of June pls?


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[email protected]

Overgrowth nigga!

For fags like you to beg like the street rats you are.

Sent ;)

im not picky, something wicked tho

feedyoutelevision gmail com

feedyour* television

sent ;)

Tomb raider or any random game thanks
[email protected]

sent ;)

life is strange complete season
[email protected]

sent ;)

lol, you didn't send me anything, sent my email to FBI agent prolly

[email protected]

Please i need space engineers and or any other game

check spam folder

sent ;)

Nothing there

resent, check again

Here's Mankind Divided

dude hes a troll

ty op

no u

Final Fantasy 15?
[email protected]

Anyone having Crusader Kings 2?
[email protected]

sent ;)

Overgrowth please
[email protected]

Attached: 1511131650732.jpg (320x400, 40K)

Did not recieve my code :p

have God Eater 2 nigs

thank you, but not seeing in library :(

Company of Heroes Complete Edition

[email protected]

okay i'll take anything. Really, any piece of garbage.

[email protected]

Final Fantasy 15
[email protected]


I need space engineers or metal gear solid 5