Hello residents

Hello residents

This is the manager of the Sup Forums apartment building. I am curently taking complaints. Just leave your floor/ apt number and what seems to be bothering you.


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To many lolis
Death to the nonces

Could I have your floor number so I can go and try to calm down the Lolis?

43 the elevators Brocken by the way

I am aware of the elevator somone was trying to cram drunk midgets in there for some world record. To many midgets to heavy you know how it is. Sadly it is stuck inbetween the 23rd and 24th floor.
I will be right up there to help.

Banana floating in 6th floor corridor

wat do

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eat bananas, problem solved

Blame it on racist crackas
Win nigger lottery

Well this isn't the first time of this happening. Somone must have turned off he gravity for that floor I will turn it back on once I have finished burning all these Lolis from the 43 floor. In the mean time enjoy some free bananas

Floor 37/Apt 5

Every time I go to throw my garbage in the dumpster, I see this. I do not want to see this.

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Yeah we don't allow openly faggy fags on the property I will see to getting rid of them and updating security. Do they harass you in any way?

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They typically leave me alone, besides for the constant staring.

There's this ugly bald head dike running around screaming about taking other peoples shit. Could you please evict her ass.

I will take care of thoes fags for you. Anything eals I can do for you?

Absolutly we can we care only for your comfort and safety. Is there any certain way you want her to to be taken care of we can throw her out of the window of floor 1173 or we can use her for black magic on floor 229. It's your decision

Can you open a fundraiser for my niece? She has a terrible birth condition.

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Oh god.
Um certainly does she want to be all tortia skin or just regular skin.

Hi manager,

There seems to be an infestation of shitposters in the basement. Please call an exterminator.


Mr. Uppity Nigra

Floor 69 Apt 12.

Dear mr.uppity,

Thoes shit posters are actuly shills that rent out the basement. I do think it is time for them to go tho. Please stay out of basement the gassing will commence in 1 hour.



Please do not enter the basement for any reason we are in the process of gassing shills and shitpoters.



The 6th floor hallway smells of b.o. and burnt plastic. Please investigate

There's a bad pest problem on the tenth floor. I thought something was wrong when I saw fried-chicken crumbs scattered all over the floor of the main hall and smelled the scent of weed ... then, I opened the door it was emanating from and discovered a whole family of niggers.

I immediately shut it and ran back down the hall to my residence. I was told that pesticide was applied on a monthly basis, and this happens? Absolutely unacceptable. Whatever you do, get those niggers out.

We may need to evacuate the building. This is a serious threat to safety.

I will investigate after I call the police to aither arrest or shoot these niggers i have been informed about.