Is it worth getting assaulted on camera if it's gonna turn votes? I saw people on facebook saying they'll vote for Trump after San Jose
Nicholas Rodriguez
Sebastian Williams
B-b-b-b-but MUH RAYCISM!!!!114!
Elijah Gutierrez
Alinsky RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
Seems like Donald is trying this with the Trump U Judge.
Jason Smith
>To many liberals, all white Southern males are citizens under eternal suspicion of being racists. The most depressing thing about this episode is to see Republicans rushing to stomp on Trump, to show the left how well they have mastered their liberal catechism.
Aiden Jones
What's your rarest Trump?
John Moore
Trump only behind by 7 points in Connecticut, a traditionally very blue state.
Brayden Anderson
This accurately depicts what happened.
Mason Taylor
Holy shit, Pat Buchanan knows the fallacy of appealing to the Left. Mind = blown.
If you don't know, this is a common complaint of the far right intellectuals in Europe, that the reason the Right lost is because cucks like the modern day GOP always try to get moral approval from their enemies on the Left. As such they can never win until they stop doing it.
Zachary Moore
Yes, but why would you invite it? I don't think its gonna hapenn much anymore, I heard several call ins on multiple radio shows from people claiming hell's angels, mongols, all sorts of motorcycle clubs, saying they are already organizing and are going to defend the Trump supporters.
Media will lie about it sure, but no one is gonna care. San Jose is burned into people's minds, its gonna be until they pull the lever.
Levi Bailey
I have a couple super rares but the only times I've seen them posted, the user got a 3 day ban and I'm not willing to get booted today.
David Barnes
Today the final match begins
Connor Roberts
Christopher Wright
It's over.
Get used to MR. President, shills.
Jaxson Young
Nathan Jenkins
Everyone knows Trump has the greatest banter - but where did he get this ability from?
And what else should I add to my compilation (pic related)?
Landon Watson
Nah, that guy has been here for months, even before the CtR news I forgot to stalk him in last thread, sry bout that
Alexander Adams
I'm scared for Bernie Bros...
Alexander Harris
Does my flair count? And yes, I did vote for him in my states primary!
>mfw Joe Cuck's face the morning after Trump wins in November
It's going to be glorious, lads.
Kayden Foster
I hate to be "that guy" but I guess I will bear the responsibility and point out the pink elephant in the room. These threads have become slow, pointless and quite frankly a breeding ground for cancer/anime.
The general election isnt even for 6 months and theres no action.
OP, when this thread reaches the 300 post limit DO NOT make a new thread, thank you in advance.
-honorary mod.
Nathaniel Powell
>the GOP is filled with hypocritical traitors Color me shocked
Blake Green
Why would he get banned? Illegal rare distribution?
Bentley Harris
Hey, sorry for ignoring you in last thread. How are you, buddy?
Nathaniel Gray
I live in the bay area, near San Jose. All the linerals on my kikebook say that the Trump supporters "deserved it for being so racist". What has this world come to? Why do the Democrats attract people who are so easily brainwashed and manipulated by the media?
Jeremiah Edwards
>15+ US posters in this thread >thats at least 8 obese people in this thread >mfw
Brandon Williams
Adam James
Fuck off faggot.
Carter Sanders
Grayson Gomez
Yes. "Cuckolds", if you will. In fact, you might even call them "Cuckservatives."
Connor Brown
Isaiah Price
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump around the time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates, The Associated Press reports.
The new disclosure from a spokesman for Bondi to the AP adds new details to the unusual circumstances of Trump's $25,000 donation to a Bondi political committee. After the money came in, Bondi's office decided not to sue Trump.
The money came from a Trump family foundation, in apparent violation of rules regulating political activites by charities. A political group that backed Bondi's 2014 re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check on Sept. 17, 2013, four days after Bondi publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University's activities.
What is the estimated delegates Trump is going to win?
Kayden Martinez
I have no ida who you are and I think you are confusing me for someone else, goodbye!
Brandon Gray
I bet 500€ on 3 suicides after bern loses.
Easton Walker
Only way Trump can win is if Kristol does not throw in a spoiler.
The jew literally decides who the winner is. Like we haven't seen this before.
Leo Hall
>Liking your own post Stop making leaves look bad buddy.
Wyatt Cruz
Sometimes my mind is too fast for my hands lol
Joseph Lopez
At this point, I don't even remember how it feels to lose.
USbros, I hope you will do your part and call the suicide hotline for every single burnie victim you know.
Cooper Clark
A lot. Not that it matters though. Trump could win 0 delegates today and he'd still clinch the nomination.
Anthony King
I'm here to balance.
Nolan Thomas
It's not "liking" it's upvoting
Kayden Nelson
> coincidence
Oliver Carter
More proof that Politicians can be bought and sold, while Trump cannot.
Asher Barnes
How butthurt can you get?
When has a third-party candidate ever come close to winning? I think the closest was Ross Perot 20 years ago. And he was running as a reformist which came from the Republican party. (Reform Party is a great party btw, Trump ran for it in 2000).
Justin Kelly
Jonathan Fisher
I require Massachusetts polls
Joshua Sanchez
you guys are fucking idiots! you dont know shit
David Brown
No I'm not, you forget I know your style of typing, little faggot
Connor Torres
Landslide incoming
Anthony Campbell
Rockin' the MAGA style late 80s!
William Price
Just wait until tonight - our friends in the Bernie camp are going to be like the refugees... do we take them in?
Bentley Baker
Drumpf is stumped anyway.
He can't recover from those racist remarks he made about the judge, so lets just shut it down?
Benjamin Jones
So Trump paid off some dumb cunt in Florida? Goddamn I love The Donald. Based.
>it's not 1488 anymore Huh I guess you can actually win too much
Dylan Diaz
Oh, man, I hope so. That would be fucking sweet.
Zachary Allen
I'm worry of the radicals on Bernie side might try something fishy at the DNC convention.
Jace Morgan
Lucas Fisher
>Connecticut >going red
Don't they teach you anything in school? Sad, really.
Evan Evans
>Look at this picture >Clinton was +14, now she's +5 LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Robert Clark
Answer me faggots
Zachary Watson
I love Trump, I promise I do, but how is Trump supposed to win when he has peaked and yet hes still losing Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania, the 3 major swing states?
I love Trump, honest to goodness, but I go by facts and the facts say Trump CANT win.
Cameron Torres
Your reading comprehension seems off.
Owen Long
>When has a third-party candidate ever come close to winning? Not since 1912 when Theodore Roosevelt won 26% of the popular vote for the Progressive party.
Here, have one of my rares. It's ok, I have doubles of it
Michael Kelly
She extorted Trump
Austin Carter
Jace Martin
You have me confused for someone else, now stop wasting your time replying to me, I hope you find the person youre looking for, goodbye!
Eli Scott
No, I understand what happened. Donald's hustle with Trump U was taking flak from state attorneys general and he paid off some cunt in Florida to leave him the fuck alone.
>We need to find the facebook event page for the Trump Protest. >Start your searches with San Jose High School. Make sure to look at people's friends lists. We can do this. Remember, we got this faggot.
I dont think even The Don will be able to overcome this much cuckery. And even if he does come close, Pocahontas will be going around doing blood rituals to stop Trump from winning.
William Miller
He's closed Connecticut to almost within the margin of error. Connecticut of all places.
Cooper Sullivan
I think the Bernouts are accusing the MSM (AP) and the Hilldawg campaign of collusion.
Isaac Phillips
yeah!! let's make a huge hillary pixelart tribute in mc today! I'll be waiting you near spawn, we'll show it to mum later.
Andrew Russell
>Nipples protruding
Alexander Peterson
Australian one is based Tony Abbott. He said "no more boats!". And so the boats were stopped. And it was good.
Dominic Hernandez
Persuasion/Manipulation 101, friend-o. Find the positive in the story, wrench it into the open, and expose vulnerabilities in your opponents.
Easton Russell
New Jersey standing by. Making America Great Again
Jordan Thomas
Back for another 8 hour shift?
Seek mental help!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the faggot that starts every morning and does this all day. Yesterday I was here around this time, then had a five hour service call and this poster was still posting the same shit when I got back. Explain your pathetic self.
Wyatt Edwards
>This kills the user
Kevin Lewis
Carson Edwards
nah thanks
Cooper Young
For some reason this picture is really creepy. It reminds me of that old picture of the women who was about to be killed.
Logan Kelly
Wow, CNN just said that Gary Johnson takes away many more votes from Trump than Hillary and that Trump cant win, this, ladies and gentlemen is what we call a "game changer"