I cant do this anymore

i cant do this anymore
i have to quit my university
i will go insane

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u ok bro

>Hmm, I found who was behind of it...

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Join a club

Im in the UK and I wanna shoot up my school so badly. Full of cunts

there literally is nothing interesting
only stuff like dancing

What are you studying ? Do you like what you are studying ? What do you like in life ?

This or find a major you’re more passionate about

Sounds like you are one of those kind of losers.

it is not what i am studying
it is about that i can not concentrate anymore on anything but thinking on how pathetic i am that i am constantly by ma own, socially isolated

for two fucking years now
i just cant anymore

i want to kill people unironically
i already would but you cant buy guns so easily in my country

>inb4 you are a troll
be free to think that, i cant blame you

Then take some social steroids and start your own club. It's 2 weeks of anguish to find like 10 ppl for years of rewards

Stop being a dumbfuck social cripple then.

Just grab damn books and study

there is only few months until the end of the year
and i have couple of classes to pass...
i doubt i will pass

especially if i start smthing like club
just cant
i dont know what to do

>socially isolated
Join an association, they are made for that

what is that

>i want to kill people unironically
>i already would but you cant buy guns so easily in my country
If you're in Europe, gimme the first letter of your country

[spoiler]i dont wanna die i'm gonna pass that semester[/spoiler]

I was expecting a freshman, you could go to group tutoring it's pretty easy making friends there

i cant kill anyone you stupid fuck
no ghuns...
i hate my own fucking country

Some beaner shoots the school

Another beaner wants us to give up guns

Just send them all back already, they’re ruining everything they touch

>besides avocados and oranges

Why, what's up?

Tomatoes, peyote, bananas, papaya, should I continue?

i feel worthless and thrown away
i feel like they are constantly mocking me
looking down on me

you do not need to study if you are brown/black.

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Ever think killing innocents probably won't solve whatever internal issues you are clearly facing in life? Those internal issues being a lack of fulfillment or a general thrill. Maybe you should seek an intervention. I mean I think the standards for one peak at the "cry-for-help-on-Sup Forums"-stage. Or go out in a spray of bullets, and have us deal with another class full of kids who feel obliged to cause a paradigm shift against weaponry I already do not own nor care for.

Maybe, but probably not (people usually don't care too much about other people unless close to them).

At any rate, why do you care so much? It's nice to be appreciated, but sometimes you just have to rely on yourself.

i went to my school psychologist

she literally said "i think you need psychiatrist" and said she cant help me
not even that, EVERY other psychologist at my school somehow knew and said they cant help me

then i went to psychiatrist but they just dont seem to care, they seem so cold
also just saying that i want to kill people could land me in jail in my country if he determines that i am a threat and reports me to the police (if he breaks professional secret)

i stopped going to them, they are worthless

Really look for anything, you may actually find affinity with certain illicit substances, I mean at your point and what your claiming to want to do it doesn't seem like a bad idea to smoke some weed or pop a tab and see where your understanding goes. Weed helps me with similar issues you face, though only temporarily


Stop being worthless - and if you begin killing, then start with the biggest scum on earth - you.

But why would you want to kill people? I get you're not in a good place, but what would you gain from that?

why do i care?
i guess it is partly jealousy for social people who have it all, friends and girlfriends
it is partly social isolation and going to eat all alone every day
being in my room whole day rotting away in front of computer

i hate every single fucking one of you

He can't handle investing energy in becoming a better person. So he blames other people for his shortcomings.

I figured this out first year of highschool. People really don't care about you as much as you might think, even in a negative way. That in itself is a little depressing, but it's better than feeling lowly.

starting taking medicated doses of xanax.. don't overfuckingdoit. It helped me user. Also, start thinking you're awesome. Just put it in your mind everyday that you're fucking dope af, and everyone and their mom wants to be around you 24/7. Even if it's not true, this is how popular people think and it works. First step tho, get some fucking benzos.

Hope you die soon, can you do me a favor and just jump in front of a train? Or better, get eaten by animals - that way you at least serve SOME purpose.

Why cant people stop taking life so seriously and personally. Just be a good person and carefree and shit goes your way.

college is bust. it has and will never work. youre paying 100k to afford a desk job with a loser boss

People with low IQ cannot think that way. They constantly have to overthink things and be shit people.

The crew that would clean his body off the track would get paid and be able to support their families. That serves a purpose sort of

Well damn.. I think you should explore drugs. Like not meth, but like weed, shrooms, Molly, LSD. These substances are known for causing massive paradigm shifts in how one views themselves within their reality. No guarantee if it'll be the experience of your ideal nature, but keep it low-key, get to know some dealers, hell who knows you may find the answers you need.

some of the dumbest people I ever met were the happiest.

>puting other people on a pedestal
You're destined to fail if you do this. Even when I'm depressed, I wouldn't kill anyone else, because they're not worth my time. Stop fucking comparing yourself to others faggot. This makes you more of a bitch than anything.

i did
i got prescribed valium
it doesnt work...

it just ... i dont
its worthless

Does the name of your country start with a D?

I get the envy, especially these days where you're bombarded with people's perfect edited existence. It's not perfect, but I know it can feel that way when you yourself have nothing.

This won't be much solace, but I spent the majority of my younger years in a similar situation. And, yeah I did "rot away" years in front of a computer too, but that also let me connect to people who would later become my friends.

The hard bit for me was that my isolation made me incredibly depressed until my mid 20s.

Just managing to get out and do productive stuff helped for me. Drawing, running, making music, even just tidying my room helped clear out my head and get to a state where I could function with other humans.

Don't have a magic bullet for you, but it is possible to get out of your situation.

+ people are your friend whether you are sharing drugs or the experience it brings. It aint a long term solution, but I did a shit load of drugs and when I stopped, i really had so fewer friends.

Yeah and then there are special kinds of stupid like OP. Social retards who cant think rationally. They cant become happy as long as they are in their dumb mindset.


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Yeah, not sure how user worked out that:
Thinking deeply about yourself and your surroundings=Dumb

Living with absolutely idle thought=intelligent

Smoke weed then. You need to find something to balance you out user. You're obviously unbalanced... you need to fix that. Just don't break it even more by getting addicted. Do you go to the gym?

i used to go to the gym...
i couldnt sleep afterwards no matter what i did so i stopped

This, why do people constantly compare themselves to others instead of trying to improve themselves? Envy will get you nowhere and you'll be miserable from it. Others can easily detect it too, making you even more toxic and have less friends.

Stop being envious of others and start focusing on making yourself better. Compare yourself to yourself. Are you better today than the you yesterday? If not, start becoming better.

well its true some people get stuck on dumb ideas. OP probably isnt even 18.

I had an awesome life during HS and college, but then I didnt actually do anything for my future and so life got shittier, but I adapt.

get a job. It helps so much.
You will see how shit real life is and you will want to work harder in school so you can live more comfortably.

You might not be workingout hard enough then. Or you do it too late. Try going in the morning when you wake up. Also, try getting up really early, that helped me immensely. Waking up late made my whole day suck.

if you believe that not having guns can stop anyone from killing people, then you truly are worthless...
Despite what the guberment wants you to believe, law can't stay ahead of human creativity.


tough to hear if you're fucked up, but honestly it's the only way forward.

I swore I posted something about this, but guess not. Yeah people need to stop comparing themselves to others. Its really that simple.

so now i am stupid because of all this

i would like to see you in my shoes

that's a very bad advice

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So the next school shooting will be at a university. Thanks for the heads up.

OP think how many people on Sup Forums of all places care about you.
Just suck it up. Life is hard enough with out worrying about trivial bullshit.

Simple to say, hard to do, but yea you do. Again, I think you should start comparing your present self to your past self.. It took me a long time to figure this out (I learn the hard way). But trust me, Ive been where you are... and it fucking sucked. Now I'm doing really well, so if anything, there is hope that you can recover from this and live a happy life.

Also, start setting goals and accomplishing them. Start with small things, like laundry, getting hw done, learning something new, etc. and start moving to bigger achievements. The smartest most productive and successful people I've met in my life have set goals for themselves. Just gotta make that a habit.

Well then stop being a faggot, quit then learn a trade

Talk to a councilor in our uni, I guarantee it will help more than you expect. You'll get no help on this worthless site. These people will only feed your insecurities.

I agree and thats exactly what I did. Its been a few years since I made baby steps and theres still more to do, but I am so proud of myself.



you are like literally every like campus crybaby like literally

people are allowed to have insecurities, its just how you deal with it.

>Talk to a councilor in our uni, I guarantee it will help more than you expect.
see this post
they are WORTHLESS

smoked weed since I was 14 (almost) everyday til I was 32 I've taken some month long breaks.

Anyway, I own equity in 3 companies (startup founder) and just currently finished a series A investment on a forth. The first 2 I was just a single digit employee, they all sold in the 8 to 9 figure range.

I also had issues concentrating and weed leveled me out. I don't need it anymore though, but I feel like it helped me out a lot. I've had panic attacks from it, but that was only when I did too much. Just gotta use it as a medicine.

sorry, the equity I own was turned into stock for the first two companies* by the enterprise that acquired us.