How has it come to this?

How has it come to this?

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he couldnt afford a plane ticket?

Kek... did he actually do it...? Sooooo.... the world's flat right?

Props to him mate
I don't have the balls to strap myself to a homemade rocket, that's like some shit jsckass would di

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Im reading the article this is my favorite part so far

"At least I can go home and have dinner and see my cats tonight"

He only got up to 1200 feet before it fell apart.

So did he discern wether the earth was round or not?

That's some shit jackass DID

No, he topped 1200 feet and the piece of junk fell apart. That and he was only doing 350 mph which is far from the 25000 MPH required to break free of the gravity well.

I hope he broke his back. Maybe next time he'll just use Google to discover that the earth is a sphere.

Why did he not have a homemade ejection seat in his homemade rocket? A civilian parachute is a lot easier to land than a whole fucking rocket.

Why is every one so concerned? Just fuck it and live on the planet regardless of it's shape.

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He said in an interview that he intends to reach 52 miles (274560 feet) but as of saturday he only reached 0.3 miles up.

Not to mention that at 4.6 miles up, 26,247 feet above sea level is considered the "death zone" where humans will suffocate without a breathing apparatus.

The highest maned balloon flight got 13 miles up and he had to use a space-suit.

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I don't know. Make a weather balloon out of diy supplies register a launch time put a camera on it and find out...

You can do that. Crazy right?


...wat? If you're traveling at 1mph upward you're besting the gravity well...

I mean, cudos to that absolute madman for actually doing something.

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why live if you can't fuck toddlers

People do that all the time, but the video that comes back is instantly labeled as fake and part of a conspiracy. They want to see it with their own eyes. But the minute one of them does see it, they will be considered "bought" by the conspirators.

Funny how that works.

Oh laws.
Just goes to show the iq of the dumbasses who fell for this meme.
If only he earned himself a Darwin Award and removed himself from the gene pool.

And low earth orbit is 25000 miles up. So at 1 mph just how long do you have to get there? The faster you travel the harder the pull back. It's cool how everything in space is based 25000.

This meme started as a real news report on the guy in question.

25000 miles up? Ummm no.

He actually used the flat earth idea to get people to give him money for his rocket. Kind of like how Trump got a bunch of red necks and bald headed chicken fuckers to vote for him by promising to bring back coal and build a wall

35,786 kilometers
Low Earth orbit (LEO): geocentric orbits with altitudes from 160 to 2,000 km (100–1,240 miles). Medium Earth orbit (MEO): geocentric orbits ranging in altitude from 2,000 km (1,240 miles) to just below geosynchronous orbit at 35,786 kilometers (22,236 mi). Also known as an intermediate circular orbit.

What if some of the flatearthers are just a bunch of guys that don't believe into this shit, but baiting NASA or some other space agency to just ragequit and give them a free trip to space?

You're confused.. he doesn't have to orbi to see it's round, he just has to reschedule a certain altitude and it's not that high.

And in low earth orbit, you haven't "escaped the gravity well". It's in full effect. You/the object is still in full speed free fall. It's just travelling forward so fast it's "missing" the ground.


Reach... My autocorrect changes whole words. I am sorry.

He only said he was doing it in the name of researching flat earth theory because the government didnt allow him to shoot himself into the air for no reason. He doesn't believe in any of that flat earth mumbo jumbo

I knew there was something the articles I was reading wasn't telling me.