Nigger Hate Thread #666

Nigger Hate Thread #666

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That’s an Aboriginal, ugly as sin but not black.
Probably still smarter than your bitch ass

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Disney makes another planet of the Apes movie, niggers get all happy about it.

Trying to say that a nigger of another nation isn't a nigger is like saying all Europeans are white. It's fucking wrong.

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t. Amerimutt

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Abbos are double niggers. Niggers managed to invent fire. Abbos forgot how to make fire.

>people unironically tolerate thug culture
>endless talk of lone wolf school shootings even though most school shootings are gang related
>they have us assfucked to the point just saying "gang related" is probably racist or something

I wonder how it is to be a normal black and know that gang culture owns your racial identity? Bad?

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Wait... really?

Can you tell me more tails of this 'abbos'? From that pic they look like waxwork figures of neanderthals

holy shit, this. didn't even think about that

I'd bleach up her offspring

Indigenous Australians, they're closest related to the Papua new Guinea nogs

Found another proletarian.

One thing I learned through my time earning my degree is that race, ethnicity, all is irrelevant. The only relevant thing is your socioeconomic surroundings. If a blacks gets geared by his guardians to learn and get a degree and his comrades are not niggers and "thugs" he will get a degree. Contrary if his companions are like the guy on the pic then he will.

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What's to tell. Australia was always shit with a dead heart. The coastal green band was bigger in the depths of prehistory but then Abbos set it all on fire presumably to exterminate the fucking huge lizards. The continent never recovered and the Abbos forgot how to make fire between then and less stupid people arriving.

At some point they knew how to make boats. When Europeans arrived they had forgotten how.

Their culture has remained unchanging for 40,000 - 50,000 years. In that time they have invented variations on the stick and sweet fuck all else.

They managed to undomesticate the dog.

Pedophilia, infanticide, fetal alcohol syndrome (generations of it), cannibalism, substance abuse and unemployment is hideously common in their communities.

They are a group of peoples without any notable redeeming features or accomplishments.

This is a nigger hate thread dedicated to comedy, no one here is impressed by your LARPing and no one here is going to compliment you for "being brilliant". Please attention whore on the appropriate boards.

So let me recap the niggers and sandniggers you know are all of low socioeconomic standing right? Surely that isn't because you yourself are a proletarian amirite ?

Well Guardians of the Galaxy was the white man's movie.

>socioeconomic surroundings

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Abbos didn't need boats, look up the earth during the ice age

>US Statistic
>gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

You are aware according to US Census Iranians are by far the most valuable socioeconomic asset of the whole country although they are a very small minority?

US statistics are so irrelevant it is astonishing. If we in affluent countries in the Unis use American statistics they literally laugh at us.

UK stats show blacks commit disproportionate amount of crimes too.

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That is actually a pretty decent pic. Don't make it white versus black, make it black versus asian.

You instantly remove the built in "racism" reaction when you don't use white.

More like white boy compensation thread. Stay mad, kids. Still wont get you laid.

I refuse to watch Black Panther. If I wanted to watch a bunch of niggers run around in dumb costumes I'd watch the NBA.

Stay Black. Still won't make your dad come home.

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Are you retarded or trolling ?
Look at Benelux or Dach statistics. But not statistics of poor ass countries like USA, UK or Mongolia.

Dach and Benelux countries intentionally try to place asylants in very affluent neighbrhoods. You never ever hear anything from those because they are forced to assimilate due to the socioeconomic pressure. The only "bad acts" you hear are from asylants being placed in random villages and/or places with low socioeconomic status. The rich people do not care about them because they have money. The asylants want to blend in because they see the people with money not caring.

But if you put those asylants in places where the money is already low it is normal they will go dipshit. This is simple Darwnisim.

Literally no headline worthy news ever regarding migrants in Dach/Benelux ever happened in high affluent places. If you ever visit those places you will know why. Those places make the whole of US/UK look like Afghanistan from 1000 years ago.

So you're saying filling your affluent areas with niggers and refugees makes is better than putting them in poor areas like The US and Uk do....

and you say that makes those countries seem like Afghanistan....

I think you're confused friend. Enjoy the slow decline of your gene pool.

So happy im not a nigger, enjoy being broke the rest of your shitty life

>I ran out of arguments lets use the worst argument I could ever think of

So let me recap. There are 200.000 people in one part of one of the most affluent cities in the world (which there are lots of in DACH/BENELUX). Now we place 100 migrants in the place with 200.000 people. Now we are filled with migrants. Makes sense. In the meantime the US, whose economy would completeley collapse if the 1 million Iranians left the country (look up the official statistics), is not right?

You are aware those behaving well get rewarded while those behaving bad get expelled?

I literally have nothing against anyone who is trying to assimilate themselves regardless what ethnicity. The fact that you do just proves you are of low socioeconmic standing. I hate niggers thugs and terrorists. Though neither do I hate nor like arabs or blacks.

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>Trying to argue with a communist
Why even bother they'll just keep creating lies faster than you can debunk them

Im mixed. What do you think of people like me, who got white in em too.

85% chance to be ugly as fuck

>He utterly destroyed my arguments with well thought out responses and trying to actually properly explain his standpoint
>Let's call him communist

Good job proletararian. But obviously I am a communist because the places where I live a village with 1.000 citizens has more money than 2.000.000 million people cities in the US/UK.