YLYL Sup Forums edition

I'll start



huh, really makes you think




>The only force that could bring us to our knees was our own.

Well, we keep inviting them, so we basically bring us to our knees.





More please

>Punics are greek which is white if I'm not mistaken.


Drifting away from the topic with the sound of eurobeat

Weren't Punics the guys who came from Karthago and all that? If so, they came from the area around Tunesia and non-white.

Sorry I've l'ost the other ones.

Almost done here

>The holocoaster

That's all for me folks, take care, always be critical, use your brain.
Nihil verum.



>Auschwitz Coaster Tycoon

I suppose I can dump a bunch

Not like I have anything better to do



Kek hadn't seen this one before


Kek fucking aussies



This is great and all but white people have never gone toe to tie with illuminati-lizard-people-tier Jews before, and we're losing hard.

They've got our newest generations on lockdown, and our contemporary generations are destroyed with race mixing and in fighting, we're ded.

That's another point as well, actually, lots of white people are chicken shit like me and believe we're already done for, there's really nobody "fighting the fight," as it were.



make your own thread reddit



pic unrelated

>calling someone reddit in a reddit r/Sup Forums YLYL thread


which one of you fuckers did this

Why does nobody discuss that Hillary is a literal cuckquean?

She is by definition a cuck

everything I dont like is reddit anyways :^)




It was so obviously written by a Sup Forumstard.

I wonder if the fuckers bought into it.


>Science proves God doesn't exist

Whole universe came from a lava egg lel

What a dunce. I would never let anyone know about my ADATA 32 GB hardware encrypted keychain on the internet



hmm really makes you think..

Thad "It was just a prank bro" McMichael

the full transcript is hilarious

All I have left now is stuff from other boards, let me know if I should bother to drop those here

haha so funny!

Holy shit got me on the first one.

go for it lad

ylyl threads have been a staple of Sup Forums culture since forever

just because you found this place through reddit doesn't mean we all did.

That's fucking good.

Alright then

Enjoy the glory of /fit/ and a few /k/

That picture folder part describes mine quite accurately.



Didn't the mongols raped europe so hard that practically every man is related to gengis khan?

If any of that is true, then USA truly is the most evil country in the world.

Oh, /r9k/

Home of the awkward



This is golden.

I've often considered donating sperm for the betterment of mankind, I have three children already with a 4th on the way - two so far genetically perfect but one has some allergies so I'm not going mad teaching him stuff.


dump more /k/ stuff those guys are a hoot


They're amazing


kek I've never seen the cardiac arrest pointed out

fucking kek

>Garlic bread memes

I don't know why this exists but I support it.



Holy shit that's great

Under rated

Never seen this one before. Pretty gud.

Help Im dying


1 in 200

How low does your IQ need to be to do this

No, that is East Asia.

holy fucking kek

>Is this mountain range affecting the murder rate?

Top kek

And a last classic from Sup Forums, six parter that I'm pretty sure everyone has saved by now



I honestly can't tell if this is bullshit or not.

Wait, was the male paralleling/being revealed as the same character at the end?



>that fucking comic

holy shit i need to know this author


Fucking hell.
I hate the social rejects, the only good boards are pol and fit

I got my FB page admin account banned for using that garlic bread meme fml

Dunno who made that stupid image, but #1 they're using the pulse oximetry reading to label her heart rhythm V-fib. #2 That EKG strip is improperly labeled. Should be V-tach