>not being a man of God
What's your excuse, Sup Forums?
>no marriage meme, no being cucked by females
>no degeneracy
>hate for Islam and Judaism
>follow based bishop Williamson
>not being a man of God
What's your excuse, Sup Forums?
>no marriage meme, no being cucked by females
>no degeneracy
>hate for Islam and Judaism
>follow based bishop Williamson
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is there an UFO on the picture behind him?
finally Sup Forums comes out as pederastic
It is the highest level red pill, the greatest tier of which goes to the hermits/monastics. Unfortunately we have a breakdown in order, starting with the Marxist nog installed as the putative pontiff.
Most Rev. Williamson doesn't recognize Bergoglio.
kek it's a hat
Pederasty only happens in the Vatican II neo-church.
>wasting your life for a magic sky daddy
>No degeneracy
Except for all those kidfuckers.
In the neo-church.
Nice edge, fedoralord.
uh...i know the author of this drawing, used to work at the same place...small world.
>hate for women
>hate in general
>wasting your life worshipping yourself
>Hate for sin*
>Having to put on a dress or get ordained to be a man of god
Annnnnnnd youve already missed the mark
lol nazi catholics ITT
represents something like 1% of the catholics
you're down to advertising for your church on a board filled with deviants, degenerates and milo the faggot lovers
>This video is not avalaible in your your country.
The jews cucked us so hard
Try typing Bishop Williamson holocaust into your search engine.
Become an Orthodox priest. You can be married, have children, grow a beard, and be metal.
>what is discipline?
>what is laying on of hands?
You wanted to sound smart but ended up coming across as dumb.
>le marriage meme
Enjoy your cuckolding, divorce and never seeing your offspring again.
My ID is goy.