How come more people don't do this?
>Born a dude
>Identify as a woman to participate in girl's sports in highschool
>Proceed to get female scholarship
How come more people don't do this?
>Born a dude
>Identify as a woman to participate in girl's sports in highschool
>Proceed to get female scholarship
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh equality
a hormone-deprived little boy destroys the best girls in a sport they feel they're very good at
Can't make this shit up senpai
It's even funnier when you think about the fact that female to male transsexuals couldn't compete in an all-male competition.
Just wait for trannies to get into football or other sports which pay a lot of money, people will be forced to either give milions for men to just annihilate women or admit that a transexual woman is not a real woman.
We need to support this, show them how retarded they are.
Everyone should push for transexuals integration into sports.
just imagine the butthurt
they would probably demand her/him/it getting a special price for participating
>Rightfully lash out
What's the matter bigots, can't you accept that we're all equal?
Sounds like bigotry to me. How dare they shout down equality in the name of their feelings.
equality only matters as long as womyn win desu
thats the whole point about equality
don't mind the dictionaries here
they are all written by cis
Trannies invading and dominating woman sports is maybe the slap of reality that SJW deserve.
Just like
>Your rights end where my feelings begin
This is
>Our equality ends when your superiority begins
how weird, its almost like men are better than women
The Dark Ages weren't so bad
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but there are no differences between the sexes!!!!
I fucking love stuff like this, because it really shows how impossible and retarded the whole "accept everyone and tolerate everyone as equals" agenda is.
Also this shit is inevitable, because it's basically an integrated part of their narrative.
You just wait till the ladyboys start winning beauty contests by the thousands and we'll see these fuckers really lash out.
In the end, the whole thing will implode due to infighting.
All it takes is some time and that's it.
Just grab the popcorn and watch it crumble to shit during the next few years.
old image is pic related desu
pretty sure the only people who denied that men were stronger were an elite type of academic denial-Jew
>finishes 3rd, 5th
Cunt's a disgrace
Holy shit.... As a white man... I am going to
>identify as a half black half native american female
>get all the scholarships forever
>get all the welfare forever
Can I identify as a war vet also?... Can we just make up what ever the fuck we want now for infinite benefits?!
Just nuke Murica
Disgusting vile cuck mongrel kike controlled melting pot shithole fag "nation" of queers and retards
This was in Alaska of all places. No where is safe from SJeW's
>The country's football bosses have been branded 'unethical' for fielding the genetically more powerful players.
das sexist fuckin bigots
jokes aside, it happene in Iran so yeah who the fuck cares, I want it to happen here in europe where football is more "powerful"
Is this real?... If trannys have a flag do they have a fucking country? Jesus butt fuck
Holy shit, these guys took it to a whole 'nother level.
Did an American take your gyro or something? Our kike media and their political puppets would have you think faggots were more than 1% of the population.
Dunno. Can I identify as every feminist's mother's fucker and get triggered if they don't call me "dad"?
I've got bad news for you, user
fucking disgusting
the picture summarizes the situation perfectly
No the big changing point is when the olympics gets 100% dominated by men. Currently, the olympics allows any transgender person to compete as the gender they feel even without getting a surgery.
Men will absolutely act like women to get into the olympics. Imagine this, you're working your ENTIRE life to get to the olympics but when it comes to the point where you can no longer stay competitve with the top men. All you have to do is claim youre a woman, and boom! You're set. SO many people would do this if it means winning medals, and I think a lot of countries will take advantage of this, if they haven't already.
Reminds me of Joe Rogan calling out that transgender female mixed martial artist Fallon Fox
Then what are they even whining about?
Veteran of equality wars
With whose nukes?
call it what it is, a mentally ill man
>Usain Bolt starts behaving like a woman and sets the women's sprint world record so high no one will be able to set a new one ever again
>Tranny competes as female, people lose their shit
But but but, muh feminism and equality.
I love how every few years there's a kid pitching in little league who's way too good so all the parents get together and vote to ban him from the league because their kids all suck at baseball.
im strongly considering something similar to this and then bringing discrimination lawsuits when i dont get my way. also possibly hanging out in women's restrooms until some chick gets creeped out and after they remove me i sue them. im going to try doing it part-time and if it works i will make it my career.
>points and laughs
alright Sup Forums, which 8 are the guys? my picks.
>females outperform males in school
>still need female-only scholarships
This is the real problem here.
lmao Iran is diehard about this shit.
Is their team name the Black Widows?
literally the futurama episode irl
trannies actually believed this would work
How about you worry about your own countries issues before worrying about others
But trannies have always been welcome in Boston...
welcome to OD and die in the gutter
welcome to get AIDS and die in the gutter
welcome to get internal hemorrhaging from gay sex and die in the gutter
they have many options.
Are they sure they didn't just join to get in the same showers?
>females outperform males in highschool
>they all go into social and arts anyway
why do they bother trying so hard if they want to be useless anyway?
>Born male
>From Thailand
So basically a woman
>dudes exploiting trannyism to get female privilege
fuck it, i'm 100% on board
hack the system, then go rape a lesbian
trannies are literally the smartest straight men in a pozzed, man-hating society
And that kid goes on to do nothing because his has-been father destroys his arm by having him throw curve balls when he's nine.
>why do they bother trying so hard
they don't try very hard
schools are just designed to punish boys who do try hard
Cuz didn't you know they get oppressed and raped daily by cis white male scum? Check your privilege
I was thinking of doing this for a bodybuilding competition because acquiring roids is illegal here. At least with ugly bitches on anavar I may have a chance being natty myself.
Not gonna lie, if I was growing up right now in this tranny dick sucking atmosphere we live, I'd pull a move just like this. Go back to identifying as male once I graduate college, say I'm genderfluid.
when's a good time for a kid to start throwing curveballs?
what's a good progression for a kid to peak as a pitcher somewhere around college?
how so? Arent your end of highschool exams marked without the marker knowing the students details?
>However, other Alaskan high schoolers at the event disagreed with the protests. “It’s cool that she’s got the confidence to be here,” one male high schooler said.
emotional arguments are seen as sound by the average stupid teenager/college SJW.
arguing with them is worse than arguing with creationists used to be. at least creationists had actual arguments sometimes and not 100% fallacies
>Go back to identifying as male
once you get used to raping girls in locker rooms with impunity it's probably pretty hard to give up
There's a tranny in low-level MMA that basically just beats the shit out of women
are roids really illegal? i recently found out my buddy has been doing them
>end of highschool exams
I remember reading an article that most lawyers in Morocco of all countries are women and in many countries there are more female than male doctors. Those are real professions for smart people, smarter than most Sup Forumsacks by far.
Depends on the drug but most likely yet
There's a Tranny in the UFC that just goes around battering women.
So essentially, SJWs are destroying women's sport.
UFC didn't let him in - he's in a lower-tier league
I can't wait to have transgender female gymnast. They were already on the bulk side. That's going to be really weird to look at.
Arent they all that matter for admission into uni?
or do burgers do it differently
even effeminate tranny faggots are better at sports than strong wymyn
Females do not have a biological advantage in typical track and field events. Only on specific events that really test endurance will they have an advantage. Extreme long distance running and swimming for instance.
Even there women's records aren't usually much better than men's, but at that point we're looking at the more men training hard effect rather than women not being competitive by their nature effect.
Well with most men off on jihad the women need to do something.
doctors are basically nurses with better degrees and more responsibility. medical research is what the smart potential doctors go into.
the main difficulty in being a lawyer is having a good memory. law school isn't that tough if you can remember most things without too much difficulty, and being able to know everything about a certain field of law is pretty much the only thing necessary for specialization.
not sure what drug. little bottles of liquid with russian writing on them. they look illegal. he flies around the country with it though and doesnt seem to be worried about going through security.
and important business roles are all male dominated, with useless departments like HR existing to fill gender quotas.
the bulk of useful jobs still go to males even if a single profession shows differently
That's just Russian Fly. You slip some in a girl's drink and she gets all horny and shit.
Good point of view. Instead of raging, just enjoy the show. This will get hilarious in the end.
Majority of them are. No one gives a shit. It's analogous to smoking weed in the legal sense.
The Olympic games will never be the same again. Say goodbye to womens competition. Just make it mens and trannies.
Sounds like "problematic science" if you ask me.
Anyway, feminists got what they wanted and to be honest, it would be absolutely hilarious if trannies begin taking over women's sports.
>that moment people realize that the hole they've been digging is their own grave
Fuck them, let them rot. Only a matter of time before men hold all records, male and female.
cops care more about weed than they do steroids t b q h
>girls rightfully lash out
B-but muh equal pay for equal work?
All of a sudden feminists care about prison rape.
>admit that a transexual woman is not a real woman.
Yeah fucking right, they'll find any way to mentally gymnastic around it. I applaud the hope, though.
Tell me again why we care?
Is the tranny flag at half-master because of Prince?
Most of the cops I know are on steroids.
Or gave it up and got fat.
Keep it away from the kids though until your hormones stabilize in adulthood you can actually do damage.
The queer flag is at half mast all the time because of the amount of faggots that kill themselves everyday.
Wonder if there are women's sports team I can exploit in my area!
Then again I have self respect and personal integrity.
They put it at half mast everytime one of them kills themselves. So its always at half mast.
>Then again I have self respect and personal integrity.
>posts on a chinese cartoon porn website
That is what will happen at the Olympic Games if they let transgenders compete, women getting btfo left and right. The butthurt will be glorious.
Some of the comments are gold
>tfw could have been state champion
>born wrong gender
Can I do this and get cheaper car insurance rates?
I have a feeling tranny fag guys will just slowly take over women's sports, and women will try to sink into the men's sports.
then we will have male and female segregated leagues again until people rinse and repeat.