Repeal the 2nd amendment. Do it now. Don't make us send the government to take your arms by force. We will vote you out

Repeal the 2nd amendment. Do it now. Don't make us send the government to take your arms by force. We will vote you out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>dense or bait

You have no idea what it takes to repeal an ammendment. It will never happen. No soldier would agree to try to disarm a citizen. You make laugh.

Your mom gay niggerfaggot

>You have no idea what it takes to repeal an ammendment. It will never happen. No soldier would agree to try to disarm a citizen. You make laugh.

This. And honestly, politicians do not want to disarm people. What is happening right now is what they want - they want people getting pissed off about an issue, because then it becomes a talking point in election cycles. They get extra hard for unsolvable issues like this, "climate change", other things.


They're not trying to repel the 2nd amendment you stupid fucking fearmonger.

This will all blow over soon enough.

Yes she is. What's your point?

Do u even lift bro?

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Thots and prayers forever.

Yeah, they just want to make it as weak as possible
>you have the right to bear arms, except for full-auto, semi-auto, “assault weapons”, high-capacity mags, and anything we find scary looking

>No soldier would agree to try to disarm a citizen.
Yeah because soldiers are known for their resistance against the government. They totally do not just follow orders blindly, like the horde of sheeps they are.

she looks more like a man than he does. what a cunt and her pussy friend!

Come and take my guns like what was done in Australia and you will get them....Bullets First

While they certainly aren't known for being intelligent or having ethical standards of any kind they aren't likely to go door to door disarming us if ordered to do so.

Fuck it take the 1st while your at it....

Most soldiers are fiercely patriotic... it's why they signed up. Oh, and they like guns and are generally conservative.

You may be a bit of an idiot, friend.


You're living in a liberal fantasy land, and being manipulated all the way. Time to grow up, Son.

So a faggot and a lesbian immigrant want to take my guns. Sounds about right.

I just find it strange that they think no one can be trusted with guns except for the government, who should take everyone else's guns by violence.

Because the government is the only one we can trust, they never mess up or are in the news for shooting minorities without cause.


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Listen, you people need to figure this out, and spread the word.

Tides Foundation (the people who organize progressive rallying, bus people en masse to fake protests, etc) are paying trolls to post here. You can call it a conspiracy theory all you want, but it's just a fact. Search the Internet Archives, and you'll be able to see videos and memos of their very own mission statements from years ago. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's reality.

Google "Tides Foundation" and start reading. Get to know the people who have taken over Sup Forums. Most of the BLACKED, anti-gun, anti-Trump etc threads started here, especially the copypasta ones, are part of a Tides campaign. It's designed to sow civil unrest and divide us. The harder we are pushed, the more we act out. The more we act out, the more ammunition we give progressives to use against us.

They are trying to change the "tide" or direction of society. That's where the name comes from. They are simply professional shit disturbers.

They pay the minimum wage of your state, and all you have to do is make posts on YouTube, Reddit, Sup Forums, and a few other places for 1-6 hours per day, depending on several factors.


Don't let them control the discussion.

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>Most soldiers are fiercely patriotic
Whoa slow down there you might offend the snowflake

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>Repeal the second amendment
That's not quite how it works, user.

>Most soldiers are poor and dumb and have no better options than to join the military.


They are always hiring managers, too. Look at this job posting for management:

Read between the lines... look at the wording:

>A high level of emotional intelligence and the ability to use that intelligence to appropriately adapt to stakeholders’ needs

>The ability to effectively help communicate complex and nuanced messages to a variety of audiences, including adapting style, tone, and content to meet various needs

>emotional intelligence
>nuanced messages
>adapting style, tone, content

Basically, be a bullshit artist and shit disturber.

>poor and dumb
>describes democrat voter rolls

You're the welfare state.

If the gov't is disarming me they can do it a bullet at a time

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Poor and stupid blacks end up voting Den. Poor and stupid whites end up in the military whining about a nonexistent mental disorder (PTSD)

Still done more than you have

>hurr durr muhh rights to own a nukes
Don’t be such a faggot


>>No soldier would agree to try to disarm a citizen.
>Yeah because soldiers are known for their resistance against the government. They totally do not just follow orders blindly, like the horde of sheeps they are.

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Yes, you shouldn’t have limits that ban weapons from law-abiding citizens

>average enlisted man's family is from above average socio-economic background
>average enlisted man has 105 IQ
>average enlisted man has more education than his age group peers
It's almost like you've got it backwards


Where you getting those stats bro? Your CO give them to you?

i think somebody should use guns to kill those two airheads

Yes, your rocket launcher if you can afford

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The census,
Let me guess - that second semester of Communications broke your spirit?

No he doesn't. I bet he gets picked last.

>i think somebody should use guns to kill those two airheads
At the very least a vidya game of tracking these two little shits down and pumping them full of hot lead.

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Google it. Enlisted personnel have a higher rate of bachelor diplomas than general population, although general population has been getting closer.
Idk about the higher iq thing.

holy shit that game would get a lot of hits

that's a winning app right there i tell you what

CS mod?

Tide pod eating thread?

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The IQ is skewed by the number of enlisted men with high score sought out for intelligence programs


How come Kyle Kashuv doesn't get airtime?

distraction as always, has us talking about what they want, not what they dont want... after this we can go back to loving/hating trump or cops or whatever else they need to distract us with.

no, just make us not want them anymore, after they get rid of 30 round magazines, you won't even miss your 15 round, 10 will seem fine, and then 7 will seem overkill, enjoy your single fire as much as you can...

see, he gave up his guns long ago...

They both look like school shooters.

if you have tank, RPG, or full auto money, you don't have depression

soy boys and lesbians would just kill themselves and no one would care.

How book smart you have to be to be an officer helps a bit as well.

>see, he gave up his guns long ago...


i'm surprised picking of teams is even allowed in schools these days. too many snowflakes get their feelies hurt

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how many tens of millions do you think are willing to die fro their right? how many liberal spineless fucks are willing to die to take them away from us? plus you have to consider the rogue soldiers who would switch and fight for the bill of rights. but yeah, there is at least 30 million people that would be willing to fight to the death for their rights. we have 324 million people in the country in all

Your right I'm old back when we weren't pussies.

Who is that ? I don't understand why all like them ?

2/10 bait. Read it entirely to see if your seeious. Enjoy your (you)