Lil Peep belongs in the Sup Forums Essentials chart

So now that Lil Peep is officially a Sup Forumscore artist, which one of these two releases should be added to the official Sup Forums essentials charts?

Which one would you say is his definitive release?

Other urls found in this thread:

Crybaby mixtape

I’d say hellboy. it’s a more complete picture of what he did. Imo castles 2 is the best project he was part of but it’s just an ep

Definitely Hellboy.

I think Hellboy is better at displaying his abilities as a rapper and a vocalist.

None. Not even joking he's Sup Forumscore

Just because he died and everyone’s mending about it doesn’t mean he’s a Sup Forums-core artist
None of his projects are on the level of Untrue, Spiderland, Loveless, or Lift Yr Skinny Fists.

I’m retarded

>be given the gift of fame at a tender young age
>riches fortune, people care about what you say and do
>still pretends to be depressed and that life is HaAArrRRddDD
>forces himself into addiction bcuz DRUgS R c00L
>perpetuate a malicious culture that destroys innocence and ruins lives
>divine justice is delivered and he's sent straight to fucking hell before he could do anymore damage

am i supposed to be sad?

Better than American Football's shitty album at least.

Sup Forumscore doesn't even exist anymore, that era is dead my men. Not really worth curating some autistic list of a board full of 14 year old losers and 30 year old Virgina's most discussed albums anyway. There are better ways to spend your time like doing literally anything else.

>that era is dead my men

i miss being a kid

Lil Peep Part One, seriously, it's by far his best release and no one talks about it, wtf.

Skinny fists is also garbage though

Just fuck 18 year old girls and try not to lose your hair. Eventually you'll get depression and kill yourself before you become geriatric.

Say that to my face fucker and not online

>18 year old girls
is it wrong to do this if i'm 25?

Whichever one it will be it will replace LYSFLATH because no one cares about that shit anymore

>Leave for two week
>Sup Forums loves shitty nigger soundcloud rappers now
Wtf happened?

It's a case by case sort of deal, I guess. As long as both parties are on board I don't see the problem.

how do you think i feel?

Wrong board, you fucking imbecile.

How many times do I have to tell you.


The only ones who will care are 18 yr old boys who dont want their crush getting slammed by an adult man.

Do you actually like this garbage?

How is it garbage?

Lil Peep was legitimately extremely talented.


Okay all jokes aside, are you actually serious or are you just memeing/baiting?

Listen to Girls or White Wine and see for yourself.

That was unironically [spoiler]fucking terrible[/spoiler]

lmao alrighty, back to the daily memeing schedule then

First: spoilers don't work on Sup Forums lmao
Second: that was the user's joke (or at least i hope so)

Okay, can you explain to me why do you think that song is bad?

It's a fantastic slow jam.

>Horrible vocals
>Over used tempo with inconsistent beats
>Meaningless lyrics

this is insane. that chart hasn't been changed in years. think about all the music that should be added years and years before lil peep is even considered. i pray that this is bait.

Lyrics aren't just meaningless, they're banal as fuck.

Rap is garbage. Get this shit off my board. If you like Lil Peep you need to literally kill yourself.

neither, tragic as his death is, Sup Forumscore he is not


I agree.

What are you doing here?

Who's going to spam Drumpf memes on Sup Forums if you're here?


>If you like Lil Peep you need to literally kill yourself.

imagine being such a hate filled person you actually would say something like this. It's all love bro people like different music that's ok. I feel bad for you and I hope you get better soon. There is no need for hatred.

>if you don't like shitty junkie music then you're a nazi
Why is everything political to you?

>u dont like rap? ur just Sup Forums boogeyman!!!
Just because your favorite genre of music is objectively fucking horrible doesn't mean I'm racist.

Actually apparently the poltards love lil peep now that they found out he was anti-semitic lol. For once they came up with a funny meme

Why are you using that as a response?
First little peep is white, second it's completely unrelated and an obvious attempt to hide the fact you don't have a better response.

Third I don't use Sup Forums garbage but since you clearly have no taste I think you'll fit in well there.

t. lil fentanyl fan

no but it's your last year, so get away with it while you can.

>it's your last year
oh man goddamn


>responding to falseflagging
just let the thread die if it aggravates you

This is so fucking forced. At least let his body get cold, or do you already know in the back of your mind that when that happens he'll be forgotten?

Come Over When You're Sober pt.2 will solidify his legacy.

Did he even complete that?

Mark my words this will become Sup Forumscore


i thought this already was

>So now that Lil Peep is officially a Sup Forumscore artis
So I guess AC/DC is too then?

He supposedly has a lighthearted and fun album with ilovemakonen ready to drop. He's older brother talked about it an interview after his passing. Looking forward to that shit

it already is user

Fuck you

It will either replace American Football as Sup Forumss new favorite emo album or the Animal Collective album because Animal Collective is the only artist worse than Lil Peep on that chart.

Very few people on Sup Forums actually liked peep's music before he died and very few will still care about it in a couple months.

That's what they said on Sup Forums when Cobain died

Hellboy should replace American Football, it's a better album anyway.

So when/how do we vote on this and make it official?

>that few weeks after the beatles broke up where everyone’s /chart/s would have at least 3 of their albums
Plebs never change

You should be impressed he accomplished everything he say he would. Fuck you doing user

Lil Pump > Lil Peep

>people unironically believe this


Lil peep is definitely mucore. He was posted here a ton even before he died

rip lil peeper

what the FUCK is this chart?

the true Sup Forumscore is and always will be

Kid A

Hospice was the last true Sup Forumscore album

and lil peep

lil peep is neo-Sup Forumscore like death grips

some one hit me with the lil peep essentials flowchart

Listen to Hellboy.

If you don't like at least one song, Lil Peep isn't for you.

Then listen to Crybaby.

Then listen to Come Over When You're Sober pt.1

Then listen to any of his soundcloud leftovers.

damn i was being ironic but thank you

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Why do you faggot keep taking soundcloud dreadlock face tattoo rappers seriously like they're actual people
at this point the concept of Sup Forumscore is retarded but it seriously does need updated but nobody will ever agree on anything so who even gives a shit

This is the wrong opinion

He died

yup man you got it all figured out
nothing is like that in real life, peep was just a kid who made music and he didn't deserve to die.

He is only relevant because he died?

This is Sup Forumscore

Pet Sounds always felt really out of place honestly

why'd you have to throw TPaB in there?, the album is too recent

These are the presently most commonly appreciated on Sup Forums. They cover a variety of styles and, even if they don't necessarily appeal to you, they're relatively uncontroversial.

Just be happy I didn't put Grimes.

oh I see, so you are just posting your own chart and passing it off as something many people agreed on. ok. Actually a number of people on here I've seen shit on TPaB

>why'd you have to throw TPaB in there?, the album is too recent

Because it has supplanted MBDTF as the generation defining Hip-Hop album. Either way, MBDTF's over-the-top production hasn't aged too well in the post-Trap "rapverse." Years from now, Yeezus will be more highly regarded.

I don't listen to rap, but if we are talking about Sup Forums as it is, TPAB generally better liked than MBDTF. People have soured to Kanye West lately.

What the fuck is this thread

what are you gonna do you soy boy pussy faggot

more like numale core

All fucking terrible low-test nu male music