We asked young londoners why they want britain to remain in the eu

>As the final day to register to vote in the upcoming referendum arrives and Britain reaches fever pitch over the future of its place in the EU, we take to the streets of London and find out why young Brits don't want a Brexit. A cultural capital made great by its wealth of nationalities, talent and ideas, follow Holly Falconer's lens as young Londoners cut through the doublespeak of politicians and make their voices heard, straight up.


what's your take on this, Sup Forums?

Of course all of them give meme answers such as VISA free travel, WHICH YOU CAN ALREADY DO. 99.99% of these people would never actually go and work in another country.

This article is perfectly captures how the brainwashed goyim think.

>What do you say to those who want to leave the EU? Britain isn't an empire anymore, we're stronger United.

LOL. Eternal Anglos BTFO. How will they ever recover?

how are they so ugly

>made great by multiculturalism


What do you say to those who want to leave the EU? Read more.

Translation: ARE YOU KIDDING ME???

Why are young people so fucking stupid?

They're the best educated generation in all of time, what the fuck went so horribly wrong?

>Why are you Vote Remain?
So we can freely travel to some of the incredible dance floors in Spain, Germany, France, Holland and beyond. Plus I would like the chance for more people to freely be able to come over here and dance.

Anglos are already dead inside.

We won the war but lost the peace.


that's not even that guy's best soundbite

>Why are you Vote Remain?
Because boys in Europe are hot.

Man they all look like typical hipsters from fucking Melbourne.

is it anglo or half nigglet?

whats the difference?

>No man is an island

That may be true, but Britain isn't a man, it's literally a fucking island.

London, Glasgow and South England should be nuked.

These articles are meant to appeal to 20-somethings who will likely vote Remain because of muh travel and """""unity""""". That's why they dress them in fashionable clothes and make them look cool.

Some of those bitches are hot.


All the more reason to disregard anything that comes out of their mouths. Good looks promote intellectual laziness.

Also most of these bourgois liberal shits have dual passports and rich daddies who paid for their gap yah to indiah

>fashion designer
>"Social Editor"

notice anything?

Good goy. I want a European Federation ala USA.

Whatever it fucking takes. Corrupt politicats, loss of personal freedom WHATEVER the fuck it takes.

You will all be a BIG BLUE BLOB SOON ENOUGH.

>not being globalist jew shilling

This is why we need to murder all the jews before they kill us.

They're all millenial hipsters?

Why is globalism bad user? I want my mar colonies and my fusion reactors. Fucking nations can't agree on jackshit. Instead they spend bilions on fucking border security and shit.

Just make it all global. And keep the muslims in their own shitholes with some excust like "you guys gotta develop this part of the world" not everyone can live in the developed world.


>all meme reasons like we're stronger together
Literally not an argument

T-the EU are the good guys! You shouldn't be skeptical of internationalism and if you are you need to get EDUCATED baka bruh

So you have a points/needs based immigration system for individual districts? You are a fucking idiot.


wtf... they don't even look british!


that must have been a hell of a snipe hunt I've been there

There's a lot more of these coming to you if you don't brexit

Can they not see the irony?

Thats his point, user.
Also, where is USA??

Some of the most retarded answers imaginable. They're pretty much all concerned about their own conveniences and selfish desires instead of the good of the country, and the ones who actually gave political answers are just flatout wrong.

>my island nation isnt an island

Melbourne 10 years ago, maybe.

Most people from Melbourne today look like they come from Sudan and Somalia. Because they do.

we cherry picked young (((Londeners)))

they said they wanted to stay in the EU so they don't get gassed.


To be honest, a Remain vote is all I need to truly consolidate my position of not giving a fuck.

I used to sympathise with young people who couldn't get on the housing ladder and were basically pissing away any sort of pension they had because they can't save but if they vote to stay, then fuck it; I'm going full Gordon Gekko. Enjoy living with four other people in cramped conditions well into your forties, you dumb cunts.

Now THAT is the face of the Eternal Anglo. Absolutely disgusting.

We voted NO to enter Europe by referendum, the result : politicians passed it against the people.

English politicians will do the same.

Because our respective polticians, controls nothing.

I've never seen such a disgusting specimen in my entire life

>the balding
>the glasses
>the stache
>the tat
>the weight
>the posture

Nigga I'm a 5'7 manlet and even I feel better after looking at this faggot

vice is worse than ass cancer

You can see his manboobs aswell. It's like they found the most repulsive cunt they could.

Pics or fuck off.

>saved as ModernEnglishman.jpeg

I'm still laughing at the jobs these people have. They didn't ask one person with a real job.

They look entirely British what are you talking about?

I always get called defeatist for saying this but the UK voting to remain will be the final straw that will make me choose a non-retarded country to live in and work my arse off to get there. Hell, even leaving will be a minuscule and easily mitigated step in the right direction.

>no country by itself

>60% white
Nice try Pedro

But seriously . . .VICE.COM . . . .. . do you realise what this is????? . . .. . .it's Tumblr x10

>the streets of London and find out why young Brits don't want a Brexit
because most of them are children of muslim immigrants

The joke

Your head

>If you were a politician, what would you do differently?
>More gentrification

I don't think he knows that means kicking out all the poor, or shit maybe he does

>hurr durr . . .I was only joking guys.

t.Jamal Herdandez

Define real job.

Why do they all look like some sort of weird pseudo-early 90s american?

I havent left the house in years, is that how people dress now??

>older generation
That guy ain't exactly young.

Something that isn't 'fashion designer/DJ'.

>best educated

who did the educating

it says he's 27


Or 'journalist/PR'


The one on the left is clearly President Obama's son.
The one in the middle is clearly a Mexican wetback.
The one on the right is some kind of Eastern European gypsy.

So, really, they look more American than British. And in the USA, they'd all be considered white.

>Factory worker
>Truck driver
>ugh, those professions are for inbreds that dont live in our hip metropolis

I wonder what happens when we ask people that actually do labor

They get paid, that's a job.

>Europe will not survive
What does she mean by this?

Where did his chin go?

It already left the EU.

Blogging isn't paid journalism. And being the PR fag for your friend's failed startup isn't a real fucking job.

and it resides where my sides have gone

Fuck it, who am I kidding. We're both fucked. How did we let it come to this, Britain?

that's my take on it.

>No man is an island

But Britain literally is an island...

Most educated =/= best educated.

>Millenials think this way because we say so!

So sick of this fucking meme from the media. I know very few, if any, white millenials who lean left wing and I spend a lot of time in blue states.

They are 9/10 in the UK and will probably be paid EU taxpayer money to roam the streets on referendum day and drag thirsty betas into the voting booths where they are allowed to touch their boobs for a second (above clothing!) in exchange for a "stay" vote. There will be hundreds of these skanks, I tell ya.

The years / London life / genetics has not been kind to this man.

Yeah, those "jobs" require them to continue to be supported and propped up by their rich parents.

Why do I get the feeling some old jew came up with that slogan?

He got creepy ass pedo written all over him.

mom jeans, parted hair, baggy fits - early/mid '90s is normie fashion now

I don't know what to make of this

It pisses me off that the people they are asking aren't even working real jobs, at least jobs that the majority works.

Basically after we stay in people are going to get wind of the fact that non-ethnic British have overwhelmingly voted in and cost the native popularuon their liberty.

After this the pendulum is only going to swing harder right.

Tiny island.

Tiny Gene Pool.

Most densely populated country in Europe. Fuck off ignorant burger.

Man you brits really like inbreeding.

Holy shit brits are so fucking cucked.

Well at least it's not miscegenation

>inb4 brexit wins
>inb4 they expell all europeans and keep importing jamaican,s pakis, indians, niggers...

Don't trust the Anglo! Remember the Bleiburg massacre and the betrayal of the Cossacks

That fucking generation. I'm 30 and I'd rather take a step forward on my own two feet & fall than be dragged pathetically or pushed through life on a fucking buggy like these fucks.

Pride, dignity, decorum; all things soon to be long forgotten. For queen & country, the greater good.

Young people simply have had less time to adjust to the realities of life. If they keep learning and growing, most of them will become sensible over time. Foolishness of the youth is not just a meme.

We're a fucking island, you tosser.

>how are they so ugly
photos of unusually beautiful people versus photos of normal people, the normal people look uglier because the sample's skewed. Realistically the average English street looks about as attractive as the average French, German or American ones that I saw.

Sooo Vice has basically completely abandoned journalistic integrity and are shilling a single side of a debate? Can't say I'm surprised, I stopped reading around when the Arab Spring started.

>journalistic integrity

>he actually believes this

>he thinks young people are educated and not indoctrinated with cultural marxism