How do we fix these countries?
How do we fix these countries?
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Paramilitary uprising. Installment of ethnonationalist government with capital in Göteborg. Expulsion of cuck voters, Sami and non-Nords.
>Remove EU
>Remove Kebab
>Form pale alliance with Benelux, Greater Britanny, Germany, Alpine and northern Italy. Certain slavoids may be made available for consideration at a later date.
>Socio-cultural Profit
finns: remove russia for finnish empire
iceland: buy greek islands for island empire bigger than united britainistan
denmark, sweden, norway: form union and remove filthy krauts from danish clay (schleswig-holsstein)
We wait for things to get bad enough for people to care
Nordic alcohol culture is responsible, that's all it is.
Help get SD elected.
Why would anyone ever have anything against sami people
Why do we need to fix Norway and Denmark? They are based.
Fly over them and release airborne testosterone which can be absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs.
This will actually just make everyone more manly not the targeted ones.
Sami are gibsmedats and the ''oppressed'' natives like the injuns in North america, disgusting creatures desu..
Exyougos, somalis, turks, kurds, menas. Too many of them.
They are inbred foreign asiatic filth on European soil? Same group like jews or gupsies. Been around in Europe, still foreign.
Which one has remained most faithful to protestant christianity in the 21st century?
>leave Sweden to rot, there's nothing to be done at this point
>lessen dependence on fossil fuels so Norway has to become an actual country instead of oil trust fund
>let Putin annex Finland, that should happen back in 1940
>Iceland is cool I guess, I wouldn't lump it together with these social engineering exercises
As far as I know, Denmark and Norway actually reject and deport a large number of migrants.
>No Eesti in pic
I cry every tim
So what? A lot of those subhumans have citizenship.
That's cool.
Norway would fully support and join in the fight to get the back land that rightfully belongs to Finland if they want to.
sorry eesti :(
Not sure but I fixed the picture
>Simon Kvamm
I don't care. I am slightly triggered.
Norwegian rapebaby potato nigger