Ask an immigrant from el Salvador anything
Inb4 beaner go back to mexico
Are you legal?
beaner go back to mexico
beaner go back to mexico
beaner go back to mexico
You better be here legally pendejo
beaner go back to mexico
What % European are you?
Can I go live in your old house in El Salvador not pay taxes get free health care, scholarship program, and can I speak English without ever having to learn the native tongue?
Salvadoreño, do not come here
beaner go back to mexico
How did you get past the Mexican Army at the Mexican Southern border?
Did you see any drug smuggling, rapes on your way to 'merica?
Yes and no
Nice try Judge Curiel
Do Mexicans hate you? Is there a drug war in el Salvador too?
Go back
1.I pay more taxes than this fucking crackers in the welfare offices,2.that is true,3.the minute they gave me my work visa they made me take a test that forced me to learn english
Go back before we force you to
40 percent
Sure as soon as you crackers stop blaming Hispanics for all the problems you and the niggers created
Mara salvatrucha y la bandia 18 are destroying the country and the government is so shitty they can't do anything to stop them
Sounds good so far.. Tell me more about your arduous journey and THE CHOICE YOU MADE to come here. Because it's a better quality of life and environment to thrive in.
Now you get why AMERICANS are protective of it
I was in a truck the whole time on my trip so yes
As soon as Hispanics quit trying to hijack a society they couldn't create or maintain.
Yes allowing illegal immigrants to shit out babies, drain our healthcare system, and waste money in public school is a big problem.
America is a strange case for me,they were the ones that destroyed my country and the nation that took me in,so I hate/love the nation,with a little more on the love,plus I understand why the Yankees are so protective of it
>implying the nation without immigrants wouldn't do that already
But I agree the breeders are a huge problem
So your saying that Argentina, Brazil, Colombia,Cuba, central america,and even the shithole mexico have zero society?
Kys maricon frijolero,vos es lo que asé la raza verse como un chingo de degenerados
Sure am señor pls no deport
The USA has been twisted into what it was never supposed to be. We are a Republic, not a democratic republic. We have been staving off this inevitable conflict for over 100 years.
The open border policy is yet again another blow to you and your countrymen.
The democrats are using you, they are helping the "poor neighbors from next door" just so they can have your vote and keep you where they want you.
It's not your skin or your heritage. It's your state of entrance to the US
Just keep it legal Luiz
The liberals I think are more discriminative than conservatives,they let in all my people and turn them into degenerates only for votes,instead of citizenship a work visa would be enough,that's how I'm here now,all la raza that truely wants the american dream should be allowed that opportunity but not through bullshit welfare where it brings us down,but through work visas where we all work for the better of the nation
Heard that the amry/police are basically throwing human rights out the windows and are killing degenerate gangs by the truck load now, is it true?
What about the anti gang death squads?
Hallo fellow salvadoran, was born here but lived most of my youth over in san miguel, where my dads from, (mum is from sonsonate)
When did you leave and from where? and porque?
The topic was .
> I'm an immigrant from El Salvador ask
Me anything
The Salvadorian is now residing in the US. Why did he choose the US?
Yeah they can't keep it civilized. With a population in El Salvador at 6.38 million that's not even 6% of California's population. Kek
And South American citizens are climbing over walls and dragging themselves through deserts, not because they are awesome but more so because their countries can't maintain a civil Society even with that pittance of a populace with those abundant resources... Everyone should be a lot better off.. Oh yeah corruption shall
I go on.?
Only small vigilante militias are doing that,not the government
>So your saying that Argentina, Brazil, Colombia,Cuba, central america,and even the shithole mexico have zero society?
Yeah. If you had a fucking worth while society you wouldn't have to come to my nation then you dumb fuck spick. You are a step above niggers but, thats about it. Now gtfo of my country before I reinvent southern hospitality with a pickup truck and a AR-15
How effective are these Anti degenerate squads? Are small towns safer after the streets are clean?
I'm Salvadorian, Mother immigrated legally I was born in US, no OP btw
not him but it doesn't happen as often as you think. at least in most areas outside the capital. The squads aren't always good, I've ONLY HEARD that they take bribes and extort local businesses eventually. I cant tell you with certainty though, just family talk
>country smaller than many us states
>expects more population
Anyway the reason the nations society, I admit are shit is because of years of murican "Democratic" intervention also
>implying America has way,WAY less corruption than the Latin nations plus
>small population
>"hurt durr beaners like to shit out kids"
Anyway yeah keep going
Did the mean old beaners make fun of you again so that's why you act like a tough guy on Sup Forums?Also according to your logic if you immigrate your nation has no society...well in that case
>and Irish
Have no society?
Nope,then the militias get shot up in a drive by or blown up in a bus normally
Compa no puedo decir que año deje el peublo ,pero si puedo decir que soy de santa Ana y que venge a América para el sueño
Dont you eat beans too?
>beaner means Mexican
>spic means all others
Yeah but you eat beans too
And tortillas so yeah