>There will literally never be a school shooting in the UK
Americunts BTFO
>There will literally never be a school shooting in the UK
Americunts BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 Muslims shoot up a school
No worry the Muslims will bomb them
Would rather have school shootings than rapefugees tbqh famalam
Dunblaine tho senpai
There already has been a schoolshooting in the UK you dingus.
>before gun control was implemented
>muh school shootings
>Citing four separate studies between 1988-2004, the assessment from the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council says crime victims who use guns in self-defense have consistently lower injury rates than victims who use other strategies to protect themselves (other strategies include stalling, calling the police or using weapons such as knives or baseball bats).
>Hemenway finds more reliable an annual federal government research project, called the National Crime Victimization Survey, which yields estimates in the neighborhood of 100,000 defensive gun uses per year. Making various reasonable-sounding adjustments, other social scientists have suggested that perhaps a figure somewhere between 250,000 and 370,000 might be more accurate.
>Upon interviewing convicted felons, these researchers found that
>74% indicated that burglars avoided occupied dwellings, due to fears of being shot
>57% said that most criminals feared armed citizens more than the police
>40% of the felons had been deterred from committing a particular crime, because they believed that the potential victim was armed
You'll go straight to bombings.
Sure but you guys are vulnerable to terror attacks.
If human traffickers can so easily smuggle people into your nation, you can bet they are also running guns and drugs.
I'm sure the Muslim no go zones are full of illegal armories just waiting for the signal. If they ever decide to attack you, you will not be able to defend yourselves at all.
Our violent crime rates are at a continuous downward trend.
School shootings are classic american culture at this point
See? You're even too pussified to at least have an omega school shooter. I wouldn't brag about that, Limey.
And no, you just have rape-gangs with thousands of victims in which children have been drenched in fuel and threatened to be burnt alive, if they open their white cockhole which is designated for Paki cock.
Does anyone have the link to this video?
I assume it's this one
>There will never be freedom in the Caliphate of Londistan
>tfw Quebec got the ball rolling on school shootings and still holds a pretty high score.
Not only that, but the reason Lépine did his shooting was because women wanted nothing to do with him, so he shot a ton of women.
We Britbongs will literally always be slaves to our hidden masters. Serfdom never ended, it just changed.
There was nearly one at my old college once which was narrowly avoided.
Thanks. I've been looking for it.
>>There will literally never be a school shooting in the UK
There will literally never be a Rotherham in the US
This. Glad I don't have to worry about either, though.
We already had some
Deaths / injured
Bremen 5/21
Cologne 11/22
Emsdetten 1/22
Eppstein 6/14
Erfurt 17/1
Winnenden 16/9
And guns are not even allowed, so where is your point?
Yes you just have your media, politicians and social services protect Muslim gangs that mass rape your children for over a decade, congrats.
>horrific betrayal of 1400 children
really makes you think
>Not even allowed
If you mean bringing a gun to school that's not even allowed in the US.
>by madman Thomas Hamilton
>the absolute madman
>And killing is also not allowed.
I obviously meant to carry guns at all
English people don't massacre people in their schools.
You DO however have a past pock-marked wit terrorism that far outshines the United States.
You've also enabled millions of radicalized people to access your country unhindered.
Very soon...men women and even children will access arms within Britain and slaughter you as they did in France.
Seven shootings over the course of 52 years is better than seven shootings over the course of a week.
>So I told Thomas to shoot up a school..
>he actually did it the absolute madman hahahahaha
Criminals who want to kill people don't care about carrying being illegal, who would have thought :^)
1400 rapes over the course of 20 years = scandal in Britain
19,000 rapes over the course of 1 year = SOP in the USA
There is a difference between tolerating niggers and suffering the consequences when they chimp out and letting them build organized child rape rings with full support of the government.
>source ca 1950
>netherland frisian, not german
>frisian not even a language
>germany polish, not turkish
>france german, not arabic
I wish this was true, but the list is bullshit
>small eye openings
>smooth philtrum
>thin upper lip
why do we let these people live?
The one white kid in a full Muslim public school posted this, living in the UK
wtf is belarus
are you telling me that there are more German speakers in France than Arabic speakers despite half the Mahgreb living in France? Get outta here son
The top minority language in Austria is German German
>There will never be freedom in """""great""""" Britain
Brainwashed cunts btfo
>It's a Brits trying to justify their ridiculous laws episode
Stop doing this pls. You're embarrasing yourselves..
Weißrussland Du Bauer
We are all going to be on the same level of bullshit in 3 days.
Risk thread play now.
The fifty states equate to the size of more than those countries. List all the united states vs those European cucktrees
Because your country is filled with beta not even omega. Why don't you cry about it.
We didn't elect a nigger to be our president, Mehmet. Your American friends did. Twice.
>public school
American education in action.
OI! You just committed a hate crime against the elected muslim mayor of London, cheeky wanker.
>amerifat thinks these countries combined would be similar in size and population as america
>russia alone even bigger
>china alone 4x the population
medium lel
>muh school shootings
Why do people use these meme-tier acts of violence as a metric for how safe their country is? When it comes to deaths, they're almost statistically irrelevant. Pretty sure more people will be shot and killed over a weekend in Chicago than there are DEM CRAZY WHITE KIDS XDDD shooting up schools.
Chicago also has tons of gun control and it does nothing to stop the violence. Gun control is a shitty meme.
Ok fair enough
But how on earth are you guys going to stem the tide of fork and butter knife attacks
how did your plastic surgery operations go?
What does the caption say? Dschenschina (woman) plemeni (?) mursi
there will be bombings
They shot up Paris not too long ago. Just a short trip to across the channel with their guns is all it takes bud.
I don't think you realize just how much bigger the US is to the UK
But you joined the EU.
there will be a school suicide bombing though, allahu ackbar
Dunblane faggot.
With all the mudslimes in England there will probably be a school bombing some time soon though.
Seemed like a decent idea at the time to oppose the bullshit PNAC domineering the US has been dragging NATO into every other year.
It hasn't worked, we're leaving and rebuilding the empire and you wont stop us, cuck.
>What is dunblane?
Standard handguns are legal in NI.
Including 9mm too.
>There will literally never be a man with a spine in the UK
>There will literally never be a way to disagree with the state in the UK
>There will literally never be a way to defend myself or my family from danger in the UK
>There will literally never be a way to escape the chains I have grown accustomed to in the UK
>There will literally never be anything to be proud of anymore in the UK
>There will literally never be a way to take back what was lost in the UK
>There will literally never be anything worth dying for in the UK
>There will literally never be one of the greatest capital cities of the world in the UK
>There will literally never be anything but privileges permitted by men more powerful than myself in the UK
>There will literally never be a website like every single one in the US where I can freely speak my mind in the UK
>There will literally never be any opinions that are actually taken seriously in the UK
>There will literally never be a man even half as strong, confident, self-reliant, able, or free as an American in the UK
>There will literally never be a sun that doesn't set in the UK
>There will literally never be a future in the UK
>I will literally never be able to accept the fact that this post is true in the UK
>I will literally never stop disagreeing with US freedoms because they make me feel inferior and I want to lower them into the grave with me in the UK
>Statesubjects BTFO
Point taken or shall I continue?
Its just a matter of time
>I will never be this insecure and asspained to type out a giant autistic list of shit my country is supposed to be good for
Lmao kill urself pham
>There will literally be no British in schools in the UK by 2050
Bongs BTFO
Since the dunblane massacre
Delusion and autism combined!
>There will never be a white dad in UK
Hey Britcuck, how does it feel knowing that the UK has had one school shooting, and we haven't had a single one despite extremely lax gun laws?
also. a gang shooting that happens down the street from a school..
is still considered a 'school shooting'