They do exist and pic related is one of them. Many are here in America and is Donald Trump's worst nightmare.
Mexican Muslims
good lord, she's cute
i have a wall building in my underwear now
Would behead.
she has to double go back
Would fuck she is quite cute!
Too bad in Mexico, if you pratice Islam there you get ostracized from everyone else.
>Descend from Spaniards and Aztecs
>Follow an arab religion
>trump wants to deport/ban this
thats it, im a #RamadanMissile now
omg would sperm all over her face and would even convert to islam for her and trade pizza for burritos.
Here is her video describing herself as a Mexican Muslim.
>Mexican Muslims
Spicy Snackbar
>she has to double go back
how does that work?
If you came illegaly you are a criminal, how can they don't understand this?
1. Cross the wall back to Mehico
2. Get on boat back to ME
3. Do not collect $200
The Spaniards were dominated by Muslims.
Native Americans were dominated Spaniards.
Those Native Americans became Mexicans.
So being a Mexican Muslim is redundant.
In fact, you could say these "Mexican Muslims" reverted back to their Muslim DNA/heritage and should not be trusted and treated the same way all Muslims should be treated, with a 5.56 round.
>Let me know in the comments below
>Comments dissabled.
Muy jalal
The Mexican who bought the weapons in the San Bernardino shooting was a Muslim convert
we must accept mexican muslim refugees to protect this qt from this islaophobic bigot
This post best post
Fuuuuugggg. I live in a beaner infested suburb of Chicago and I've been seeing muslim families and young men on the local nature trail. Seriously feels like an under cover invasion is going on and the Muslims and Mexicans have more in common than not.
>She's a rapist
hey do you ever go to sleep curry friend?
>Islam was a regressive social political movement of various foreign tribes with social customs that make Victorian era conservatives blush.
>Islam is now feminism and used to push a leftist agenda
What the fuck?
the Klan is not racist, she will be hung next to the nigger and the kikle
True. In Chiapas Mexico, Catholics and Muslims persecute Evangelicals.
Allahu akbar
>atheism was once the counter culture "religion", movies/shows would have white characters ditch school because its uncool
>now islam is the counter culture "religion" and movies/shows have highly diverse students promoting the status quo
that's the whole point. its easy to brainwash people with people who are good looking.
I want to ruin her makeup from tears and spit from how violently she gags on my cock.
Just a passing thought.
>Donald Trump's worst nightmare.
What are they going to do?
Cry into their hummus taco?
That'll show him.
propaganda 101
find good looking males and females
pay them money to do whatever you want
brainwashed ugly people
Its so dumb that they use like a one in a million example for something and then everyone goes SEE MEXICAN MUSLIMS EXIST.
in mexico they dont tolerate islam.
do you even propaganda, bruh?
Chalupa al-Tacobar
Her eyes aren't brown enough to be a real Mexican. I as a Mexican representative reject her from our race
She looks persian
Would fuck her in ass without protection for 18 hours
I would wife her to be honest.
Degenerates. One would performy sodomy on her, the other would marry her without hesitation based only on looks
As a Muslim, I want a Latina waifu, where to get?
"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands), and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard (e.g. their chastity, their husband's property, etc.). As to those women on whose part you see ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly, if it is useful), but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance). Surely, Allah is Ever Most High, Most Great."
- Quran 4:34
Clearly the most feminist of ideologies. I preferred when they were Wiccans.
>They do exist and pic related is one of them. Many are here in America and is Donald Trump's worst nightmare.
It sounds like some fucking huff post type of writing.
I mean i can totally see this as one of the headlines.
Fuck off.
shes a qt
In fucking Morocco, get the fuck out of Europe you scum
It's her heritage, she was conquererers and shit
you first you subhuman animal
Burger education
Come at me, wannabe-Indonesian Kurwa
And also, I am not an Arab. You probably have more Semite blood in you than me
In America, desu, tons of Latinas marry Arab men, preferably if you look like Zayn Malik or one of those North African models and are fair skinned of course.
Arabs are taking over the Latin sphere. Carlos Slim is a good example.
I notice whenever people who talk about being muslim/gay/X ethnicity or Y ideology etc:
They always appear attractive by western standards, or are atypical from the average person in that cohort.
Pale skin, western fashion, good english.
The Liberal media left always needs to portray muslim women without the hijab. If this "muslim" was anywhere else, she would be called a degenerate for not wearing a tablecloth on her head.
Another example was when I saw a Persian girl on my normiebook talk about how she was a "person of color". Yet when you see her face she clearly put on skin whitener and increased the contrast on the picture to make her appeal pale, because deep down she doesn't want to be a shitskin and be of a higher aryan tier. So she's white when compared to other persians, and shes a person of color when it's beneficial for her.
The wall just got 10 ft higher.
You don't know what you're asking for.
Most of us are descendants of the moornigger invasion.
My oneitis looks like straight out of the Persian empire i shit you not. Pic somehow related
You aren't part of our country you faggot leaf
Of course it's a fucking invasion, it's one sanctioned and carried out by the federal government.
>a light beating
>USA, melting pot of world, calling somebody subhuman
You are mongrel, and live in socialism. Enjoy your niggers and faggots
I have blond hair, blue eyes and I am tall as fuck. No semite blood inside me faggot.
If you are true kraut, you are traitor to your religion, and thus traitor to your country. Hang yourself.
Where are these abundance of Arabs living side by side with Hispanics you speak of? Outside of Dearborn, MI, hardly any Arabs are in this country. Ive lived all over the country and can count the number of Muslims I see YEARLY with my fingers. Even in major cities like LA, NY and Chicago.
Kill yourself and Allah will grant thine wish.
>Christianity and Judaism
>not Arab religions
How fucking retarded are you? You think Jesus was a German with blonde hair or something?
>Mexican muslim
Well, it's a smart rule to give. If you start by bruising her head to foot just to teach her some manners, it's hard to escalate from there.
Believe me.
Of course he is. Whites are the children of God, made in his image, just like Jesus.
Jesus wasn't an Arab
I am fair skinned myself, not a Semite like Zayn Malik or those North African models. Can you send me 3 Latina muslim waifus to Germany?
Deutscher Muslim, hier daheim, Jut is!
Suicide is haram
I am asking for some qt muslim mexian waifus
>exposed skin
absolutely haram
Not rally abundance, I can't even tell most of the time since most of them start to look alike. It's not in Dearborn, it's mostly in areas where people of all races live, like in NYC, I see this sometimes in Brooklyn and parts of Manhattan.
They usually all look alike to me. And by Arabs I mean just "Muslims" in general. They're probably Pakis or something desu. The Muslims in NYC(manhattan) look like white people since they're richer, and the ones in brooklyn are the more non-white versions, where the racemixing takes place.
I want to convert her with my dick and live in a happy christian family
She can climb the walls to my heart.
She looks pretty much white. Lighter skin than me and her eyes are slightly grey. Lips seem naturally pink as well.
So she's a qt white girl but also a Mexican and Muslim. AMBIVALENCE
>Mexican Muslim
Is the equivalent Black Jew?
Here's the video cunts:
Do you even know what Arabs are, you fucking Britnigger retard?
>Donald Trump's worst nightmare.
Mine too.
Also it is probably the nightmare of every Catholic Mexican
Christ, would totally dump my seed into her
and yet Slavs BTFO Germanics and are on track to become the baseline white racial stock. Poor hitler spinning in his grave
I have never seen a single Muslim or nigger and I've been all over the country.
I went to Texas once and there were dindus everywhere
hop the border back to mexico, then come back to hop on my dick
Most of them are descendants of lebanese people so no.
Maybe jews though
It wasn't Slavs, it was the Soviet Army, which was part-Slav, part actual cave savages from Central Asia
Mexican Muslims, account only for 3,760 or so. And she happens to be a super hot one.
Two reasons to build that wall, cool.
liberal muslims are so delusional
oh wait shes canadian now i know where it comes from
I'm brown eyed but whenever I see Mexicans and Arans wgo are light eyed I always feel a greater degree of kinship with them.
Mexica is not a race
>mexican muslim
What a fucking disgrace. A traitor to both western civilization and the way of christ. I only wish she doesn't live to regret her decision
of course there are muslims in mexico.
whats even worse is that there are extremist sects hiding behind the cover of hills and identities as narcos
has anyone ever noticed similarities between the beheading videos and general narco operations.
its all a cover for extremist muslim agitators.
we have to take back mexico before the enemy is rapping at our windows and knocking at our doors
Did Stalin selectively put certain ethnic groups in frontline combat?
I'm just wondering
I've been looking at her IG and she is fiiiiiine. I might convert if it means we can make out and....other stuff
>How to have people not take your political stances seriously:
>care more about having your mask of makeup on camera than having your stances made clear
>use clips of comedians to show how serious you are
>talk about "dissecting" the opponent's arguments, but don't use a single source
>last video proves that she's one of those instagram girls that think the world needs to see their food/them eating
>follow abrahamic religion; condone a person speaking ill of another person
opinion discarded
everything you just logically stated is null and void because of her beauty. she could spout the most ridiculous bullshit and people would still convert/eat it up.
qt, btw guys it's not impossible to convert a Muslim girl to atheism or Christianity, I've done it twice to Arab girls and once to Pakistani.
Just try it, not really that hard and much easier than converting a leftist.
she's also a Palestinian living in Canada
>Female circumcision has not been prescribed for no reason, rather there is wisdom behind it and it brings many benefits.
>Mentioning some of these benefits, Dr. Haamid al-Ghawaabi says:
>The secretions of the labia minora accumulate in uncircumcised women and turn rancid, so they develop an unpleasant odour which may lead to infections of the vagina or urethra. I have seen many cases of sickness caused by the lack of circumcision.
>Circumcision reduces excessive sensitivity of the clitoris which may cause it to increase in size to 3 centimeters when aroused, which is very annoying to the husband, especially at the time of intercourse.
>Another benefit of circumcision is that it prevents stimulation of the clitoris which makes it grow large in such a manner that it causes pain.
>Circumcision prevents spasms of the clitoris which are a kind of inflammation.
>Circumcision reduces excessive sexual desire.
>tfw half slav half tatar
m-master race?