Rarefag born with an XXY chromosome. AMA

Rarefag born with an XXY chromosome. AMA.

Attached: 7B784C4A-DB0D-4E87-B13C-622021613A44.jpg (600x400, 89K)

More of a reason to kys

will you post a pic of your naked body for us?

Has that any significant side effects?

I’m lucky, only a few speech problems.

I only have a few speech impediments and a tiny dick, so for now I’m fine.

What's the deal with airline food?

No. Just no.

I don’t know, what’s the deal with your bad comedy?

fucking pathetic sterile klinefelter fag

thicc boy syndrome

No seriously, look it up, boi.

Sounds more normal than I am.
>tfw rollercoaster of proportions

Nah, I’m super skinny. Like I look anorexic.

Wow. That’s.. actually pretty funny.

You think this is a joke?

Attached: stare.gif (220x292, 417K)

Well, I have to buy child- and large siezed things.
Also: What do you consider tiny?

1. I have to go to the women’s child section. I look like an anorexic albino female freak.
2. About the size of my dick. 4 inches, I measured.

>1. I have to go to the women’s child section
I have to go to the males child section for pants.
> I look like an anorexic albino female freak.
I look like a pale male anorexic freak
My hips are appereantly tiny by the standard of 12 year olds.
Same goes for my shoulders, but not the length of my upper body.
>4 inches
Sorry to hear that, but I can assure you, 8 inches in pants for 12 year olds are not nice either.

Well it looks like everything sucks for everybody.

Normal non fucked Sup Forumstard here,
Are you a homosexual?

I learned to deal with it.
It was hard in school to be the freak, I guess you know what I am talking about.
My freak proportions don´t hold me back anymore, except for social interactions.

Only issue I have are high shelfes and bicycles.

Pics or fake