Glad the meme "Poland is based" already died.
Poland: The Shithole
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K. Keep me posted.
have a (You) my friend and I wish you good luck.
Poland is based.
So glad. I'll be even more glad when Putin partitions them again.
Me too
Jebać Wykop
Legiony Karalucha
Me too. As soon as i get my engineering degree im moving to germoney.
Ahmed being butthurt hecause he cant just pillage and rape in Poland as he would in germany
I want to say Zagloba? The fat guy who totally trolled the Swedes in that movie.
since we have so few shitskins in my contry pole's are the niggers of Iceland
Poland is a great country, not a cucked shithole like you.
Also, go back to Turkey Ahmed
Thank you western nations for taking care of our white trash
YAY! a Podium! better luck next time Serbs..
I wish.
>Not a Turkish colony
pick one
>damage control
come to Bavaria, my fellow slav
we can run this Country together
Why does everyone in Europe hate Poland? It's been like this for hundreds of years
5 rubles have been deposited to your bank account. PUTIN STRONK
Ehh, I'm not even mad. I understand you have to vent your anger somehow when you're getting buttfucked by muslims everyday. I'm just glad I'm not in your place. Cheers.
Risk thread.
Go in peace white man.
so true
pretty accurate
Poland has probably best growth prospects out of all European nations.
They can buy nearly the same amount of consumer goods (especially food) with their average wage as western Europeans, their annual GDP growth rates are really good.
And most importantly of all, Poland is moving into the right direction.
I need feminism because of people like you
This is why I love Poland
because they recieve an insane amount of EU money...
-because they're 'white' so its not racist.
-all their smart ppl were killed so you can call them dumb and its sorta true
-they got shortchanged in wars etc. so its easy to make fun of the loser
Why german anons are most concerned about us and Anglos?
they are like the hispanics in the US
they arent black but still arent white
meanwhile in Poland. thanks for being a landfill of a country
I understand the anger and hopelessness in the country of mad brutes. But Germans have always the precedent of the Prussian Confederation. You can always ask Poland to incorporate Germany if things go really wrong. You know that the guy who coined the term "Poland from sea to sea" was german?
the flag is wrong
Jesus Christ Scotland...
They will get 106 billion Euro from EU in 2014-2020. Which makes it a 16.6 billion in a year. Which makes up 3.5% of Poland's nominal GDP.
Sure, donations from EU have an impact. But they are not sole reason why Poland experiences economic growth.
such statistics are bullshit
different definitions of assault across all countries and different report rate.
Don't act like you didn't already know, Nigel.
The unrest was caused by Volksdeutschen in da guberment before the whole refugee problem ever existed.
But who cares about facts?
The whole first brutal Independence March happened in 2011 you rational and details centered Germoney.
a year after Smolensk crash
jew/mudslime detected.
3,5% gdp is huge
they building ghost airports with eu money to inflate their economic data.
What's going on in Scotland?
yeah it's quite a shithole
thank you captain obvious
scots really enjoy fighting.
>40 replies and 21 images omitted
Fuck you kurwa
isnt italy overun by african imigrants?
>Ireland in 10th place
Fuck that's embarrassing, gonnae go slap some fucker now. Gotta do your part
Willst du liber syrische Schlange oder afganische Anakonda?
From Glasgow can confirm.
funny thing is people have actually died from forklifts. the others...not so much.