Tfw all alone in this map just like irl

>tfw all alone in this map just like irl

Other urls found in this thread:


>the french are lovers and not warr-

>his country's anthem is about an imagined battle

The French hymn is about the countrynot battle

Well, our anthem is basically a huge middle finger to everyone.

Ours is basically a freedom cry

>his country's anthem is about his country
What the frig mates

>No lyrics

Spain wtf?

North korea why not red?

Our flag is about both the flag and a battle.

huh? im pretty sure marcha real has lyrics?

somehting ;like viva la patria and stuff?

i'd say its more about the battle, the flag would be in any battle

>title literally "Poland has not yet perished"
>somehow about a battle

Our anthem is basically all the wars we survived, and about never giving up in a battle to the last man
Pretty violent, but i like it

Yes, lyrics gain a lot more meaning considering the current protests.

Glory to the brave people
which shook off the yoke,
the Law respecting
virtue and honour.

Down with the chains!
Cried out the Lord;
and the poor man in his hovel
for freedom implored.
Upon this holy name
trembled in fear
the vile selfishness
that had once triumphed.

Let's cry out aloud:
Down with oppression!
Faithful countrymen, your strength
lies in your unity;
and from the heavens
the supreme Creator
breathed a sublime spirit
into the nation.

United by bonds
made by heaven,
all America exists
as a Nation;
and if tyranny
raises its voice,
follow the example
given by Caracas.

my country tis of thee
sweeeeeet land of liiiibertyyy
of thee i sing

>Spaniards are so lazy they didn't even bother with lyrics for their own anthem


>About friendship
Get that gay ass anthen out here boi.

God's blessing on all nations
Who long and work for that bright day
When o'er earth's habitations
No war, no strife shall hold its sway
Who long to see
That all men free
No more shall foes, but neighbours be!


on the other hand, Moldova is single, just like you





>about friendship
Literal shonen anime opening tier

i'll b ur fren slofrenia

You all are just jealous

But your anthem doesn't mention Lucifer indirectly :^)

Our national anthem should be America the Beautiful.

>His countries anthem has lyrics

>Though the Marcha Real has no lyrics, words have been written and used for it in the past. One version was used during Alfonso XIII's reign and another during General Franco's dictatorship; however, none of them were ever made official. The national anthem has been played without words since 1978, when the lyrics that had been approved by General Francisco Franco were abandoned.[8]

Though the Marcha Real has no lyrics, words have been written and used for it in the past. One version was used during Alfonso XIII's reign and another during General Franco's dictatorship; however, none of them were ever made official. The national anthem has been played without words since 1978, when the lyrics that had been approved by General Francisco Franco were abandoned.[8]

>No lyrics

Wtf Spain?

Not to mention that they don't even have their own language. They speak Romanian.

>his country doesn't make their students pledge allegiance to their flag on a daily basis

you can be my friend

>real or imagined

>not crying everytime
Fucking hell

Our anthem also has words about friendship, lol

That's because that anthem wasn't made for the people, it was made as a war anthem, it just so happen to then be used for everything, just like the current flag design.

tfw your anthem is shit

The placid banks of the Ipiranga heard
The resounding cry of a heroic folk
And the sun of Liberty in shining beams
Shone in the homeland's sky at that instant.

If the pledge of this equality
We managed to conquer with strong arm,
In thy bosom, O Freedom,
Our chest defies death itself!

O beloved,
Idolized homeland,
Hail, hail!

Brazil, an intense dream, a vivid ray
Of love and hope descends to earth
If in thy comely, smiling and limpid sky
The image of the (Southern) Cross blazes.

Giant by thine own nature,
Thou art beautiful, thou art strong, a fearless colossus,
And thy future mirrors that greatness.

Adored Land
Amongst a thousand others
Art thou, Brazil,
O beloved homeland!

Of the sons of this ground
Thou art kind mother,
Beloved homeland,

>France's national anthem is about them running away from the battlefield

It's a royal march. Back when Europe was all monarchies national anthems were often marches without any lyrics.

Too lazy for lyrics

>Spain can't afford lyrics
>Spain's lyricist still hasn't finished writing them because he won't have a job when he does
>Spain couldn't copy Portugal's lyrics like they can copy everything else from us because they can't understand us
>Spain's lyrics are a list of all the things they are better at than Portugal
>Spain's lyrics used to be "Glory to the people that knew how to follow [the Portuguese]"

>>Spain's lyrics used to be "Glory to the people that knew how to follow [the Portuguese]"

that looks like an ad for

The Finnish anthem is in my personal top 10.

t. Anthems expert

>About language
Let me guess: it's about how they don't speak Romanian but """"""Moldovan""""""

>anthem about friendship
>statues to poets, architects, etc. all over
Slovenia very qt.
I like Slovenia :3

bullshit, our anthem is about a person

>all America exists
>as a Nation
But not really, tho...

Your anthem should be about how much you want to be Spanish again instead desu.

I am very jealous, and I wish that my ancestors hadn't left. Oh well, at least I got to grow up with potica.

The USA doesn't do that. You're allowed to sit it out if you choose. It's just that nobody wants to be THAT kid in class, but the supreme court has ruled that kids can't be compelled to say the pledge.

most people here want to be yanks despite the fact that they see us as subhumans. Pretty pathetic

speaking of pathetic, I'm planning to get a Spanish citizenship. Because I have a Spanish last name, it's much easier for me, but I'd have to live in Spain for 2 years first. I'm concerned about the unemployment rates. If I enroll in a uni there, would I get help in obtaining a job or some kind of scholarship? is getting a job easier or harder for foreigners?

Hear, mortals, the sacred cry:
"Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!"
Hear the sound of broken chains
See noble equality enthroned.

Their most worthy throne have now opened
The United Provinces of the South.
And the free people of the world reply:
"To the great Argentine people, hail!"
"To the great Argentine people, hail!"
And the free ones of the world reply:
"To the great Argentine people, hail!"
And the free ones of the world reply:
"To the great Argentine people, hail!"

May the laurels be eternal
that we were able to achieve
that we were able to achieve
Let us live crowned in glory
or let us swear in glory to die
Or let us swear in glory to die
Or let us swear in glory to die.


nolyricstug... wait NOLYRICSPAIN

>they see us as subhumans
Not true if you speak English

Umm the Southern Cross is ours thanks

You should really put your frustration into words

ours is very short
also we borrowed a line from Polan

Yours is really unique sounding

I get the chills every time i sing this shit.

pretty comfy desu