Do you love Israel?

Do you love Israel?

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hai, isuraeru wa suki desu!



Yes, literally nothing wrong with supporting international Jewry


Do you love Romania?

Norway senpai notice me!

>Executing the dictator on television
fuck yeah

No. The Jewish kuffar must be exterminated to pave way for the worldwide Caliphate.

I love Israel

i have no love for the jewish colony of Israel

I don't like them or their Anglo vassal.

I only love the ones who love palestina

Hmm? No such place

If you stand against Israel, you stand against civilization.

Most certainly

More than anything, arab butthurt is music to my ears.


Let's say I wouldn't mind a large breasted, loving jewish gf

>tfw no qt jewish gf


I wish I was jewish so I could emigrate there.

I would fight and die for it

we are one and the same people, so yes

Nice one Shlomo, but that image implies its a fair fight. A much more accurate image are Israelis running like pussies into their bunkers because a child threw a rock vs Israeli precision guides missles tragically hitting kids on the beach, which couldn't be avoided because of course there were being used as human shields for the endless caches of scary fireworks that Hamas hides in the sand.

Still, good effort. 3 Shekels have been placed in your Hasbara college fund.

ITT: summerfrankim



Israel is alright, I feel about it the same way I do about greece.




over the years I've come to a strange point in my opinions. I'm anti-jew, but pro-Israel






>married to Jew
I don't really care about Israel, but I prefer them to any Arab or Turkic cunt. I'd put them on the same tier as Iran.

Only Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews.

I think the ethno-state should not exist, and that is it controlled by powerful individuals who represents some of the most cancerous examples of racial supremacy today. Benjamin gas-the-non-Jews Netanyahu should be viewed with as much international disgust as Recep tax-money-is-my-money Erdoğan or Vladimir dances-with-bears-bareback Putin, but he isn't, largely thanks to the UK and the USA.
There is a stark irony surrounding all of this, at least superficially.



Yes, that is rather accurate; Israeli forces do expend a lot of effort murdering Palestinian children.

Jews are Arabs, mate.


not really

maybe in a few years



Of course you do. You like sucking Jewish cock more than any othet nation on Earth except for Americans.

JIDF pls

you seem to be very obsessed with jews


Not an argument

I don't care about bloodline bullshit. Arabs share a culture that is different from that of the Jews.
If you're looking to drop some pills, maybe there's some newfags on pol who are looking.

>Married to a Jew
your children are all jews

yes ofc. arab&white genocide when


translate this pls

>Do you love Israel?
Lol no

oh no. what will I do with all this fanart? i'll go crazy