>yeah let's vote Donald Trump FUCK THESE MEXICANS YEAH RACE WAR !!!! *americlaps shooting guns in the air*

Mexicans go through with it and fuck them up

>f-fuckin violent Mexicans

Why are you Americans so pathetic? If you guys wanted a race war finish it you pathetic cumskin cucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Flag checks out


>tfw you realise this is a Bernie supporter getting hit by another Bernie supporter


>not historically or genetically plausible
Okay, when did you learn how to proxy, Mexico?


Pathetic response.

Poor little trump manlet. Why do they even try?

Americucks are literally worse than Sweden. They can't even use their constitutional right of free speech or self defense.

Look at these little cucks in the video, like dogs running away

Just embarassing and disgusting

The race war hasn't even started yet. It's only beginning. And believe me when it starts you'll be singing I dindu nuffin so fast it'll almost be funny.

>gets cucked so hard by Mexicans
>"muh the race war hasn't started yet!!"

I don't live in California. California brought this hell upon themselves. Anyone still in California is retarded.

The spics would never try this in my state. They would surely be killed.

It's almost unreal how unprepared Trump's people are. It's not just embarrassing, it's dangerous. They are dealing with dead serious people who are are dumb and have zero prospects outside of clinging like grim death to the territory of the United States and it's crumbling, but still functional infrastructure.

Trump's people are showing up like it's a party or something, listening to Hulk Hogan music and taking selfies with the 2 niggers who show up at a Trump rally to show how not racist they are.

They are in mortal danger. Absolutely pathetic.

>be beaner
>flee to USA to get a better life
>fly the same flag of country you were fleeing and not wanting to go back to.

Worthless Beaners.. Either get a job or go back.

disgusting thugs, wish they could pull out their guns and fucking waste them..sadly the kikes will bitch about that, like always...

I'm not trying to make a bait, but Americans need to react as soon as possible. If white people is attacked when you're still the majority, just imagine how is going to be when you're the minority.

This is what happens when you want to hate on the already down trodden.

Still you're American.

It's like the Swedecuck who says "muh I live in the North I don't care what happens south"

Americuck kek

>Complains about how Trump promotes violence
>Calls Trump supporters pathetic for not being violent
Seriously just fuck off


Why is it always a fucking leaf

Mexicans only pull that shit in California and New Mexico and other left-wing anti-gun shit states.

Notice how these shtiskins didn't try any of this shit when Trump was touring the South.

The thing is if Trump supporters actually did anything to these anti-Trump protesters the media would have a field day.

Except that America is many times larger than Sweden and we have states which have their own governments. States are like mini countries.

>the media would have a field day.
So kill the media, take over their offices, broadcast channels, and satellites, and put out the message you want.

whites have the blessing and curse of the empathy gene.

we know not all people of anyone group are enemies should be killed (with one obvious exception). i don't want to shoot these animals anymore than i want to shoot a dog.

we are coming around to the fact that this dog might be rabid

this user voted O twice (sorry wan't awake yet), was going to vote bernie, 5 weeks on Sup Forums and full Sup Forums and hitler really did nothing wrong and i am soo fucking angry that i have been lied to my whole life. I remember my holocaust brainwashing class where they made the naieve ethnic germans raise their hards before starting schindlers list
we are not angry at the animals, we are angry at their handlers.

We like T because (((neocons))) supported Hillary and that connected the dots. In the unlikely event that T turns out to be Israels bitch, you will see a rise in new political clubs that are immune to corruption.

if the kangaroo fucking aussies can figure that out that party structure, we will do it better. Then we will copy the immigration policy of a brilliant Aussie philosopher.
"Fuck Off, Were Full"

That's called federalism, Americuck. Every western country has it.

Haha haha
Mexifags attack a bunch of unarmed Californians and think they're hot shit

Keep waving those flags, morons

So what?

Who cares about the media anymore? Trump doesn't.

We should be making plans to protect our people in California from subhuman mexifags

It's going to be fun when you're torn to pieces by edmontonians and sassies.

>openly wear Trump gear in public, especially at uni, to maybe finally get into a fight with libcucks
>never happens

I love my state, but god dammit we never get to have any fun with minorities getting uppity in Texas and shit gets boring.

i am now a #cruzmissle

>nogun californians getting chimped upon

K leaf.

>he can't defend himself without his mighty pistol

Are you a man or a cuck? Well it's pretty obvious

Because Canada is infested with liberal scum

>I'll show my point of view and say that in my side we only have saints

And leftest wonder why we need assault weapons.


I know all of Mexicans are cucks hence their own government wont declare war to take back shit we stole from them and leave their people to be called we backs and live as second class citizens lol

Nevertheless you're a cuck

no m8 I am literally your master
You are on a American made and popularized website trying your hardest to fit in with meme culture another piece of American cultural semen your slurping

you dont know me but I know all of this simply by your presence and word useage little cuk

This website is Japanese my dear Americuck.

Why are you even wasting time on this site? You're missing Juan Pablos pounding your wife while she moans passionaly. I thought you'd enjoy that so much.

NO m8 the website is American made a popularized a jap payed for the privilege to run it.

sorry newfreind learn the history

why do you think we have Sup Forums what do you think that is in reference to lol

How does it feel to not be able to use your constitutional right of free speech? How does it feel to be put in place by a Mexican?

Please tell me Americuck, I am genuinely interested :^)

>People want mexicans to leave their country
>The mexicans start shit
>The people want mexicans to leave their country even more
seems smart

I dont feel it m8 because you found a isolated incident of assault and everything else your implying is a advanced desperation and exaggeration THIS IS REALITY

how does this feel though the men you see in the video have a legal recourse where as in you nation this is state sanctioned and you cant do shit abotu it little cuck lol

The Swiss Constitution also guarantees Freedom of speech and Freedom of information for every citizen (Article 16).[170] But still the country makes some controversial decisions, which both Human Right Organizations and other states criticizes. The Swiss animal rights organization "Verein gegen Tierfabriken Schweiz" took the country to the European Court of Human Rights twice for censoring a TV ad of the organization, in which the livestock farming of pigs is shown. The organization won both lawsuits, and the Swiss state was convicted to pay compensations.[171] Another very controversial[citation needed] law of Switzerland is that persons who refuse to recognize the Armenian Genocide of 1915 have to face trial. The Turkish politician Doğu Perinçek was fined CHF 12,000 for denying the genocide in 2007. Switzerland was criticized by Turkish media and Turkish politicians for acting against the freedom of opinion. Perinçek's application for a revision was rejected by the court.[172] Holocaust denial is also illegal.

>Holocaust denial is also illegal.
>Holocaust denial is also illegal.
>Holocaust denial is also illegal.

lol your done

tl;dr Americuck

Can you ask your wife if it feels spicy when Pablos penetrates her? I always wondered that

Its because its not gonna be a race war Leaf.

Americans, despite race, ethnicity, creed etc, are gonna come together and take the fight to the socialist, liberals and mexishit nationalist.

My parents immigrated legally and I probably have more real hate for mexishits then anyone on this board pretends to have, I've been dealing with their bullshit my entire life and I had to learn to defend myself from these indio manlets very early on.

So when I see a fellow Trump supporter getting rushed by a bunch of savages, I'm gonna jump in even if it means getting zergrushed too.

Notice these cowards always suckerpunch too, always run up when you're not looking, its the only way a mexishit can fight:

Sorry m8 its simple your first amendment does not exist and you cant say what you want without state sanctioned actions. You know this already and are triggers because you came here to win a argument but got blown out.

did i miss something?

I don't have time to go out and beat down beaners, I have a job

It's just a bunch of unemployed skinny manlets slapping people and throwing eggs. If it actually gets serious to the point where the police can't or won't do anything, that's the time to act.

Right now I'm content to kick back, drink expensive beer in my expensive house, and laugh as these idiots essentially make themselves unemployable on camera for two seconds of fun throwing something at Trump supporters. They will stay poor, their children will be poor, their children's children will be poor. Low IQ lawbreakers have a tendency to do that.

I know for a fact that the Mexicans in my 90% white town aren't going to say anything to the 6'1" 215 lb fit combat veteran wearing a MAGA hat.

Flag checks out but ill bite


cont. as a swiss man can you tell me what thats like...not being able to say what you want by law?

If the amendment is such a great thing, why don't these cucks in OP's video bear arms?

>the right to bear arms shall not be infringed

The amendment is nothing more than a toilet paper used to wipe off Pablos' ass.

Every Americuck knows this

Based Swiss, tell these dumb geuros the truth.

Listening to a two century year old piece of paper with many flaws makes you a cuck

PS. Send qt muslims if you have any

In in California. I'm prepped. Some of us will thrive in this conflict.

Again m8 you need a license to carry in public something your nation does as well.
Carrying guns[edit]
To carry a loaded firearm in public or outdoors (and for an individual who is a member of the militia carrying a firearm other than his Army-issue personal weapons off-duty), a person must have a Waffentragbewilligung (gun carrying permit), which in most cases is issued only to private citizens working in occupations such as security.[8] It is, however, quite common to see a person serving military service to be en route with his rifle, albeit unloaded

except we still have more gun freedoms as you have to give up your privacy even in the home and can not take your guns out in the woods for safety and you know buyign ammo without being cucked again lol

In order to purchase ammunition the buyer must follow the same legal rules that apply to buying guns. The buyer can only buy munition for guns that he/she legally owns and must provide the following information to the seller (Art. 15, 16 WG; Art 24 WV):[8][9]


You don't need a license to open carry in public my man

The right to bear arms is legal.
Murder is illegal.
It illegal to shoot and kill someone for throwing an egg at you.

I know you are just baiting, I don't even know why I replied

>SHALL NOT be infringed
>"muh license"
Can't even own an assault weapon in California. How is that magazine capacity restriction going by the way?

>pic related
Nice freedom of speech you have there, Americuck

>Tfw 3rd generation Puerto Rican
Fuck this, why do Mexicans have to ruin it for everybody?

Swissbro, I agree that Cali is a bit pretty cucked at the moment and although I don't know where the other burger lives I can guaruntee that the shit in that video wouldn't be going on in Texas. Especially father south you go. I'm by Houston and a large percentage of people near me carry guns on their person or in their car.

Hell, you have more responsibility and potential to be sued actually getting a CHL than you do just being a citizen with a gun. I keep mine in my glove compartment everyday and used to ride with a shotgun in the backseat.

That behavior would be met with force. Especially if someone with a CHL was getting assaulted like that.

Unfortunately, Cali cucked themselves with their lack of gun rights, which is sad

mexico with the hard truth

instead of these people trying to improve life in their country, they come here and make it worse here...

How is not being able to buy ammo in your entire nation without paperwork?

Just another Hillary shill pushing for Trump fans to be violent

Fuck OP, fuck Canada and fuck Hillary

Compared a private companies *could policy to government enforced hate speech laws kek

You done yet?

Because here in the only actual free country on earth, we don't respond to social unrest or even mildly violent riots by shooting people. We shoot people only when they pose an immediate threat to to the life, safety or sometimes property of others.

Right to bear arms does not translate into the right to shoot people you dislike, disagree with, or otherwise bear ill will. The right to bear arms ion fact has nothing to do with criminals or street gangs or riots, it has to do with the right of the people to violently depose the government if we get sick of it. The cusk in OPs video dont bear arms because we are not niggers or muslims or mexicans, we do not bring a gun to an arguement because we are more civilized than that. Americans get violent reactively, not aggressively. I don't shoot you for being a shithead or for making a ruckus, I shoot you because you attacked me, threaten to attack me, destroyed my stuff, killed someone, tried to kill someone or otherwise struck first.

Pablo is here so he can work shitty jobs for less money than americans but still more money than he would make in mexico.

If it means getting rid of all libcucks, i'd happily take a nuke to the face.

For the people arguing about guns:


You can get it in every shooting range. Why are you changing the subject now though?

>SHALL NOT be infringed
I don't think you understand what that sentence means, Americuck.

No one is coming out of anything. These people are on the street. It's not showed that they attended the rally. Stop searching excuses Americuck.

Title 18 United States Code Sections 3056 and 1752, provides the Secret Service authority to preclude firearms from entering sites visited by our protectees, including those located in open-carry states. Only authorized law enforcement personnel working in conjunction with the Secret Service for a particular event may carry a firearm inside of the protected site.

The Secret Service works closely with our local law enforcement partners in each state to ensure a safe environment for our protectees and the public. Individuals determined to be carrying firearms will not be allowed past a predetermined outer perimeter checkpoint, regardless of whether they possess a ticket to the event.

Does that mean the Secret Service is above the amendment?


Oh right so they decided to just show up to an area where daddy is having a rally and not try to get in. I'm as big of a Trump and gun right supporter as can be but you all really need to pick your battles. The amount of issues presented for allowing open Carey at secret service protected sites by other than on duty or authorized law enforcement is dumb.

Where is the police? How are Trump supporters supposed to safely go to rallies? If the police won't do anything, the militias will step in. And that won't be good for anyone.

Sorry m8 the interpretation if the amendment is also our right why are you ignoring ur currently more cucked at every angle and no m8 you have to already do the same paperwork at the range kek

Keep trying little cuck anything else

>militias move in
>Trumpfags and gunfags literally BTFO on the street

I can't wait

> keeps repeating american memes because cucked by us

it doesn't make sense, i've even come across people here in my city who have heared about what happened in San Jose and think it was okay because "muh stolen landn n sheeitt". It's amazing how many retards are down here (well, the vast majority buy into whatever shit the msm media says, either national or the one from US, the notion of "it might be biased to make hate this people" rarely occurs to them).
What those idiots are doing is simply wrong and saying: oh your countrymen, those bastards are an embarrassment and must be deal with asap.
Build the fucking wall and set up some machineguns on the top and throw these thugs over it, enough of this shit.

>Medpacks know anything about self defense

>"Shall" derives from the Old English "sceal" meaning "must". "Should" is the past simple and conditional form of "shall", just like "would" is the past simple and conditional form of "will". Should is used with a sense of quasi-obligation, synonymous with ought to.

>Government organization (Secret Service) rendering the amendment useless
Can you get any more cucked than this?

Atleast in Switzerland the constitution matters

>That's called federalism, Americuck. Every western country has it.
you are an idiot. fuck you

T-t-t-t--t--t--t-t-tt-tthread hidden ;^)

Nice argument, Americuck

wonder what will happen when the first people get killed.
The worst thing is they KNOW we aren`t allowed to hit back because the media will blow this case up.

Fuck off leaf this doesn't concern you.

talk shit get hit cumskin nerds

>Can you get any more cucked than this?

Idk faggot, you tell me

you're not even from switzerland. and if you aren't then you would realize that things are much different in the west than in the south.

fucking troll

Are you comparing the legitimacy of the US consitution with a single action of a Swiss woman?

Literally nothing, the only thing you faggots will do is post on Sup Forums about how much you hate us.

Meanwhile I'll be keking like a madman


Not in every state you no gunz fuck tard

More cucked would be less gun rights and hate crime laws like the ones in your country

>single action

Don't be delusional pocketknifenigger, you know well enough that this isn't an isolated case in regards to retarded leftist europeans in their countries fraternizing with the migrants in wierd ways.

Comparing a interpretation of a document to state sanctioned cucking and language enforcement.

Those laws are on their way Cletus

Trump would automatically will get elected thats the reality of what will happen lol

hence all this ire and butthurt coming in becuase the left know they fucked up

>white people showing restraint

Getting pretty close to snapping, paco.