11% niggas.
Another 4% and he'll smoke Trump in the debates.
11% niggas
To defeat Clinton there is one hope for Americans
Kek demands it
Trump/Sanders 2016
Trumps get wall, berns get college.
America First
I feel like the establishment is gonna fuck him over by not including him in the polls (they don't have to). But he's getting a lot of media coverage lately, which is great.
I don't get it.
Do the people supporting this guy actually want a Hillary presidency? And if so, then why don't they just for Hillary and be done with it.
I swear, these libertarian retards don't understand the concept of strategic voting.
Literally who
You have to understand, that for libertarians, Trump and Hillary are two sides of the same coin. The only vote wasted is the voted given to the person you don't believe in.
Jews like you are keeping the terrible two party system in place.
As long as the media keeps giving the man some attention, I think he can hit that absurd 15% mark in polls.
>Trump/Sanders 2016
You are really fucking autistic. Don't breed.
>muh 4%
You've been saying this for a while. It's not happening. People who want open borders are already voting democrat.
>, berns get college.
nigger the fuck are you on?
college is a kike scam and making the tax payers pay for it GUARANTEES that the scam will always work.
trump has a way better plan on college, he already said he would stop giving loans to liberal arts for the most part.
There are not enough white autists in USA for him to win. Muds will never vote libertarians, why would they vote for no gibs?
Only one hope
Search your feelings goy
There is only one chance to defeat Clinton
Kek demands it
Trump/Sanders 2016
Trumps get wall, berns get college.
America First
Feels good man
>college is a kike scam
This thinking is why people on pol tend to be so goddamn retarded.
Return to reddit you autist. Stop trying to drag Trump down with your loser candidate. Even Jeb would make a better VP
>trump beats hillary with johnson and (((stein))) included
Thank you for Making America Great Again, user
it's not like is not true, friendo, trump's apeal died the day he started to accept donations
>voting for SJW "libertarians"
You realize Sanders spends most of his rallies shitting on trump, right? Plus he's only there for the donation shekels.
I can't wait to open up our borders for globalists! I now #feelthejohnson deep within me!
Yes goy, keep attending your sociology lectures.
>hurr you're wrong
>all those gender studies degrees hitting the market will make the economy BOOM
sure retard.
I have a bachelors in electrical engineering, I can tell you all about the shit that went down.
The only schools that aren't kike scams are the top 30 schools or so that make their money by being GOOD rather than soaking in student loan shekels.
nice! a second liberal option!
Gary "dude force Jews to bake nazi cakes it'll be fucking rad lmao" Johnson
>globalist gun-grabber
Literally can't make this shit up
Absolutely hilarious.
not an argument.
Hillary plant mean to take capitalist votes away from Trump.
Gary Johnson and libertarianism are also retarded.
>be Governor of New Mexico
>let spics poor-in unabated, because "muh open borders, muh freedom ahurrdurrdurr!"
>New Mexico becomes blue as fuck and leects leftist Democrats from now on
Johnson and Weld are also gun-grabbers. Not libertarian at all.
That kike cuck Bill Kristol and his pet goy are literally a better choice than Johnson.
>embarrassing photos are a dime a dozen
i knew there was something wrong when my leftist friends spoke approvingly of Johnson
Johnson would make an incredible President. But would he appoint an ICE director who is capable of deporting illegals? Would he destroy welfare for illegals? Because he said it doesn't exist. Except it does.
You haven't presented one either.
Kindly hang yourself you underage cocksucker.
I used to be more Johnson back in the day but now with his new vice presidential candidate, he lost my vote.
My argument is that making college free will simply perpetuate the scam that's occurring with student loans.
Now that the kike colleges are GUARANTEED to make money, we can expect loads of useless degrees to pop up and hundreds of millions of high school graduates to major in useless shit.
Not only that but there is no reason to improve anything so schools will continue to not teach at all despite getting even more income.
Go ahead, make a counter argument.
Nah, that's a meme, bro.
>I distinguish between hunting and guns that serve no purpose Bill Weld
>not a gun grabber in disguise
>he's not a gun grabber, he just picked one as his VP for no reason
an even bigger meme
>Seriously guize, he's like Bernie but just a little less socialists. He's going to open the borders and flood the Cis, white, male gendered pandemic away
Of course Libertarians can't answer those two, right?
>anti-government handouts
>hardcore capitalist, Laissez-faire
>open borders
>says "racist" unironically
It's like he's about to cry when he talks about Trump. Fucking hell. I regret voting for Johnson in 2012 so much now.
i voted for this retard in 2012
what the fuck happened
hes become a full sellout cuck, what a piece of shit
It would be nice if the Johnson became eligible to enter the debates. I'm a libertarian, but I hate Johnson. Johnson is inept and would be permanently embarrassed at a debate with Trump and Hillary.
What the fuck are you retards on? It's you who changed from liberty to muhwall authoritarians.
What liberty?
I don't give a fuck about the liberty of illegal immigrants.
Gary "tiny" Johnson hasn't unveiled a plan for protecting my liberty AFAIK
>protecting national borders is authortarian
wew lad
In 2012, I voted for Johnson because in general I believe (and still do) in a smaller government and neither Obama or Romney were satisfactory options to me. However, I didn't realize Johnson was a full SJW in disguise and he even fucking picked a gun grabbing VP. That's not small government. Trump is not a "small government" guy either, but I agree with him on immigration which is the most important issue today.
Dropped. Bull preper.
That's quite pedo
Trump vs hillary vs Johnson vs Bernie
Yeah, so you're not pro-liberty, that doesn't make Gary shit over the 2012-Gary, that just makes you a retard ignorant who didn't understand him the first time.
Master race coming through:
How could he have 11% when 90% of the electorate does not know who he is?
Also even if you're a libertarian, Johnson is a shitty, faux-libertarian with SJW tendencies. He'll keep the border doors open and there won't e any entry level jobs for native born Americans in any industry. It will be the fall of American capitalism.
He's antigun and pro immigration. Fuck him and his neolibertarianism.
I'm not pro-autistic libertarian liberty sure. I don't want to sell heroin to kids. I don't want uncontrolled immigration. And I don't want antigun shithead pretending to be for "liberty."
>muh weed lmao
>pro open borders
Why does anyone give a shit about this guy being in the race again? The only people that are going to go to his side are left-leaning independents and non-Hillary dems.
So what's the problem?
What the fuck does a German know about liberty.
My liberty is not granted by a candidate. The government doesn't "give" me basic human freedoms.
Gary Johnson is shit.
why the fuck am I discussing politics with a german flag. The most politically wishy washy people in existence
I'm behind a VPN you nigger.
>colleges founded by white men
>free state institutions
>Jews take over
>charge students obscene amounts
>Bernie wants to make them free again
>This is bad
Why do you want to stop the Jew from selling out the other Jews?
>You haven't presented one either.
Sociology is a fake science that doesn't replicate, faggot jew
you mean diamond dozen?
>Working for a company that monitors your traffic
>dreaming about a candidate that will "give" you liberty.
okay, okay. I see where this is coming from
Isn't Gary Johnson that nigga that wants open borders and amnesty. Libertarians are literally a meme. Don't they realize that all the people that they protect are just going to vote for socialism.
>He'll keep the border doors open and there won't e any entry level jobs for native born Americans in any industry.
He's not an open borders let them all in candidate. Here is his stance on immigration.
Streamline the legal immigration process to reduce illegal immigration and allow the U.S. to know who enters the country and for what reasons.
Enforce a 'one strike, you're out' rule for immigrants who circumvent the streamlined work visa process.
Impose and enforce sanctions on employers for noncompliance with immigration laws.
Yes, he is making it easier to get work visas for educated and skilled immigrants. No, he is not a supporter of illegals coming over for low paying low skilled jobs and welfare reasons.
I could wish for a Korean style DMZ border, but I don't think we will get it. Plus they would just use it to keep us from getting out.
>he'll smoke Trump in the debates.
why, doesn't he have enough pot?
I think he's getting promoted by the leftie media to take % from trump. And I kinda like it. #ImWithHer
Sup Forums is completely delusional about the wall. They're as delusional as Bernie supporters with "muh superdelegates", who they like to joke about.
>Pro open borders
>Pro gun control
Thanks, but I'll pass.
fucking who?
>Pro gun control
I don't believe you.
is it wrong to want a big beautiful wall spanning the entire southern border? if so i dont wanna be right
>strategic voting.
Fuck you. No seriously, you're everything that's wrong with the system.
>Trump tells him to lay off the weed before the debates
>ends Johnsons career
his VP pick voted for the AWB and thinks that the 2nd Amendment only applies to hunting rifles
Are you people obtuse? That's basically a defacto open borders program. It lets companies import masses of cheap labor from overseas to fuck over our workers. Wonderful.
You might want it, but Trump is not gonna make it happen even if he manage to get elected.
We have a republican congress that has voted for a border fence before.
Also given the constant abuse of executive orders by Obama, he has a precedent that he could just force it through.
Johnson position on Gun Control
The Second Amendment: Individual or Collective Right?
"I don't believe there should be any restrictions when it comes to firearms. None."
April 20, 2011, Slate Magazine
"If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. The first people who are going to be in line to turn in their guns are law-abiding citizens. Criminals are going to be left with guns. I believe that concealed carry is a way of reducing gun violence."
12 Nov, 2000, An Interview with Playboy magazine
Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, who ran for president last year on the Libertarian Party ticket, will serve as honorary chairman of a group trying to overturn a recently passed bill that limits ammunition magazines to 15 rounds.
They're not Libertarians, they're Jewish trolls and Cubano / Canadian Never Trump idiots.
>Bill Weld put some of the toughest gun control laws in the country in his state as governor
>finally have a chance to get someone not from the establishment elected
>instead of voting for him you decide to vote for gary johnson instead resulting in a hillary win
>consider this progress
don't be fucking retarded.
>donald trump
>not an establishment candidate
Pick one, nigga.
>conspiracy theorist nutjob
>billionaire corporatist
>not establishment
Trumpinistas are the biggest cucks
>Are you people obtuse?
Nope. I've never been against Doctors or Engineers fleeing Europe to come here. Our immigration policies now don't let many of them in though unless they are from special minorities.
>That's basically a defacto open borders program. It lets companies import masses of cheap labor from overseas to fuck over our workers.
Not defacto open borders if it purposely keeps the no habla englese barrio trash out. We need to prune back the immigration laws that let "refugees" jump the line over the educated and skilled immigrants. What we have now is a lot worse than what Johnson is proposing. Plus I don't believe a man who made billions importing and hiring illegals in his hotels, golf courses, restaurants, and other businesses is going to give us this perfect anti illegal immigrant wall that we want.
Thats just it. They dont care if its a democrat or republican in office. How dense are you? They are not "with" you or the repulican party. They are actually an entirely different party who doesnt like or care about your party.
Have fun voting for Trump while Johnson fucks him out of the white house. Why do you think the media is actually giving the libertarian candidate so much free exposure? They know he wont win. They do know he'll take votes away from Trump. But the media also thought that giving Trump free exposure was harmless and now they have realized their mistake. They are just trying to correct it. Johnson is their insurrance on Hillary.
Let the Libertards vote for who they want. In the end, Trump was never meant to be president and the powers that be won't let it happen.
The money doesn't go to him. It goes into the Republican Party since he is already confirmed the nominee. It's not like Bernie or any other candidate who already dropped out get to keep what they didn't spend.
>what are H1Bs
You stupid shit. The tech industry already imports a ton of poo in the loos and pays them cheap wages. This is already a widespread practice and under Johnson's proposed policies, it's only going to get worse. They'll just import as many as they can and fuck over Americans
>b-but trump used some illegals for his business
No shit, he has to stay competitive. The fact is that Clinton won't do anything about and neither will Johnson. Trump has made immigration an issue this campaign, so if anyone will work towards stricter immigration, it will be him.
Don't you have a bull to be prepping, Hans?
fuck off libertarians, you won't win, as always, and will only fuck up an important election. libertarian stoner scum. vote trump or die.
>Don't you have a bull to be prepping, Hans?
You first :^)
I won't lie. Weld as VP stinks something awful. The man has a lot of money, connections, and power to help a 3rd party run. The strings attached to those benefits look awfully strong and sticky though. Definitely not Libertarian. Not even close.