Yet another year of NHL having the most exciting post-season

>yet another year of NHL having the most exciting post-season
>yet another year of NBA having the most predictable post-season

Are the Sabres a good team to follow?

Cant see the puck
Cant see the players face
Crosby doesnt have instagram

lol does anyone actually list any of these as the reason they don't like hockey?

Do you like pain and misery?

Then yes, they are.

Only follow a Canadian team, the rags, pens or wings.

they need to fix their defense, but they're ok I guess

Yes a girl literally told me today she doesn't like hockey because she could never see the puck.

Hockey is wack as fuck. Basketball is nonstop action. Hockey gets so boring sometimes. Even nba blowouts are super exciting because of amazing plays

did she try watching Hockey after HD television?

They are getting better, but who knows how good they'll be

>Only follow a Canadian team
Don't do this, most Canadian teams suck

t. ADD-riddled brain of a millennial

Seriously though who the fuck are the players. There are no stars

Who are MY Devils going to draft 1st overall this year?

Tuned in for this year's playoffs because of Sup Forums and how bored I was.

Shit gets very exciting at times.

Nolan P

Eichel is going to be great. Franchise tier

>non-stop action
>last two minutes of the 4th quarter takes half an hour.


Tim Tebow

Well, duh. Any postseason would be thrilling if success in the sport depended severly on luck.


Nico it's the Devils. Let's go bowling

>we going for Nico
powerhouse by 2020

What makes a canadian pick nj as their team? Not flaming actually curious

>not being a golden knight

at least we don't use the shootout in the playoffs, that would make things atrocious.

Really made me think

don't even know how to properly meme back on this shit taste so here's some fat tits instead

Someone post the tv ratings so we laugh at furpuck fags

Look at this list. It's mostly the same teams. Upsets sometimes, but the good teams usually win

Fake but not gay

That's cause you don't watch and get your "hot takes" from kikes and nignogs on ESPN

don't really have a hometown team. closest is the laffs, just sort of chose nj. Had a lot of good players too like Brodeur but I started watching after their glory days so I never got to see them win anything. Also I met Jason Arnott when I was like 10. he was a cool guy.

Pardon my candor but I'd have sex with both of those women

rather watch 7 games casual free than 4 games tailored for the twitter crowd

I figured it would have been afte their cups. They were good, but goddamn. The played the most boring offside-trap style in the history of the game

Enjoy your dead league

Low iq people do

It's actually because she's a female

cant wait until the NHL finally overtakes the NBA in viewers.

Your time is coming, not even the nogs will be able to resist.

Enjoy the sweeperino, palerino
brought to you by Sprite and Gatorade.

Hockey might have better series but the excitement of a great basketball game like tn is unmatched imo

I feel like people never bandwagonned the debbies because they were good. I saw a ton of Red Wings and Colorado stuff in the early 2000s but not a lot of NJ merchandise.

I will. I'm a warriors fan

Why do NHL fags think that their random ass postseason is exciting? It's a coin flip every time.

>hockey basically has two halftimes
>basketball has one
>both avg abt 2hrs 20 minutes to complete
>basketball has more non stop action
It objectively does not

*circa 2015 once the Heat jersey was out of style

Yup. I think even most established devils fans eventually stopped watching the games and started just looking at the scores in the paper the next morning. They just weren't fun to watch, and i think the reason they've fallen out of contention since then is because they actually want to sell tickets instead of win now.

absolutely abhorrent post

Why do NBA fags think their boring meaningless postseason is exciting?
Might as well just go the best record route

>football has literal coin flips
>niggerball is boring blowout after boring blowout
>luckswing is just a bunch of fat drugged up mexicans walking in circles
>divegrass is for euro faggots and sand niggers
hockey is the only good sport

You people act like dynasties are not exciting. This shit will be remembered 100 years from now

That's kind of cherry picked info though. One team on their has a losing record and the 16th best team during the season is 2 wins from winning this year. It's also littered with pooftas that got there and lost.

ice hockey is gay


Remembered for all the wrong reasons

No it fucking won't top kekkington
You're goddamned deluded

Do hockey fags remember their greatest teams? You know they do. Nba is the same. We arw witnessing history

Won't happen but both hockey and basketball should cut playoff teams in half. In basketballs case to cut out the utter uselessness of the first rd and in hockeys case to reward teams that do well in the regular season more by not having to catch a 41-41 team that got hot at the right moment.

Just fired coach/GM but have good talent and an owner with deep pockets who wants to win now

They're going to be exciting to watch for a couple years at least

they weren't exciting in the 70s and 80s and aren't exciting now. fuck cuntreal, fuck that kike nosed faggot gretzky.

nobody outside of canada gives a fuck about hockey

Gretzky is awesome fag

nobody outside of subhuman niggers gives a fuck about basketball

t. LA beaner

Nobody gives a fuck about the 1930s Montreal Canadians, same as nobody gives a fuck about dynasties in basketball before the 80s.

No. I just appreciate greatness

Yeah sometimes it's a little too random, but my point is the cream usually rises. And Nashville is a really good team, and will be for a while

Their owner has wanted to "win now" for years and he's currently in the process of completely fucking up the Bills as well. They don't have the talent to win now and are far away from acquiring a legitimate deep playoff squad. He will ruin them.

They'll fuck it up regardless.


How retarded can you be