Is it shame in your country if you're alone at midsummer

is it shame in your country if you're alone at midsummer

in finland it is

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big shame feels bad

dunno, i don't socialize enough to know what others think about that

I thought Finns are loners

hrmph today they have sex and sauna and things with people

>ask "friends" what are they doing at the weekend
>everybody is with their families or gfs

>walking out and working at high humidity and temperature combined
no, it's good day living where you're inside at all times.

we don't have mid summer if it's a shame if you're alone in general
>tfw no finnish gf

i don't like this day

>qt girl goes to one of my lectures
>hear her say shes from finland and on an exchange program
>decide ill try to be funny
>ask her why does finland looks like a ballsag?
>she just looks at me and ignores me


yeah but that's because you're fat

You shoud've said ebin :D ES :DD

No, we have Valentines day for this instead.

how many valentines day card did you received in elementary school user? ;___;

i thought maybe that humor was fuckign wide spread in your country
i thought she would know im talking about spurdo

>decides to be funny
>insults girl's country

kek i know a guy who punched some american because he said that finland is "the shit" and the finn thought he called us shit

Not him but at least I got the ones where they gave one out to every one... or at least some of those

>grade 2
>teacher provides boxes of cards for everyone to exchange
>user, do you want Muppets Cards or Peppermint(?) cards?
>knew what the Muppets were so I figured I try the other one
>hands me the box and shock, disgust and embarrassment hit my face
>they were girly shit
>only boy with girly shit cards
>hid them in my desk and didn't partake in card exchanging

I hate Valentines day.


this is really sad but i have a case of beer


>finland is "the shit" and the finn thought he called us shit

I'm not alone, currently together with my family
>tfw your uncle has a wife from Thailand and you have to listen to her speaking boken Swedish

This fucking thread

>not tossing those pity cards in the trashcan during break

GOAT cards though

I never EVER want to see this image again. Thanks.

ywah well at least i don't live in columbia

with gf and family and friends... hehe...

Finns are based f-a-m

think of it this way: that experience made you hate loli's

>>not tossing those pity cards in the trashcan during break
It's the only form of acknowledgement I received

It would be nice to have a gf but desu I live with my parents and spend a lot of my free tine studying so I can get a better job, move out and finally get a gf.

i sought them out by feigning injury on the playgrounds

No such thing, and summer started two days ago anyway

Here we light fires and jump over them at the 24th. Do they do this in any other country?

that sounds dangerous for an ethniticty with hairy asses




wtf, summer officially started two days ago

Based Finnish man

7 in 3 yeas. But the one i really wanted never come. My french teacher

juhannus for the plebs but that's how they translate it

Funny because is true!


Not a single one.

Not a single one, but when I was in grade school that American shit was not yet that widespread

>that American shit
you mean American culture :~)

have the perfect song to cheer you guys up

>get a bunch of cards every year
>stuff them in my desk or backpack like every sheet of paper I get in school
>throw them out when I find them again in late May somewhere
>never talk to any girls

>Ask friends if they want to do something this juhannus
>They don't

Must be a hill billy thing

do you want to do something this juhannus Teemu?

>Athenian thinking he is Greek

Thats what Iranic people do on Nowrooz.

based finn
>tfw no finnish gf
oow now i'm sad again


No one except my parents know that bc I don't leave my home

>all friends are with their families/friends in cottages partying
>all shops and gyms are closed so there is nothing to do outside
>literally forced to be completely alone for 3 days

I'm at home from college, there's no one around

should organize a /mammi/ meetup

Summer has just begun mate. It's gonna be sunny until October.

it stopped snowing 2 weeks ago but we still call it midsummer

It's more about summer solstice, days start gradually getting shorter again.

Just keep shitposting, my friend. It will soon be over.

Just listen to me, you bunch of pathetic faggots swimming in self-pity.
You are not alone. You are fuckin people. And people do care about each other.
If you continue to revel in your lonliness born out of fear to interact with people, you just continue being pathetic.
So just interact. Tell people about yourself, make the world know that you exist and it will notice you. It's summer, time when everything lives, so fuckin live.

Ah, The sole reasons I had withstood through last three seasons of the Community

>lol just be urself bro

I was talking to people, mario.

came home early from celebrating noche de san juan with my german fwb because she wasn't feeling well. people outside are still celebrating though.

No we just eat pickled herring, get wasted and dance around a vaguely phallic pole.

That would be horrible

it would be fun i reckon. theres many cute finns in /mammi/

One of my craziest hangovers was on Midsummer in Finland

fucking homo

That's what I'm talking about. Nobody would show up and if someone did it would just be gay welfare rats

it is beginning of summer moron

This is quite an American post.

Come home, mongol man.

I have a mouse.

midsummer is completely irrelevant here
natives have 'midwinter' (we tripantu), which corresponds with northern hemisphere midsummer, but it's only relevant to them