I pledge allegiance

I pledge allegiance...

to the flag

of the United States of America

Of my my dick:DDDDD


and to the republic

to the Principal's office with you. I think you need some time in the reeducation room

It sharts for

Jose can you see that star spangled banner

>tfw I started just standing and not saying anything in 2003 after Iraq to be edgy

Of India

to potato

I always just mouthed the words


for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

does anyone have the israel edit?

>tfw other countries know enough of your pledge of allegiance to parody it while you don't even know any other countries national anthem
looks like we win in the end

>stand up for pledges in morning biology
>say nothing because foreigner

I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas

did you live in america for a while?

>because he was defending that right
>Since 1945
Yet another blatant *merican lie.

Fuck It's 1953

btw, Did american ever fought for 'their right' since independence?

American action in the korean peninsula was imperialism. You should be under Juche right now.

I once ironically refused to stand and my teacher got very mad

Just ignore all dumb followers of N. Korea. We go together forever

this. fucking ungrateful gooks would be unified with best korea if it wasn't for the US

Thank you america. This is your and our hero

I unironically didn't say the words or would omit "under God" because I was edgy and nobody cared.

Do they still make kids do the pledge in some schools? I have no idea because I didn't have to by the time I was in high school.

The confederates did

To the rag of the divided slaves of amerikkka

Republic of Korea would have Unified if there was no china. I hate China more than North Korea

It would be unified with America


>btw, Did american ever fought for 'their right' since independence?
Technically 1812, Barbary states, the ones in the Texas republic after Santa Ana started stripping rights, Civil War, WW2, arguably Afghanistan since the right if not getting blown up by Al Qaeda at work is important.

Should have let him nuke the North desu. Though he was losing it in old age.

If you don't believe in God, that's sensible. You know that was added in, right?

No it would have been one non commie Korea and we wouldn't have to listen to some fat fuck talk about nuking us and America burning.

To the rag of the United Westside Connection
And to the W for which it stands
One neighbourhood under God invincible with luxurys and riches for all