Do turks get triggered by the success of Armenians?

Do turks get triggered by the success of Armenians?

Dan Bluzerian
The kardashians

Etc etc etc.

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turkey is richer than armenia

Why are Armenians so prolific in America? They make up less than .15% of the population, compare 2.6% for Jews


They are very intelligent people

Name 10 well known american armenians.

Thought so.

they dont like other people and stick together
they would outjew yahudis if they had more people

they are like filthy fucking j*wrats

one of the 2 turks in uk

Jews are based

pretty much. They have mena tier mentality

kuzukuzu is a turkboo

who the fuck is the other uk turk you big-nosed l*zshit

??? they're ugly and have no morals
they're terrible money-grubbing thieving coniving peoples like Arm*nians

no J*w-tier

but jews and mena have the sane mentality tribe>society.

it's pretty much forced upon MENA culture to be extremely welcoming and open and help the less fortunate out

J*ws are closed away filthy openly greedy rats

You realise most of these ""people"" are autists right?

t. turk

Armenia was the first Christian country. If anyone was ever truly God's chosen, it would be us, not the jews

why all manlets so bad at damage control

>short man
>short temper
>short dick

>Dan Bluzerian
Guy who is only known for hiring prostitutes and porn stars to star in his instagram photos. Became rich through his father who went to jail for fraud.
>The kardashians
Became famous through pornography and dating black guys.
Mediocre singing mutt.
A quarter Armenian tennis player. Wow.

I'm surprised you didn't name System of a Down to complete the list of irrelevant celebrities.

He's 5'10 you autists. He's practically 6 foot and in most countries that's average-tall.

Kek, this guy is the definition of compensating.

You forgot one more person

Serj Tankian (plus three more SOAD members but that would be cheating), Robert Kardashian (not cheating because he was a lawyer for the OJ trial) Raffi, Cher, Ross Bagdasarian, Doctor Kevorkian, William Saroyan, Maddox, and that big titty bitch from The Young Turks.

relax Dan. It's just friendly banter.

Whoops, accidentally deleted Kim Kardashian when I added Robert, adding up to 10

Are those people well known apart from Serj and Kardaşyan?

>Do turks get triggered by the success of Armenians?

dan is bro-tier. dunno about rest

How is the Netherlands treating you Achmed?
We really aren't that prolific outside of California and some areas of MA. Outside of Watertown I've only ever met one other Armenian
I suppose there is some truth to this. My forefathers have all been business owners/entrepreneurs. Armenians aren't miserly though, just hardworking people. I'd say we're more like Indians in this way (business owners) than jewrats.

>the turkish guys fucked half of your famili and iranian people will fuck another half of your nasty familly

You've just described the English

Success as a con artist is still success, I suppose.

Yeah, they're all well-known if you're over 30.

>very small group restricted to a few areas
>disproportionately represented in prominent public positions
Do Armenian-Americans and Slovenian-Americans have any other similarities?

>You've just described the English
I hate the British as well

the worst people in Europe, next to French people and Spanish girls

>I hate the British as well
Good lad

>anita sarkestian
Woah... so this... is the power... pf armenians

every semite is incredibly ethnocentric and nepotistic. this happens everywhere. jews/armenians/arabs/etc. are all highly connected

my ethnic bg is one of the most pure turkic backgrounds, i'd be extremely surprised if there was any shitskin in it and i'm extremely ethnocentric

How could turks not be jealous of this?

According to Wikipedia it's 0.15–0.5%.

Ross Bagdasarian is a national treasure you fucking cockroach

>forgetting Based Deukmejian
Ahh my ancestors

Don't take lanklets seriously. They have a thing against shorter people because they are painfully aware that shorter people have longer lifespans with much less joint problems.
Being tall is basically fucking awful for everything aside from reaching the top shelf easier.
The world is basically built to be physically accommodating for adult women, who are naturally shorter. It's not made to accommodate men, even less so taller men. That means it's a boon for shorter guys and a bane for taller guys.
If anything, you should feel a little bad for the beanpoles.

Go home, filthy fucking roach.