How does it feel to know that the people that are destroying white America are white themselves?
How does it feel to know that the people that are destroying white America are white themselves?
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Kek demands it
Trump/Sanders 2016
Trumps get wall, berns get college.
America First
>not reptilians in disguise
he's not white, it's a fucking kike...
and the motherfuckers are resilient, we're all die and this dipshit will still be around...
Maybe they want to end entitlement benefits and make more money.
It's sad that fat dick white guys are harmed by these policies as well.
just because it drapes white peoples skin over its scaly reptillian body does not mean its white
how did that guy get this old?
transplants of little children for sure.
>David Rockerfeller is Jewish
[citation needed]
Rockefeller family isn't Jewish. At all.
They also haven't done any disproportionate harm to white people.
>it's a "le Jews aren't white even though they derive from white ethnic groups" episode
its not a jew its a space reptillian
Who the fuck are you trying to fool?
Rockefellers are Jews of Sephardic descent (meaning Spanish and Portuguese Jews).
They do not see race and nation as something that actually exist.
Big fats like this jew wants no borders, race mix and many many other ills that will doom our western society and make us fall into the global oligarchy tyranny.
He has fooled even the international marxist, they think they are playing him but hes playing them.
It's over
i dont give a fuck cuz im not white. fuck em all
Except they describe themselves as Jewish before white. It can be offensive to say otherwise.
> white
> posts Rothschild zionist jew.
that's the whole point
its about class warfare. these are RICH whites not poor white plebs.
you'll never be anything to them but a low class workers.
They are trying to make America into a nation of slaves.
Trump is no different Trump sees you all as a bunch of low class monkeys, same goes with Hillary and Bernie.
for you it is the destruction but for them a new world belonging them.
that is david rockefeller who is not a jew
there are a million jewish bankers but they post one of the few gentile ones so they can say LOL HAHA NOT A JEW ROFL GOT YA
>there are a million jewish bankers but they post one of the few gentile ones so they can say LOL HAHA NOT A JEW ROFL GOT YA
Yeah, everyone is catching on to merchant tricks now, it really upsets the merchants
What are they destroying exactly? What is there left of america to destroy?
he good goy
he Hindu nuffin
Rockefeller is a sephardic jew and a frontman for the Rtohschilds (Jews) , and works closely with Soros (a Jew)