EA announces Fifa 18

>EA announces Fifa 18
>Cristiano Ronaldo is the featured player
>Reveal trailer is just him making a penalty kick

What did they mean by this?

he can score the penalty kicks, unlike missi



>Made by Americans
Try again Paco.

>Messi has scored more, and missed more penalties than Ronaldo
>Ronaldo is still unironically referred to as Penaldo

really makes you think

that's not a penalty, you dumb fuck

it's actually made by FUCKING LEAFS



And this is the exact reason the game is shit.

they literally ruined NBA Live, and this was in the 90s. yuros have no taste though, it's clear PES has always been better

>penalty kick

>penalty kick

Pes 08 09 10 are fucking disgraces

>friendship ended with fifa
>now pes is my best friend

>they use Battlefield gun/combat noise samples when Rolando is running
Jesus fucking christ I can't believe people still buy this garbage.

>penalty kick
amerisharts, everyone

>Call Penalty to a Free kick

>penalty kick
Amerifats the thread

this is the average american messi dickgirl btw


>Ronaldo is fifa's new mascot

Christ they're actually gonna buff him aren't they and make him a 95 while keeping his 5* skills and 90+ dribbling

He had better stats than messi in fifa 17 aswell

Yeah, because Messi signed a deal with PES and EA got butthurt. To make Ronaldo have the highest rating in the game they've had to combine his current self and the player he was 10 years ago. It's bullshit.

>penalty kick
Stick to apehoop, yankee.