Fuck the Twin Towers

Fuck the Twin Towers
How much of an ace pilot do you need to be to pull this shit off?

Attached: pentagon-911.jpg (1078x516, 398K)

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This is just 2 images photoshopped together with some arrows and question marks, there's no scale or dimensions.

Here's the video of it happening

>He was behind

Attached: del6kmm7yroi2543433000000.jpg (820x586, 41K)

>it's impossible to rotate a plane as well as this being shopped
shut the fuck up please

Can't see thin aluminium wings having much effect on concrete and stonework, they are not much more than thick tinfoil.

Attached: [email protected] (350x302, 1.44M)

The plane was not speeding along the ground dumbass.

>Fiberglass and aluminum wings didn't make cartoon style puncture hole in heavily reinforced building


This. The engines and fuselage would have penetrated as in the pic but the delicate wings wouldn't have a chance.

You know it was going at several hundred miles an hour right?

>How much of an ace pilot do you need to be to pull off crashing into a building

Attached: 1516277186434.png (645x729, 56K)

pic related
"muh plane"

Attached: pentagon4.jpg (1262x825, 629K)



virginia fag here. i literally saw the plane crash into the pentagon while sitting on 355 in morning traffic.

yes, it was a fucking airplane.


3 times in ALL OF AVIATION HISTORY has a plane completely vanished after crashing.

All 3 times were 9/11.

395 perhaps?

Oh only 3 times? So you know the location of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 then?

Not every, they tested this is simulations with flight students, Even after only a few flights they could achieve this easily
This is just false. Even the most basic of google searches will show countless times planes have been loss. Even then how many planes are purposely trying to destroy themselves?
How many normal crashes occur where the pilot is attempting to save the plane

If you can land a plane, you can hit it. Its not like they chose a specific spot to hit.

911 was filmed in a hollywood studio

You cannot google a plane crash where ZERO plane remains were found, aside from 911. Go do it and return back and say thank you for showing me I'm wrong.

I dont get it. How do they lose track of this one? Dont all planes have gps signaling ?

Where did the wings go? I cant imagine they can penetrate those walls

You must've been that taxi driver that "saw" the whole thing.