
Let me tell you why americans are like muslims.

Muslims will kill people because they need islam
Americans will kill people because they need democracy

Muslims hate europe because it's not Islamic enough.
Americans hate Europe because it's not american enought.

Muslims use the quran to justify being assholes.
Americans use the bible to justify being assholes.

Muslims hate everyting that is not islamic.
Americans hate everything that is not america.

Muslims are arrogant.
Americans are arrogant.

Prove me wrong
>Inb4 hurr sweden refugee memes
>Inb4 hello *insert arabic name here*
>Inb4 muslim wife/husband
>Inb4 cuckold nation

Other urls found in this thread:

Your thread is bad and you should feel bad

Only redeeming part is his pic.

Your opinion matters not, yankee subhuman

Sweden is the only nation Americans are jealous of.

fuck off sandnigger

I don't see Americans fucking your wife

Oh how original, I totally didn't see that one coming

Are you a immigrant or swedish?

I bet you are swedish, only a germanic could make an ignorant and stupid thread like this

America intervenes in a country when civil wars erupt/human rights are being curbed.
Muslims kill due to non-conversion and Jihadi aspirations.

America loves Europe, you never really hear citizens outside of Sup Forums talk shit about it unless you're discussing the EU or migration crisis. Our federal government sends billions in foreign aid to Europe.
Fundamentalist Muslims hate the laws in comparison to Sharia which gives them an unnatural distaste for anything modern.

Your last three comparisons aren't even worth the explanation because they're just outright bullshit opinions. Come to think of it, everything you said was.

Have fun with Abu Hassan, Pajeet, maybe he can fuck your wife while you watch in your cuckshed from a safe distance. Abu Hassan might not be dropping mortars on you just yet, but I bet your wife is having a blast.

Calm down Mohammad, you dont need to feel bad that more rapefugees are coming and stealing your white women

No we kill people because it's fun. We hate Europe because you're a bunch of faggots (just look at OP guys). We use Congress to justify being assholes. We hate everything with dark skin, low IQ, and bad body odor (hence why we get along with Asians). We are arrogant, and we have every right to be snow nigger.


Americans aren't raping your women tho.



When's the last time a Swede made a thread that wasn't just a babbling rant about Americans? Stop projecting and go tend to your Somali masters.

>America intervenes in a country when civil wars erupt/human rights are being curbed.

No, America is not a retarded nation, it intervenes according to its own interest.

There would be no saudi arabia if you gave a fuck about human rigts (also protip, americans helped saudis to crush a nationalist-secular rebellion)


Never change Sweden.

If they can't get cucked in real life, they come here to be cucked.

Nice complexes
you're just proving my point.

So explain to me how that is the equivalence to the US actually helping people instead of imposing Sharia like radical Muslims do?

That's a danish person though,retard.



Well shitskins and niggers smell awful, but whites smell like this raw wet dog body odor smell that doesn't have any spice musk .

You guys aren't as bad as Indians and pakis, but it's noticeable since most white guys tend to not practice proper hygene.

>This much damage control
This doesn't prove me wrong about americans lmao

No one gives a fuck what you think cuck.
I just want to laugh at Sweden cuck memes now.
You're nation only exists to set an example on what happens when you let rapefugees in

Nah, you're just proving mine famalam

"Land oh the free, home of the cuck"
Your country has been cucked for way longer than sweden.
The only difference is, when you find shit in the toilet (USA), you're not surprised. But when you find it on a kitchen table (sweden/europe) you would be concerned.

But of course you americans wouldn't be able to understand this.

American Culture is like Islamic Culture: They are both cultures.

very constructive, very smart
Really makes you think

> you'll never be as cucked as sweden

At least im not canadian

how's your black husband Muhammad?

Sorry I don't speak french

Never say never.

We are a giant landmass who could be turned into a gaping shit whole for all to wnter

Canada is more cucked than Sweden ever will be in terms of politicians.
When was the last time you saw Löfvén or any of our most important politicians look like literal fags?

>being this retarded

If you respond to this you're a cuck

Don't worry. You will have protection soon from evil white people.

kek'd they are shooting .22s and this is sniper training? über kek

relax Abdul, I know your bum hurts, you don't have to take it out on us


I-i-i am used to it mate, my Bull preps on me so i am a little butthurt but what can i do user?

Did the swedish government ever paid you to go to a range?

WoW sweden confirmed for mega cuck

I didn't know it was this bad

Yes multiple times.
In youth army and also during regular service.

But i only deal with Black muslim bulls because it is not tolerant to deal with white ones.

>damage control

I don't even need to post memes about america, because the entire country is a meme.

guess the ethnicity of OP!


>Swedish denial at it's finest

Not denying anything, You guys on the other hand deny the fact that you are far worse gone than us which is really, really, really bad.

Aight here are my features:


Light brown/ash blonde


>damage control

I'm convinced you are a proxy fag who is just baiting at this point. Sweden is #1 cucked world wide, followed by probably Canada, then Germany.

How are we worse gone than you? We don't have migrants murdering workers and police chiefs coming to their defense, we aren't training refugees with weapons, and our women aren't being fucked by the Somalian national soccer team.

You will never be 10% of what America is, we could flatten you out in a day if we wanted lmao, do you pussies even have a military? Thought so.

>Black president
>62 % White
>Less than 50 % of kids in school are not even white.
>Detroit 10 % white
etc etc you can't state that Sweden or any other European nation is worse as long as you have a black president and the fact that not even half your nation is white.
Those 62 % white counts arabs and other middle-easterns as whites aswell fyi.

Look at this, and yes you could nuke the entire planet so what? you guys are a super power we are not.


>Says 62% white

> Says not half

Swedish education? Also I don't live anywhere near Michigan so why do I care about those niggers in Detroit? The fact remains, your country is openly accepting it's death. How does it feel?

THe only things you can come up with it muslims doing shit in sweden.
Not actual swedes

Picture from Pakistan, Pic is of mad mudslimes who hate Lars vilks so what?

Exactly, you aren't a super power. Glad you realize it, help your fellow cucked Swede over here figure it out.

the butthurt is real

You're not wrong Swedecuck and I personally own it, maybe if you were a little bit like us you wouldn't have this haji problem right now.

Manifest Destiny all the fucking way baby, the rest of the world is here for us

>you guys are a super power we are not

Muslims that your country and citizens welcome with open arms, even after being killed and raped by them. You'd rather be seen as progressive than actually take a stand and call them what they are - detrimental to your way of life. You disgust me you weak faggots. I feel bad for the old Swedes, it really did used to be a wonderful country.

>I've never met an American: The thread

I said 62 % white which is below 50 % because you count Arabs and other Middle-easterns as whites.
>your country is openly accepting it's death. How does it feel?
Nope, We are turning the tide as we speak.
Also the fact that you deny that the US is about to have a white minority is truly frightening, Atleast i aknowledge the fact that if we don't stop this we will become a minority.

>Lefties aren't swedes

>being an asshole is the issue here
>its not the fact that our ideology is better

its okay to kill violent opposition especially if their ideas are shittier than yours.

I have not seen a single Swede state that we are a superpower where did you get that from?


this is what happens when you google swedish man

You have no basis for the "not even half" argument. Arabs do not make up 12% of our population.

And you aren't turning shit, your faggot ass politicans agreed that "Ramadan is a Swedish tradition" lmfao you are more fuck than you realize faggot.

No, but comparing Sweden to America is like comparing Danny Devito to The Hulk. You aren't on our level so don't try to compare, cucks.

>swedish man

This is what happens when you google canadian man

Of course you prefer niggers over whites with blue eyes and blonde hair. Typical canada

he's probably from brampton




that is exactly how everyone in sweden looks, of course.

Meh Points, but I love to see fatties mad.

Not exactly...


You don't live here so you don't know shit about what is going on here and what is wrong about our society, That is the differance between me and you.
>your faggot ass politicans agreed that "Ramadan is a Swedish tradition" lmfao you are more fuck than you realize faggot.
Our policucks did that yes but do you think the average Swede gives a flying fuck about ramadan..? I will tell you we don't.
Stop denying that you guys are even more fucked than a meme country in the north it is sad seeing you guys spewing out your retarded ass shit.

Wow, this thread is just like the world wars, one country getting mad, with 2 or 3 allies in a axis, and an entire coalition just pounding their asses. You lost bro, just kys like Hitler did, save the little honor that's still in you.

>smoking a cig

the most degenerate of all acts.


All are true to be honest but so what? At least we aren't Swedes.

Can't tell if bait or being retarded
Since, you're canadian I would go with the latter

>"Hurr durr you don't live here so you don't know"

Do you live in America faggot? No, so suck my dick. American life is fine, the niggers and spics are mostly kept in a few isolated area. You don't have our politicians bending over backwards to accept a bunch of Somalian animals over to come rape our women and kill our people.


All this american damage control.
Thanks for proving my point, you guys.
Americans are and will remain subhumans who are jelous of europe.

I can't suck your dick as it was cut of at birth Tyrone da nigga.

>Tries to make a funny joke and ignores the post


Sweden loses again :).

It's not even damage control it is complete utter denial of the fact that they are the first white nation to become a white minority.
I wish them the very best but damn the average American Sup Forums poster is retarded.