Why is Poland not affected by cultural marxism?

Why is Poland not affected by cultural marxism?

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Because they have a tradition where the President burns a gay rainbow.


it is

you're just communicating with faggots who got bullied in school and spend their entire life on right-wing imageboards so this is why you think we are "red-pilled"

Nobody hates gays here anymore, there are more black people every year and most of us like it. Its the last time we're having a retarded right wing government too - forever

Nazi scum

I'm genuinely curious about the migrant situation in Poland. How is it for you guys? Is it bad?

It is. You should visit Warsaw. Tons of liberal college students and female nigger culture boos. That's the same trash that protests their muh Nazi gubmnet. Rural Poland is based.

I still see groups of niggers or gooks here in Łódż. We need a happening now to cleanse this city.

Fuck off Cuck if you love niggers and Muhammad's cock so much move to Germany or Sweden get the fuck out of Poland I'm so sick of faggots like you on Sup Forums I have more pride in Poland than you. If you don't have pride in your country then get they fuck out.

Poland, especially Krakow where I live is shaping up to be a huge outsourcing hub. There are corporate office towers growing here like mushrooms. Major corporations like Coca Cola, IBM, ABB, Samsung, Google etc all do their accounting here.

So you see people of all races and colours on the street but mostly these will be foreign corporate workers working for the above.

No mass migration is being allowed, except for Ukrainians who are flooding the country and for the first time in my 30 years of life you're seeing cyrillic on the walls. Also japanese tourists and drunk britfaggots vomiting on the streets every weekend.

Its likely the only honest answer you'll receive but yeah, we're steadily getting foreign people here. Not the low income ones for now though.

Also I first saw a black person live in 2008 and I was born in 1986 so there's that.

Assuming by "cultural marxism" you mean multi-culturalism and things like feminism..... I would argue that no cunt wants to emigrate to Poland and that the
progressive female population left Poland when they got their opportunity (opening up of eu borders).... only the dregs remain.

>"but Poland is red-pilled bro"

And I'm a burger a fucking forginer shouldnt have more pride in Poland than a polish person

Found the cuck.

Recent studies actually show that right wing views are actually the most popular among young people of collage age, both in cities and rural areas.

This. Poland is already receiving its early stages of cultural enrichment and multi-CULT-uralism. This country needs to be saved while it's still majorly white before it gets to the stage where ethnic cleansing is needed.

I swear, you cannot go anywhere on the planet now without experiencing multiculturalism.

Because when we hear marxism...

kek, I earn far more than you possibly ever will, probably more than your entire family.

I could leave to live like a wealthy person anywhere in the world, places they wouldn't even let you in like Australia I regularly get job offers from.

Its going to be people like me who make decisions for this country not poor ass white trash like you and we're certainly not going to choose PiS

Oh fucking hell I live in the same city as this cuck

I live in Wrocław. Sometimes you can see a gook or nigger, but most of them are tourist or collage students and they are preety based.

and i am a african kek

You guys going to meet up and settle it or what?

And this Sup Forums is a kike right here. This is why the world is crashing and burning because:
>muh money can buy anything in the world

If I'm poor ass white trash I would have never left the US. Your a disgrace to Poland. I'm sure your the same Cuck I argue with all the way I me on here because most Poles are bases especially on Sup Forums you just shit post 24/7

No I don't need to be deported

What a fucking hypocrit. Wow, congrats polack, you triggered me

We have all colors of Earth at unis, but they rather won't stay here, and we got some Koreans and Vietnamese, but they work and are fair.

>What a fucking hypocrit. Wow, congrats polack, you triggered me
What the fuck are you on about kike?


He's talking about the jew in the picture you silly goose.

All the time on here

Question for you poles, where is the best place to visit in Poland? Your countrymen over here seem nice and I knew one of the women who worked in your embassy here, but they all tell me different things.

Soviet past and strong Christian traditions

You know that's how the US and Canada were at the early stages as well.
>oh there's only a couple of them
>oh they're fair & nice
You know these people out number us around the world. Once they see we are ok with their kind by word of mouth through the gook network, they will start flooding in huge numbers. Remove them from the country before it's too late.

It is, but barely. You have to understand that Catholic Church had huge role in abolishing communism and while the patriotic/conservative mentality was gradually disappearing thanks to omnipresent pro-EU media coverage, the migrant crisis and lies fed to us by pro-EU government caused resurgence in right wing ideology, hence Catholic populists rule the country now. While I'm not too fond of the ruling party, I'd much rather have them than anyone else ruling us during the shitskin invasion of Europe.

I wouldn't really call it bad. We have plenty of students from all over the world, lots of Ukrainians in the east, that's about it.

Mazury and Kraków senpai. And the mountains of course.

Go to Kraków and maybe Gdansk. Tatra mountains are also nice


Because Uncle Adolf took care of their Jewish problem a long time ago

>and i am a african kek

I wouldn't hold it against it if you were

I'm a project manager for a HUGE company, we have people of all faiths and colors in the office yes including a polish girl who is muslim and wears a headscarf. We get along famously.

We're also all very well educated and I've never met a person with a degree from a prestigious university who was racist. Same as you know, there aren't any racist scientists (except Wilson who has dementia) and why the scientific community laughs at places like Sup Forums so hard.

But enjoy being deluded with your minimum wage patriotic mates - there's a reason you're poor - you've never put effort in anything except hate.


>get the fuck out of Poland
Every fucking time. Just gather your toys and go home already.

He just said the absolute truth.

>gook network

Krakow and Tatra mountains it is, what is the best time of year to go?

Cracov, Gdansk, Warsaw.


Fuck off we're full cuck.

I would say spring or fall

Is this the Reddit raiders I've heard so much about?

>Nobody hates gays here anymore, there are more black people every year and most of us like it. Its the last time we're having a retarded right wing government too - forever

dream on, bottomboi

I go to Uj and there are lots of racist. Most poles are not chucks like you

Are you that famous polish remote patriot on exile?

Summer, if you can stand the heat, otherwise late spring. Fall and winter in Poland can be depressing

poland is uneffected by marxism? our current government is literally brewing a second greece with irrational public spending right now.

If I can already speak Russian/Belorussian, how hard is it to learn polish?

Cucks god damn auto correct

The only reason you think these people aren't racist is because they're too afraid to speak up at your shitty cultural marxist company.

>I hate niggers, kikes, and gooks

Have you been watching nothing but British Council sponsored movies in Poland? Most professors are racist as well but they can't say anything because they'll get canned. And students in university cannot say anything either because it is a priviledge of being there. You cannot fight against being expelled for being racist.

This is just motivating me to extend my university studies so I can become the dictator that this country needs so that I can boot your ass out of this country along with your shitty international marxist company.

Tatra mountains are around 100km from Krakow but on weekends it could be very crowdy on the the main road as it's basically one and narrow in last part
check also Bieszczady mountains , Wrocla is also very nice city (similar to Cracow)

aka their family & friends
And imagine how much bigger it gets with internet.

I guess I will plan for next spring, since I will be busy this fall.

Heat sounds bad, but it is hot here, too. Why is fall and winter depressing? Do you not having skiing?

>what is east asia

>guy says about acquiesce in today's homosexual rights agenda
>he posts political party polls
And how do the two compare?

it is as fuck

meanwhile watch subhumans using potato (literally!) gun


Polan is a Satanist left-hand cuntry nao


shouldn't be very hard but i'm under impression that Polish is harder than Russian (i don't speak Russian though),
most of old people in Poland speak Russian, in big cities you would not have any problem using English

right wing has now huge support. the gay part got copied.

Why do you support the destruction of global cultural diversity? Is it just "muh exotic food".

Also, protip: Poland right now doesn't receive the same kind of foreigners that wealthier countries do. You're really going to tell me that somewhere like Germany and Sweden benefit from a mass of third world males who can barely read or write? Because that's what Sup Forums is concerned about, not your naive little multiculti bubble.

Is this pasta? It's pretty good i'll give it 7/10.

>Implying potato guns don't exist everywhere in the world and aren't fun as fuck.

East asia has its share of multiculturalism too. They even have a street full of niggers in China. Don't have the images on my computer. The only reason you don't notice it as much in East Asia is because they don't stop shitting out kids nonstop.

>at your shitty cultural marxist company
Unemployed raging teen. The Sup Forums's core.

>Why is fall and winter depressing?
Fall is dark and rainy, personally I love Poland at that time, but some people might not like it. Winter is cold and not even very snowy since the recent climate changes.

More or less. They have a point though, you won't see a witchhunt against homos here, at least not in major cities. And people really aren't bothered by blacks, but that's because they simply stay in tourist areas and behave themselves for the most part.

With that said, PLENTY of people are conservative, which by the way isn't a social stigma here. I know plenty of people from Warsaw, Krakow, Lublin, particularly college students, who are openly right wing. It isn't some loser virgin basement dweller thing here, they'd know that if they ever brought up politics among normies. The anti-leftist sentiments are only growing stronger due to crisis in the western EU.

>so I can become the dictator that this country needs

yeah first graduate from high school

maybe you'll become the dictator of Tesco's janitor night shift which with this type of mindset is about the extent of your intellectual capability

do they use kurwas so much somewhere else?


dude i am literally laughing at your pasta autism level is going higher

I don't know Russian too, but it seems quite easy if I look at it, there are some words that mean the same in the polish language. If you can speak Russian I think you'll get a hang of it.

The pic you posted

I think is baiting you guys

Is it time for round 2?

Good to know. Thank you and all the others who answered my questions. I do hope to visit next year.

we are not affected by immigration because we don't have benefits as West is giving to immigrants
only Ukrainians come here in large numbers as it's easier for them to get working permit in Poland and they earning here much better than in Ukraine, offically it's already about 500k of Ukrainians in Poland

It is affected by multiculturalism. The youth over there is starting to get cucked.

Yes reddit trash or paid wyborcza shills.

That is true that you can see some shitskins in big cities, also they tend to be far more degenerate. But smaller cities/villages are pretty based still, I live in a town 150k people and never even once in my life I met somebody who said niggers or fags are okay.

Beating up niggers/fags is more common here, even done it myself once.

>look at me bend over and work for (((the man))) instead of being a entrepreneur
>I am apart of the aristocratic society of multiculturalism
>I assert myself over other Poles that got economically fucked over for a 100 years because (((the man))) gives me money for bending over and regurgitating my (((education)))

I met a Polish student girl on exchange here who said she doesn't like gays. Such a thing is unimaginable of a western girl except maybe some ultra-Christian communities in the rural USA. I still think Poland and Slav countries in general are uncucked, there is more of a sincere attitude towards life in the east which precludes most liberal veiws from taking root.

Do you just shit post on Sup Forums 24/7? You like to post from your KOD mommy and daddy's basement in Kraków

You're definitely better off than someone who doesn't know any slav languages. With that said, Polish language is beyond fucked up.

Poles are subhuman, my neighbour is a pole

>Mom is making garlic soup, and she pours me a bowl
>I go outside into the alleyway between my house and my neighbours house to eat it
>When I bite into the soup, I get about 4 whole pieces of garlic in my mouth and immediately spit them out
>they fly into my neighbours backyard, and as soon as they land, my neighbours youngest son sees this and runs off to his parents
>I go and clean it up
>when I finish, I go back to eating my soup
>as I eat my soup, I hear my neighbours bickering and talking about me and my family. They're getting angrier and angrier.
>kek they're getting so mad over a few chunks of garlic
>I make my way to them to troll them a little bit
>They have a sloped driveway, and 4 trucks in a circle with the beds facing each other so they each could sit in their own truck and drink beer
>The youngest one didn't have a truck, so he sat on a couch
>So I'm on my property, looking down on them, and start talking about how big their trucks are, and how big guys they all were
>I tell the younger kid he has the sweetest truck of them all
>walk back to my backyard to continue eating my garlic soup
>they're in full rage now, and I start hearing scuffling
>They're in my front yard, yelling at my dad
>The middle son is telling my dad I threw rocks at their house
>so I start fighting the middle son. He is much taller than me, and he punches stronger than me, but once I got his legs and pinned him down it was finished for this guy
>somebody else comes up to me, so I also put him in a headlock
>The neighbour dad says "you're gonna put a cop into a headlock?"
>So I released him and said sorry
>We talked things over and realized it was all a misunderstanding
>we decided to make peace between families, and to take a group picture
>we lined up, but most of us couldn't agree about which angle we wanted to line up in

>, there aren't any racist scientists (except Wilson who has dementia)

you are absolutely delusional. are you denying that there are genetic differences between races? if so, why do you deny reality? you think that you can create some new humanity according to your fucked up delusions about nature and reality?

But many Young Poles are right wing, I thought.


kill yourself szmato

Yeah they're pretty similar from what i can see.


Yeah, most people aren't too fond of gays or simply don't care. That doesn't mean they'd physically hurt them though.

Poland is christian so 'im pretty this country is cucked.

Explain to me how intellectual capability is linked with being okay by having your asshole raped by international solidarity.

>tfw you have to handicap your brain to become truly non-prejudice

Yeah, the question came from a German guy and it was in relation to a Turkish guy saying gays don't exist in Turkey outside Isranbul. He asked "do you have gays in Poland?" And she said "Yes, but we hate them". She was young, educated, urban.

But they aren't even .5% of the population. It would be nice to have a small quantity of foreign prostitutes but that's it.

speaking of professor to this day I had a chuckle when one of our profs said that during WWII a lot of "humans died...and also some jews".

>mommy and daddy's basement

I rent a cool as hell apartment and am fucking a hot oppinionated 23 year old.

More things you'll never experience kek