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holy shit china is slaaayin

wow Lithuania is rich as fuck

>200 million people more than US
>still poorer
lmoa how can euroshits ever recover

I want so badly to rule a country like Russia or at least be an advisor or something and turn it around

Because poorfags like you are in the union. If it was 200 mio Norwegians, Americans would look third world in comparison

And Liberia is even richer!

It's total GDP not GDP per capita you dumbass.


muh nukes
muh veto power

Yeah if the EU consisted out of 27 times Norway instead of Eastern euro trash like you, its GDP would be a lot higher.

if it ain't broke, don't fix it

but it is broken

There is only one Norway. Are you fucking autistic by chance?
An ameriturd could also say "woah if US consisted of 200 californias we'd totally blow you the fuck out even further!111|!1!111!"
How does it change anything?

If the following countries had as big a population as the US
>Luxembourg $33,554,738
>Switzerland $25,765,216
>Norway $22,887,674
>Ireland $20,342,106
>Iceland $19,388,128

That isn't how GDP works

>If the following countries had as big a population as the US
>>Luxembourg $33,554,738
>>Switzerland $25,765,216
>>Norway $22,887,674
>>Ireland $20,342,106
>>Iceland $19,388,128
If the following states and territories had as big a population as the EU:
GDP per capita
>Washington DC $160,472
>Massachusetts $65,545
>New York $64,579
>Connecticut $64,511
>Alaska $63,971
>Delaware $63,664
>North Dakota $62,837

>Extrapolating GDP/capita

I have no idea how the hell this country is so absurdly productive

Only e.u tax heavens can compete with u.s.a :(

This was pre-Brexit. The EU is about to lose its second largest economy so it will be even less relevant.

>If it was 200 mio Norwegians
Then the EU would be fucking massive and have about 80% of the world's oil. Excuses are excuses.

>Implying Luxembourg and Switzerland would still be tax havens if they were the size of America

And yet the combined population of these countries is smaller than New York State

Freedom. Seriously.

>we've above the EU again

Capitalism, my friend.

Pro-business, entrepreneurial mentality

Economic freedom and consumerism.

If only Sup Forums existed back in the '90s when Russia had a smaller economy than Poland, oh boy, we would have so many giggles.

WW2. Seriously.

fucking autists all I said if they had as big a population as the US. leave it up for your boring ass life to think everything through to come to the obvious conclusion that it doesn't just work that way.
fuck you all

>when Russia had a smaller economy than Poland
I don't think that was ever the case

There's no need to be upset. If you say retarded shit, we'll point out that it's retarded.

They were richer than most european countries before that and they were not going to stop. Although I don't like their keynes mentality.

>Implying Luxembourg and Switzerland would still be tax havens if they were the size of America
Germany is considered by some as a tax haven.

It has been broken since 1991. You're being robbed by crooked thugs who run your country this very moment.
Their genius lies in the fact that they have duped Russian people into believing that the enemies are all around your country, when they're actually in the heart of Moscow.

Rusty nukes won't keep your babushkas warm.

Seriously this

It is called "nominal GDP".

Other relevant nations don't use dollars. The comparison is silly.

>inb4 PPP is silly
I agree. Both are.


that's columbia you silly kraut


What the fuck are you babbling about

the list is without the UK already

Don't try to reason with Germany, they can't into reasonable arguements and will just invade you again.

damn I thought italy was poorer than that