They want the illegal with nice legs to go on Ellen...
They want the illegal with nice legs to go on Ellen
>nothing was ever handed to her
Except a free ride in college.
>Sup Forums neckbeards getting mad at people who are contributing to the world
Lmao at racist pieces of shit
If she didn't want this to happen, she wouldn't of added that she was undocumented. Just like how she "earned" her ride to college, she also earned deportation by being a massively retarded and arrogant cunt.
What's that unintelligible monkey babble you got going on there?
You're mad because an illegal Mexican girl btfo'd you in every respect.
I think its Spanish.
>These people acting like graduating HS is a huge accomplishment
You either have a country or you don't
Laws are there for a reason. It doesn't matter if you cure cancer, nobody can be above the law for society to exist.
>nothing was ever handed to ever
pic related my fucking sides, deport this bitch
>high schoolers who pay no tax see no problem in someone illegal getting part of their education paid for by those who do pay tax
Color me surprised
simple question is,
the song of globalism
>Graduates from a poorly rated spic high school
>Gets a scholarship because she is a Latina
>Will probably major in something like sociology or Chicano studies
>Btfoing anyone
I guess in spic standards that's impressive, but to actually human beings, that's rather mediocre.
Because the left wants white to be a minority so they can never lose elections
She's broken United States law
It's a crime.
People who commit crime should be charged and sentenced for their crimes.
Therefore she needs to go back.
This. A criminal brags about committing a crime, and people want to congratulate them for it?
>nothing handed to me
>full benefits of American education with 0 investment
I hope Obama '08 speaks up. What was it he said? Sup Forums talking about another 18 year old narcissist on social media?
Mediocre 4/10
also butterface
feel good now Sup Forums?
congrats on the transition
....are nothing special.
>people are called bigots for getting mad at someone breaking the law
This is modern day America
aren't they trying to get her kicked of the USA?
i don't think anyone has a problem with her achieving good grades. the problem is she's not legal.
>I'll never lay across her nice legs while she spanks my boy tushie and condemns my white gringo privilege
Those are nice legs? the skin looks translucent
This and only this.
Don't forget that she didn't get a full ride scholarship. It's only her first year tuition that was paid for. Anyone who put in even slight effort should have gotten that. The dumb spic meant to say "full ride [for my first year]"
dem leeeehg
Is this a you rage you lose thread?
hey trump didn't know you lurked
Is she America's token illegal?
So this is the great america whos gonna rise to power and bring back the good old days
A society that worships niggers and enables criminals
Did the college not no she was undocumented? Couldn't she lose her seat now?
She cites Texas law in reference to someone who is already in violation of Texas law...
Maybe instead of flaunting the fact that she and her familia are not legal citizens of this country, she should have just kept her vapid mouth shut and await the forced exodus come next January..
Colleges in California will literally give you scholarships for being undocumented. That's how fucked up this whole situation is.
But her faceeeeee !!!!
Build clock !
She earned the right to be a criminal? What now?
Nothing special, the media probably pushes it to hide her busted face
Actually there is a logical, reasonable solution to this:
Have her pay 'Out Of State Tuition' problem solved! Everyone is happy!
It wasn't a free ride
her feet look horrendous, god damn
>tfw rejected from UT when this insufferable cunt gets free tuition and I know I'm smarter than her
When is she gonna do porn to pay for her dorm?
she has grandma legs, you Americans really lowered your standards
>Nice legs
>Definitely bipedal
>Could walk on/10
If you told me that the original tweet was the result of a Sup Forums-troll wanting for illegals to out themselves - I would believe you.
I hope every single one of them gets send back.
She didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.
>hard work
>70% of the school could barely speak English
I graduated from there in 2011. Austin is terminally cucked. My last two years were full of me arguing with tons of professional latinas like the one featured. They talk a mean game but deep down they all want BWC.
>straight white Christian American male
>36 ACT
>get $112k scholarship
I hope this bitch gets deported live on television
What did this bitch get on her ACT and SAT?
If she didn't get anything above a 30 or a 2000, I'm not going to be impressed.
its not stealing guys!
she only lied about her citizenship...and her background...and about paying taxes...and her social... get with the times! lying to get what you want is fine as long as you work REALLY hard on that lie. #feelthebern(madoff)
paco get behind wall
lets all go to mexico, take money from your school funds and call you all racists for trying to stop us!
so like every other women out there she spread her legs to get ahead and be illegal.
the only ones getting BTFO are her and the rest of the illegal spics. now go build that wall