/V4/ + no friends

3 based countries + culturally enriched slovakia edition

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They said in the news Temelin is now hiring staff based on a bikini contest now. You cunts actually want to kill us, right?

Post your favourite porn tags niggers

3D - cuckold, amateur, voyeur, glory hole, public sex, incest

2D - straight shota, prostitution, gyaru, incest


are you implying that cup size is not sufficient qualification to work in a nuclear power plant?
are you some kind of sexist shitlord?


I hope you're not implying Hoholand is based.

3D-Big Boobs

2D-I don't watch hentai, but if I did it would probably be big boobs

i still can't believe how this memelord even got into the EU parliament, he had almost 0 support before and after those elections

I voted for him.

Your question contains the answer.

Post nice contemplative music:


The man who will save Poland.

>tfw no ancap gamur gril gf
Why even live?

ultimate comfiness

Define contemplative

Same desu


how vanilla

I enjoy instrumental too

Pole in Czechia?

what is she saying

Jezus, I waited for something like that.
Not sure tho

Someone posted in the thread before, that's where I know it from

how does the MEP voting work in Poland?

>Jezuniu czekałam na takie coś
Ježiš čakala som na také čosi


polish women love black + turkish + arabic dick thats why wh*te boys are angry

>Hey, I'm 23 male from Poland I have180 cm and 75kg and I'm still a virgin, how do you talk with girls? like if you spend with her hours then it's hard to talk all the time, can you for example prompt me the words via some spying microphone when I'll be talking with women so I can get finally laid?


>how does the MEP voting work in Poland?
D'Hondt method nationally for mandates for given party, and then Hare-Niemeyer method for distribution of mandates internally among potential MEPs.

White only thread, gtfo sandnigger

why you respond, he posts that fake shit into every thread


reminder Perun was only worshipped in Kievan Rus and west slavs didn't even acknowledge him

How come a Slovak didn't understand it and a Czech did? I thought Polish is easier for Slovak than Czechs.

I'm from silesian region, my father speaks "po nazśemu" a lot.

>finished work earlier
>landlord bought me new electric stove with two circles
>went shopping with aunt helping me
>bought the following items (probably even going to miss a bunch)
>frying pan, some plastic dining thingies for it to stand on, 3 pots with covers, new trash bin, mop, bucket for mop, laundry basket to wash clothes inside, some tools and chemicals for cleaning bathroom, eggs, sunflowerseed oil, air freshener, sponges
>also bought kettle yesterday, for tea
>probably gonna spend the weekend cleaning the shit out of this place
thanks for reading another one of my blogs

have fun

because I'm accustomed to it a bit
from the internet
>How come a Slovak didn't understand it and a Czech did? I thought Polish is easier for Slovak than Czechs.
I'm actually a Hungarian Vak though
the ultimate v4 citizen :D

I know. It doesn't really matter, as all true europians share same ancestors

also buy screwdriver, hammer and adjustable spanner if you don't have those already
t. knower

we wuz Wodan n shiet

Well, we can't definitely confirm whether he was or wasn't worshipped, but you have a point, the only sources about him are very sparse mentions in some chronicles from Ruthenia.
Our thundergod/father/warlord/leader god was probably Jasz or Jesza.
I suspect that Głupi Jaś from children rhymes and games is a vulgarized remnant of some old rituals.

did the fixed electric water yet?

Not regular here. Also I fucking hate sandniggers.

hes not sandnigger tho

>no friends

I did
But I wasnt sure so I just asked.

>Hungarian Vak


he came to my work today to give that stove and said that he called electricians but that he will go on vacation for week now and kindly asked if I could just struggle for a week and then after a week they would come to fix it, he described me the problem it has from his talk with electricians and that some stuff needs replacing. If he went on vacation and they came now then they would have to turn off completely everything and I wouldnt have cold water either so I can understand that, its just bad timing, but problems dont care about time they just happen

Here you have a butthurt monk mentioning names of pagan gods worshipped here.


so yeah it was most likely Jesza

I'm a simple man. I see sandnigger flag, I remove kebab.

>removing kebab

>Hungarian Slovak in Czechia that understands Polish
You are the future, user

>jewish character
>is selfish

forgot pic

I have a pic of how visegradians will look like.

>it's another Shitcelek fishing for (You)s episode

>goddess Lela
holy shit
it's like second Kek

why do the tourists have to attract niggers


I saw this pic posted a bunch of times already
please explain the filename

We're not all the same fellow white europian

why in the flying fucks name are you comparing me to him you fucking nigger?

>tfw no qtpi soda mascot gf

why even live lads

i want vesna to sit on my face

why are there niggers in our country


it's a vichan/karachan meme


God, that movie was awful. And this actor pretending to be le gritty badass character was silly as fuck.

what do you think of Kofola's ads, lads?

Both of them look kind of crazy to me

>being this butthurt
you are considered Shitcel unless proven otherwise

That's what I thought, thanks

entire movie was silly as fuck
>Trejo being a mexican gangster again
>japanese character of course knows how to use a katana and engages in honorabru duel despite having a handgun
>le backstabbing insane man
>le the calmest guy turned out to be a psycho

and I think the sillyness of that movie was intentional which is why I found it rather charming

>picture of gay
>not gay

Retarded, but better than some shill bs.

Varg is a nigger and that's a fact

they're only really around the tourist areas and maybe a couple in haje - they're just here to sell drugs to tourists

i fucking hate brown people god fucking damn there's always one or two niggers in the shopping centre at chodov

that ad is queer and insincere
they should honestly just stick to the qtpi slavic godess soda mascots - i already want rule 34 of best waifu vesna (pbuh)

Didn't know about that as I live in a small village near Ostrava. No niggers, not even "tanned whites". Sadly, I am user from previous thread, moving to Brno.

I fucking hate brown people and seeing them everyday seems like a nightmare.

>be with this really (literally) autistic asian kid in school and summer camp during my childhood
>he is autismo to the point of barely even being able to communicate with other people
>he has an obsession with buses though, and it's pretty much the only thing people can have actual conversations with him about
>he keeps a binder full of pictures with him at almost all times, knows the exact model of bus used by most American and European cities
>rejoin normiejewshitbook a few weeks ago
>he shows up on my friend recommendations
>he is now a bus driver for special needs children or something
>he is very proud of it and posts pictures from behind the wheel almost every day
well everything worked out in the end I guess

czechs do the Morena river shit too?

You guys would've killed me on sight 50 years ago, just because i'm American

the fuck are you even doing in poland you amerishart getshotter? Lmao

Yup. (((They))) can say whatever they want, but pagan traditions will never die.

they dying here tho

Si z Bekešskej Čaby?

you're a fucking nigger and a faggot americans should be killed on sight in every part of the world

>bus obsession
serious case of autism
now, trams on the other hand...

in case anybody thinks I'm exaggerating

trams are GOAT. It's too bad the US auto industry conspired to kill them.

that's actually a nice story

I hope some bydło will BTFO you for being a fag

I'm sorry if my story is bringing back flashbacks from school Marcy

I hope we will meet so I can stab you 30 times.

>t. OCD

This is pretty good senpai
>anibe is actually a ripoff of Czech cartoons
I knew it

I dont get it

what are you fine lads doing this evening?
i've been playing eu4 and league of legends

morena=winter=brrr its cold
vesna=spring=bzzz its hot

i'm proud of you, litwin

woah a cygan is fucking underage
>and she has big bewbs too -*.*- so hot
>btw Riot introduced another OP tank item that will be nerfed to the state of completle uselessness next patch making the entire introduction pointless

I wanted to play league but im banned until 6th of august fucking jews, i will look for some game to play in meantime or watch some movie

>big boobs champ

maybe in 2013

drinking and trying to avoid my responsibilties

There's literally nothing wrong with sandniggers as long as they follow the Law.
When they stop following the Law they become criminals and need to be dealt with appropriately.

t. back at it again

>Z Bekešskej Čaby?
cca 300km stade
slovensko-maďarské hranice na slovenskej strane

Mr. Kaczyński sums it up pretty well