What is more important to you: race or faith?
Would you prefer a white Muslim to a black Christian raised in Western culture?
What is more important to you: race or faith?
Would you prefer a white Muslim to a black Christian raised in Western culture?
Fuuuuuck that's a hard question. I'd take the Black Christian tho.
Race. Can't change your race.
As long as I don't have to convert, I'd take the white Muslim. I just don't find any black women even slightly attractive
Race obviously.
Yes, I would prefer a white muslim to a black Christian.
why do you want to fuck a qt churka. don't need to marry her iwan
>I'd take the Black Christian tho.
Christcucks everybody.
Faith is mutable. Race isn't.
Black Christians are preddy cool desu
Black Christian a thousand times over. It's not even a comparison.
I am already White National Socialist Muslim.
>I'd take the Black Christian tho.
This is a first rate cuck right here.
The answer is always race. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc., just different ways to structure society for internal stability.
If every single White man in France converted to Islam, do you think their internal racial problems would go away? If every single nigger in France converted to Christianity, do you think their internal racial problems would go away? It's a laughable proposition.
There don't seem to be too many problems with White Bosnians down in the St. Louis, Missouri area. I don't remember those Ferguson niggers stopping to ask the one Bosnian they beat to death with a hammer in front of his girlfriend if he was a Muslim first.
Wake the fuck up. I'd rather live in Muslim Iran than "Christian" South Africa.
neither, i take the nice asian girl instead t b h
Thanks for the kek, Ahmed.
>white Muslim
>impregnate wife
>redpill her on islam
>get her to abandon her family after revealing they're crazies
>now she's no longer muslim
>qt white wife
White Muslim everyday. They can be converted, a black woman can't be saved, not to mention they're disgusting.
The black christian isn't a traitor so I pick them.
You are
>between the ages of 15-25
>Defend Islam
>Hate Christianity
White muslim. you could still redpill the cildren and they'd be of your race
Christians don't care about race, never did, neither do Muslims, all they care about is spreading their religion.
Not before the brothers kill you.
White muslim > non-white
You cannot change their nature.
This. Only cucks who have no problem with their country ending up like Brazil choose the other alternative.
Read about us. National Organization of Russian Muslims. We want to make Islam Aryan.
Fuck you Jewish shill, I don't have to choose
White Muslim then convert her to Christianity.
I think Islam is worse than any race
black christian every time. the goal of islam is global submission. blacks end game is just jail.
What will you do when you have to decide between:
1.) getting Muslim world on your side, 1 billion of them
2.) compare to getting white people on your side
Obviously you pick Muslims.
Islam can be cured
Mulattoism cannot
We would fight for Whites first, establish Sharia later, when mud people are dead.
Faith, no question about it.
Look. Isn't that proper look for a woman?
but can i get black muslim?
This. Get one from a shithole where they can still look white, e.g. Chechnya or Afghanistan, and have her convert by promising a good life or something.
Or just get a Bosnian or Albanian gf, a lot of them aren't too serious about their religion anyway
>White people adopt Islam from the third worlders just like we did Christianity
>fast forward a few hundred years
>Islamic reform
>goes into a golden age
>not only are you now allowed to have pictures of Muhammad, he is depicted as a blond haired blue eyed white man
>inquisition happens
>pakis and shitskins are declared heretics and not real muslims and are purged
>exposed feet and ankles
She might as well be twerking for a Lil Wayne music clip m8.
>oldhag feet
>If every single White man in France converted to Islam,
Whiteman who convert to islam in france are basically considered as retards and traitors, also the non arab muslims are basically arabized people they dress like arabs, pray an arab god in arab, have arab names, they aren't white.
Faith of course.
Being Greek is co-dependant with being Orthodox. I don't care about being Christian, but a Muslim Greek is essentially a Turk. Not sure if it's possible to really worship the old Gods either. Rituals have been absorbed or replaced by Christianity, and supposed faith in Zeus and co., is no different than proclaiming you're a Buddhist or whatever.
In any case, I'm Greek first. Not religious at all. If being Greek suddenly meant being a Hinduist, or Taoist, or a Judaist, I would be.
Of course YOU'RE pro Islamification
>implying you wouldn't
where are you on the JQ?
I see europeans raped and murdered, but certain parasites remain untouched.
I think isis is bullshit and they are not submitting to allah they are really submitting to schlomo goldburg
most christians here believe in the chosen people and will sacrifice their own children for isreal.
Pussy is pussy, I'll take them both and have them colonized before the Equinox.
This one gets lashed. Like 100 lashes.
Prophet Muhammad was a White man in fact as were his followers. Islam was stolen from White man by mud hordes.
Black Christian is only correct answer
Any one who answers different is a Muslim. On Islam all races act like sandniggers
Faith you can just have your child learn both religions and let him choose what he likes.
We actually planning to reconquest Mosques for European Whites only. We plan to open a Whites Only Mosque in Denmark.
>Would you prefer a white Muslim to a black Christian raised in Western culture?
Honestly wouldn't even consider either. Religion is retarded, and so are niggers .
Your prophet was a mud person
that is a good thing.
your dodge of the rest was a very jewish thing to do.
I'd take a black nigger dog over a towel head woman.
honest question.
It's a black raised in a proper non nigger family diferent from white people?
Let's remember there's still exist uncle toms.
What do you imply? Can you form a coherent questions?
This is true, race ultimately defines the religion, not the other way around. Look at American Catholics and then look at Mexican Catholics. Totally different human beings.
You can change your faith to be correct but not your race.
Race or Faith?
Who gives a fuck. Its all about country faggot.
I dont care that im a white christian. All i care about is that im an American.
>implying they aren't both violent because they're genetically inferior.
Between a white muslim and a black christian, I would prefer the black christian. Unless he's protestant. Then both of them can just have at it and I'm walking off.
Culture is everything, I'd gladly date a black girl who socialized among whites. White 'Muslim' girls are all mudsharks who adopted the religion for the sake of their darkie bfs. Who the fuck wants a girl that a mud dated once.
I wasn't actually talking about women only.
Would you live next to a white Muslim family (Caucasic, Tatar, Bosnian, Iranian, Lebanese etc) or next to a black Christian family?
>Would you prefer a white Muslim to a black Christian raised in Western culture?
Yes, but not because she's white.
You're not marrying a muslim until you convert lol
knowing the real truth sets you free and gives you real faith. everything else is secondary.
there are far too many fakes running around on this world, religious or otherwise now. without enough intelligence and wisdom, there can be no freedom of thought which gives freedom of mind and in the end, freedom of faith. since people are now busy drinking aluminum, killing their braincells with smartphones and tv and elections and shit, there will be no freedom for these people. ever.
to become free, you have to break free from the entire matrix. it's an uphill battle, but in the end, you win.
that's all.
Forgot pic
Why should I choose?
You must be faithful to both race and faith if you want to be a decent person.
Only stormfags care about 'muh white heritage'
>a black Christian raised in Western culture
as long as they aren't a nigger I'm ok with them.
As I said, it isn't just about women and marriage.
See difference between Ethiopia and Somalia
What would be better, Britain full of muslim Brits or Britain full of Paki christians?
What about Beyonce and Zoe Saldana?
That's what I am talking about.
How is caring about heritage worse than caring about faith?
holy shit Russia looks beautiful, i love how grey and snowy everything looks
Race is sort of my religion I suppose. Was raised atheist and all the churches around here are for spics.
Pakistani Christians are pretty fine, and is quite oppressed back in their country, so they'd understand how cancerous islam is
Poor north african user.... Youll see something more than dust one day.
Faith, white muslims are worse than my fellow christian spics.
>>between the ages of 15-25
>>Defend Islam
Only because it suits me better
>>Hate Christianity
Only because it's for weaklings and I hate weaklings.
white muslims are the best muslims but I would settle for arab chrisitians over them any day.
France full of Muslim frenchmen or France full of Christian Algerians?
>sharpie eyebrows
That actually happened
They're both fucking awful and equally bad. White people are not white people without white culture.
my fault. I'll be clear.
where are you on the jewish question?
I see europeans raped and murdered, but isreal remain untouched.
I think isis is a bunch of heretical faggots and they are not submitting to allah they are really submitting to the jews
>marry white muslim
>convert her
>pretty white christian waifu with the added bonus of having saved an infidel
A traitor is a traitor, there is not more or less important values.
Country, faith, race, family, they make your identity, you cannot choose one over the other, you have duties on them all.
sell them both to albanian mob for money
i knew it, I FUCKING KNEW IT, pol is turning into a pro white Islamist board, it was only a matter of time, all the signs pointed here but i didn't want to believe. you guys are gonna form a WHITE version ISIS i KNOW IT
geneticaly yes which has implications for personality and aggressiveness.
In general if kept around whites one will behave the whitest of their ability.
if dumped in the urban jungle they will quickly revert
Desert is harsh my friend since its practically the country side here, and im bored of going around Tripoli, i dream of going to an eastern European country, ive been to England so maybe its not too different
What part of Libya are you in now? Just interested... I don't usually see Libyan anons.
Slavs are basically white Arabs anyway