> Disavowed god for natural disasters
> Created the most destructive force in history
Explain yourself and your ideology!!!
> Disavowed god for natural disasters
> Created the most destructive force in history
Explain yourself and your ideology!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Bombing uppity japs is actually useful
You mean Jews tho
They say they are so we don't figure out they worship Devils
Atheism is actually a religion of cucks
Atheist acted liked the fans who hold up the singer of a band
> Disavowed god for natural disasters
Literally no person ever.
Your whole post is therefore shit
I can bet you it started from their to where it has lead to now
t. Pope "The arabic invasion should be welcomed" Francis
t. christian democrat leader Angela "Islam is part of Germany" Merkel
Influenced by satanist globalist
No they didn't
FDR was Episcopalian, and his whole government was filled with demented zionist christians
protip: it is Christianity that prays for the Apocalypse, not atheism
Globalism is Christian in origin
>implying if everyone in the world were Christians who followed their actual theology, it would be a bad thing
Explain Sweden
It would
The Sermon of the Mount makes clear that Christianity is not happy with peace and wealth, it demands suffering and poverty from its followers
The direct result of christian charity is an out of control growth of underclasses and failed nations, best manifested in the current demographic explosion in Africa
What towards the end of the video
The Sweden Democrats attack mass immigration in the Swedish Parliament, the Leftists answer with "Christian Moralism does not allow us to say 'no' to the poor and wretched masses of the world"
I'm an atheist but I don't look down on christians because they have respectable values and started being civilized hundreds of years ago.
Muslims and jews need to be nuked out of existence though, I fucking hate them.
> be atheistic
> invite Ahmed
> get beheaded
> win nothing
> be christian
> invite Ahmed
> submit and pay dhimmi tax
> Jesus' promise of returning when his people are under oppression is fulfilled
> Jesus comes back
> get to receive rewards in Heaven because "the meek will inherit the Earth", "the oppressed and persecuted will become the Kingdom of Heaven"
Atheists literally have zero reason to support Islam
Christianity has always been a cult of victimhood and death, that now has a hard-on for Islam as its executioner
Then how, in Sweden is the population so degenerate and uncaring about their culture. It's like they took the word, and turned it upside down on it's head. And 81% of the society is atheist, how is Christian moralization the driving force of their society.
> Sweden is the population so degenerate and uncaring about their culture
Christianity has never cared about culture. Its only concern is the destruction of the world.
We are talking about the same Christianity that destroying the greek temples and banned the olympics when it took control of the eastern roman empire
> And 81% of the society is atheist, how is Christian moralization the driving force of their society.
If you watched the video, you may have noticed that the leftie was quite clear: they see Sweden as a historical christian nation that must follow Christian moralism
They are atheists not because they believe in rationalism (inviting Ahmeds is irrational, and it only makes sense if you wanna be beheaded or persecuted), they are atheists because they believe that religion itself is an obstacle to fully love your enemies and embrace the end, to fully embrace the mandate of Jesus
So you're saying that all these idiots who believe in the immigration, including the proclamation of liberals in my country, follow the underlying motto of Christianity, but only by idea not name?
Seems like a pretty shitty interpretation, where the conclusion will be the inching towards the submissive culture of Islam, One pretty pliable to the leaders imo
not "in name only". very often they are open about that
Secular leftists will often point out that they are real christians and that conservatives are fake one
pic related is from Horsey, a cartoonist for NY times, LA times and other leftist newspapers
it is the correct interpretation if you actually believe in the promises of the sermon of the mount
I just don't believe in God. But I do think religion has played a large role in makeing the society we had before pc culture.
Not an atheist, but calling them the most destructive force in history is a bit far-fetched.
Islam as a whole is the biggest threat to modern society, and atheists aren't responsible for that.
horsey is a faggot. i'm antitheist and i think he's utter scum.
You are antitheistic, he is an ultrachristian that believes that even your own god needs to be denied so that you can follow his commandments
of course you will hate him
Skimming through the sermon, saw this
6 “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Sounds like a antithesis to what Sweden is doing
How many people has killed the church that proclaims Satan is the name of the saviour of mankind and you must say SATAN SAVE ME with your mouth to get saved?
Gonna tell you the difference between the power of god and the power of the devil.
Power of god: oh shit, my dick is like a rock and I cannot stop fucking this married woman in the butt, what the fuck man, why is this making me so horny! Why can't I stop? It's like an unstoppable omnipotent being is making me fuck her in the ass!
Power of the devil: uh... it's ok, i couldn't stop you from doing what I allegedly dont want you to do but if you say you're sorry we're cool.
There is this biblical notion that the true saviour will be hated by all, rejected and called a prince of demons.
I'll explain to you what Satan does, since there seems to be a confusion.
If you want to live forever and know god, and you want god to save you, you ask god by His name: SATAN SAVE ME.
And unlike with jesus, the moment you ask this, you will receive a sign, and this sign will feel good and will be very descriptive of the nature of Satan.
So which is it gonna be?
The alleged saviour that the world was supposedly hating but everybody preachs, this is jesus and they made sure to burn you at the stake if you rejected him in the past.
Or the "unlikely" saviour that is hated by the world like the bible claims, is called a prince of demons like the bible says, and has his followers called demons like the bible says. And for whose name's sake we are hated.
Satan the saviour.
Want to know who the world hates? Who does the world say is the devil? Pick up the bible, the world says it is Satan.
And the promises of power given by the devil (miracles at will in the name of jesus) are not bearing fruit while the children are being raped at the temples.
Where's the "It really makes you think..." when you need it.
Einstein, the person who is usually credited with making the nuke (he was on the team), was actually not an atheist.
He literally made up shit to keep his religious views of the universe intact.
24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
>Implying the only choice besides religion is Communism.
God theists are so stupid. Its a good thing they have a magical book to tell them how and what to think.
That which cannot be disputed is never comfronted.
>muh ebil rich whitey
This shows you just how disgusting the left are. They fully acknowledge people use them to further themselves and their bank balance, the problem is they think it's whites and not Jews so once you ask for any proof they literally can't do it because it doesn't exist. They refuse to name the Jew because then they would be "anti-"semitic"" and it would go against what they "believe".
>"Everything is made out of cotton and all white people benefited from it"
>"Jews acquired an entire country and get away with multiple war crimes based solely on a fairy tale, they're victims"
I fucking hate Horsey the cunt.
It's called scientific progression. Some other form of "most destructive force" has been happenning on yellow shiny ball for billions of years. If humans are idiot enough to use the power to destroy themselves, they do fucking deserve it.
I do not understand how is this related to atheism at all.
Only if you take it out of context, and ignore the whole chapter
The chapter begins with:
“ “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces"
The condemnation of judgement is just outright bizarre. It is the equivalent of:
"HOW YOU DARE TO JUDGE THE MUSLIM INVADERS!! #NotAllMuslims. Muslims rape, but Swedes RAPE TOO! What about that! You hypocrite! "
Very soon you realize the chapter is not about national resistance to Islam, it is about just more anti-logical self-righteous christian advice, about how criticizing others should be avoided because it brings you to their level
I don't know if there exists some god/devil/etc. and I don't give a fuck. There is literally no reason to spend energy caring about this "problem".
This is relative, they (The Muslim immigrants) should read this article too. It begs the question, who is morally superior when considering the pearl the society has acquired. It's stable to a degree,Sweden, and plentiful, etc. Why would you tear it down and in the long run and hurt all?The evidence is clear, and they have other options that could be applied to the immigrate situation. I guess I put more weight on the constitutional doctrine of the U.S. aside the scripture. The idea of church and state
Not sure what "pearl of society" you are talking about
"Your pearls" implies "your moral standing", and "by throwing it to the pigs" implies "lowering yourself to their level"
Because otherwise they will criticize you too, and destroy your moral standing
> For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you
Kinda weird to believe that Jesus was talking about never criticizing others, and always been meek, and SUDDENLY he needed to remind people to resist foreign invasion!
Jesus actually deals with treatment of your enemies in other chapter, and that one is very clear "Do not resist an evil person", "If they take your coat, let them take your shirt as well", "love your enemies"
I'm saying it's a two way road. Sweden let them in, and teach them the scripture that we believe. Why does judgement have to come into the equation when presented the teachings of Christ? Why allow their culture to invade with a radically different scripture, with different teachings to invade and overthrow the narrative of the Swedish people. That makes the teachings pointless and over time diminished.
> Why allow their culture to invade with a radically different scripture, with different teachings to invade and overthrow the narrative of the Swedish people.
Because Blessed Are the Persecuted, for they will inherit my Kingdom of Heaven
Nuclear weapons are nowhere near the most destructive force in history. Also I don't see how Atheism is responsible for the creation of the nuclear bomb.
Atheists don't have a universal ideology, the only thing they share in common is the lack of a belief in a deity. As to myself, I lack belief only because you guys keep making shitty arguments for why I should buy your story and devote my life to worshipping your God. I remain open to the possibility of a God of some kind existing provided it can actually be shown to exist, however a God/Gods have not made It/Themselves evident to me or to the vast majority of professionals who's job it is to produce increasingly accurate models of reality.
This is an interesting topic, and I have to go. All I'm saying is that they have set a dangerous precedent. One that in no way acknowledges even a minutia of their family apart of their culture and heritage. I guess, according to these passages and interpretation, I will remain a sinner for the sake of my country