USA bans all Brazilian meat
>It says now a significant proportion of Brazilian meat failed safety tests.
>"The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has refused entry to 11% of Brazilian fresh beef products" in the past three months, said the US Department of Agriculture in a statement.

Other urls found in this thread:



>11% in only three months

1. Cunt?
2. ate Brazilian meat recently?


Yes. Sadly. January this year with my dog.

>"That figure is substantially higher than the rejection rate of 1% of shipments from the rest of the world," it added.
>The American authorities have refused entry since the end of March to a total of 860,000 kg (1.9 million pounds) of Brazilian meat products over "public health concerns, sanitary conditions, and animal health issues".

>11% in just three months
>normally 1% in a year

Brazilian """"""quality""""""

And this is after the Hues were crying dindunuffin for the last few months. Isolated casss!

Did you know that the meat you were eating it's not just rotten... It's from cebú, a type of buey and not from cow like white countries eat?

I'm serious..

> he doesn't like meat from the Cebu breed
You might as well become a vegan faggit

We normally produce our own meat However, specialty cuts are imported from Argentina, USA or Uruguay. Weird considering Brazil is geographically closer to us

No wonder Brazilians don't like medium rare steak. It's not fit for (human) consumption


Yeah, weird huh?

Almost like Brazilian meat is mystery

>A congolombian giving his point of view about good meat

Into the trash it goes

>Uruguayan sudaca giving its opinion on anything

>filthy fucking CHI thinking he knows anything about Latam

it can't ban this brazilian meat *unzips dick* haha gottem'


I am Greek you subhuman

Your loss, you dumbs. Brazilian meat is the best on earth.

so is this the beginning of the great american famine?

are americans going to finally lose some weight?

Nigger, we produce almost 3 times the amount of meat your country produces and it's pretty fucking amazing as well. Just because we're not a living meme where every single meal involves beef doesn't mean we don't know one or two things about it

Wetherspoons the meme pub chain in the UK used to sell zebu steaks

Our obesity is due to too much corn, not meat.

It's not the same...

We peoduce cow and novillos, while you eat a fucking buey.

Why do you think that rioplatense meat has it quality? Compare a uruguayan asado with that colombian hard and lean meat?

Chicanos are so used to eat shit quality food that they get butthurt when I say that cebú is shit tier meat, used to feed the dogs and the poor to eat with polenta.

Keep eating fried bananas and rice with your lean yak meat.

>hard and lean meat
depends on the cut. I've had morrillo, which comes from the protuberance on the back of the Cebú and it is almost Wagyu-tier when it comes to marbling. Also, how can you produce decent cuts when they exclusively grass-fed, ofc it is healthier, but not as tasty as cattle fed with a mix of grass and grains

>The United States often reports problems such as abscess due to a reaction to the aftosa vaccines, clots, and bone fragments in the flesh.

So, it's fucking nothing. Americans banning imports just to protect the local market.

Good. We should only be supporting Uruguay



>so is this the beginning of the great american famine?
no, not even close, many other nations will still sell meat to them


we should ban the people as well

>another leftist socialist nation

Hmmmmm I wonder what their future will be

t. Increasingly nervous Cebu farmer

Mean. That will be their only export soon enough

Do they plan on banning actual Brazilians too?

Uruguay isn't socialist. They're the biggest Anglo double Agent in SA after Chile.

Where the fuck is your country?
Somewhere near Indonesia, right?

Don't you guys just sell overpriced milk to Chinese?

They are doing a good job of it themselves.

> Where the fuck is your country?
I would say to look on a map, but we're usually excluded from those.

And yes we are dairy Jews

>uruguay isn't socialist but actually an anglo double agent
oh my, the plot thickens...

Uhmmm... No.

what? niggerzilians produce meat other than sopa de macaco?
lol I thought that they only ate rice and beans, these africans.

Brazil is the biggest meat meat producer in history of mankind. Brazil is meat superpower.

>This is brazilian meat

Fucking kek.

Come to Brazil.

That thing has massive balls, wtf

too many macaco parts?

>German and Russian girls.