you know, it really makes you think...
You know, it really makes you think
>occupy democrats
>entire "argument" is personal attacks and name calling
> unqualified
Like mr Paul Thomas can even amass just 1% of Trump's wealth LOL
>less relevant than canada
Really makes you drink
whats that gotta do with the price of milk
Mate shut the fuck up you fucking sheep shagger, be glad we dont just orbital nuke your shithole of a country, so get your "Chillybin" and fuck off
As if anyone cares about what an irrelevant columnist from an irrelevant country says.
Thank you chink-chan
Oh look, its the country we are about to rape with the TPP.
Thanks for the laugh emu-chan at the expense of nip-chan.
Watch as jealousy takes a strange new form
Moral signalling
Why the fuck should we care what irrelevant people in irrelevant countries think about us, let alone our leaders?
Certainly, Trump embodies what you hate about America. But the fact that he does not give a flying fuck is what you must love about America.
Well, if there's one thing I'm concerned with, it's how the rest of the world views us. Guess I'm a bernbot now.
>muh feelings are hurt
not an argument
gook. chink, nip all look the same in the microwave from nk
What Americans think about New Zealand:
literally nothing, no one gives a shit.
>New Zealand
my god I don't think a country can get more irrelevant. the main reason people visit your dumb country is to walk the lord of the rings trail. just give up.
Who cares what you and your country thinks?
I honestly want to know this as well. Who fucking cares?
What is Trumps policy on tpp? I thought he wanted to scrap it or majorly change it
3rd world pussies being afraid of America is our GDP, m8.