/ummah/ - Islam General - Ramadan Edition

Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh brothers and sisters

This is a thread for the general discussion of all things Islam. Anyone is welcome as long as they are constructive and civil.

Today's question: How was your first day of Ramadan?

Paste bin for the brothers and sisters of Allah (SWT)

>What is Islam?

>Full Al-Qur'an recitation by based Al Afasy

>Ramadan reminder from Mufti Menk

>Is Jesus (Isa pbuh) God or a holy prophet?

>Is Islam a religion of peace?

>Is ISIS Islamic? Mufti Menk responds

>Brother Naik dispelling the confusion about terrorism and Islam

>Health benefits of fasting

>Preparing for ramadan and tips

>Tips to stay fit during Ramadan by brother Scooby

>Todays Nasheeds for Ramadan

Peace be upon you all

>mfw Hitler said Islam was the master religion

i fucking hope this is a joke if not fuck off you filthy fucking mud monkey, piss off home mummys make curry

>Not a pathetic looser

>still angry after 80ish years

>be australian
>king of banter
>cant handle a thread
>spergs autistically
You alright luv?

Nobody cares about some shitskin cult holiday.

You and all your sympathizers will die

nah cunt, i just want to fucking kill any fucking refugee cunts, seriously they need to fuck off, we dont want them all they are is disrespectful peices of shit they take jobs and fucking kick you in your face and piss on you while your down

Wa alaikum salam brother

Sawm went well today. I'm having my exams tomorrow and i just cant sleep. It messes up my sleeping pattern but once they are done I can recover. I really do not wish to skip and compensate a day this Ramadan.

Who cares Ramadan is a scam anywya lmao

Ay man relax. Come to Kansas. All we've got are spics

>shitskin cult holiday
Depending on what you define as a cult, literally any religious holiday fits those standards. Hanukkah, kwanzaa, Christmas.

Best of luck.

Nty, fuck being in cuckmerica


I'll start

Move it to /lgbt/ at least nothing will be lost.

Re roll my man.
Last time.


I literally ate a pork steak an drank wine, no even kidding.

The thought of 1.6 billion muslims with hunger pains gives me a massive erection. Get fucked inbred cucks.

>Islam General

get on the stick ahmed

How do you deal with the fact that Islam is a "religion of peace" while at the same time your prophet was a war lingering pedophile?

Even throguht kafirs making fun of us.
they won't be when we will kill their soldiers and their childirens.
we will burn christians alive
we will burn whites alive.
white are coward and weak . they can't fight. they will submit to Islam because it is their fate.
they can't fight with muslims because they are weak and coward.
and we will crush christians inshallah

Sup Forums

Can you eat shit on Ramadan?

roll for /po/


it's an Anglo subhuman BLOOD infested shithole

Sup Forums


On the first day of Ramadan, my true love gave to meeee:

3 cranes falling, 700+ Mudslimes dying in Mecca, and a Mudslime airplane going down in flames.

Lel, check this roach, he's lit up! Between IS being destroyed and Saudi Arabia heading for complete economic collapse, Islam will be nothing but a bad memory. And you, turk roach, will always kiss the feet of the Christians. Fuck mohammad and fuck allah.

Germany does :^)


Deleted and reposted for typo fix.

How do you deal with the fact that Islam is a "religion of peace" while at the same time your prophet was a war mongering pedophile?

nice fantasy kafir bastard. but here is a real one

I swear by he name of the Allah, The most merciful; If the Westerns won't stop the bomb the Muslim countries. if the westerners won't stop funding terrorist who kill Muslims. If the westerners won't stop to kill Muslims Vallahi more Muslim man will come to Europe. And more Muslims to fuel the European civil war Westerners: Do you want a race war? Do you want your cities in fire? Then go on. Go on the kill the Muslims. but we will take revenge. We are here.waiting you. If you're men. come to battlefield. Vallahi. We will hunt you like a bird. Allah with us. Allah is our savior.You. You have no savior. We waiting for heaven. You wait for hell.

La ilahe ilallah muhammeden resulallah.


my favorite song! sing on brothers...five imams on ffiirre!


Islam is the ultimate cuck religion. You need to be told how to do everything in your pathetic life?. how sad must you be to follow that. Sheep

Why aren't you living in a muslim country? You want your sharia heaven, right?

You pigfuckers are so comical. Angry little shitskins.

Lmao at this roach


You filthy roach.

Did Mehmet take your lunch money again?

Here's a real depiction of you, Mehmet.

I like your style! fuck the otter man dead empire. I hope our Russian friends avenge Armenia this weekend. we'll supply for brothers! 6 months and this big eared monkey president will be history and I pray to our Lord, Jesus Christmas, that the USA and Russia will become the greatest allies with a determination to wipe Islam from the surface of the planet! Put in wants to be friends with Trunp and I want Russians as friends that we go fishing and smoke weed together. why not? they are white and Christian. we should be allies except for dumbass like John McCain what,a stupid piece of shit.

I shit on your faggot prophet you goddamn Muslim chink.

>not muslim



Not Islam, but I'm learning arabic (already know the alphabet) which type should I learn?

Wow,muslims are really shit at building stairs.


According to the Hadith, Muhammed was a white man.

Lol. Cucked.

Shoo shoo Germud.

It's okay brother. We will break fast soon. Do not waste energy.

>christian general is legit guys it needs to stay
>pfft fuck islam general this is a joke!

If you're triggered by a thread on your precious little board, you're no different than a feminist being triggered by a 'patriarchy general' on tumblr or reddit. Being offended by mere texts on a website is just pathetic.

Not even muslim but I find the cognitive dissonance of this board amusing at times. You can easily just skip or hide the thread. But no, you just want to shit post and claim 'Sup Forums is a *insert your religion* board'. Atheists are also culprits of this, this isn't fucking r/Atheism.

All of these religion generals need to be pruned ASAP anyway. This is a politics board, we already have a religion board (). I don't even know why mods are fucking letting threads like these slide.

But if we're going to have religion boards then I don't see why restrict it to a single religion. Should I make a /hindu/ general? Will you still get uppity about that? All of you need a fucking bullet to your heads.

t. hans the cuck

Turks being retarded again and insulting their own prophets.


o shit check em.

ahlum arrektum, brother. how is your goat today, everyting well, yes?

please hit /lgbt/ so these fucking trannies stop with their attention whoring here.



chritcucks btfo!

Allah doesn't exist. Muhammad was a war-mongering pedophile schizo. Islam is a 7th century death cult that attracts the subhuman scum with 70-tier IQ. Fuck islam.

Why would anybody get mad over a Hindu gen? They're based kebab removers.

women btfo!


Moslem sandnigger actually believe this.

>this thread

post your waifu

o kosovo, vallahi we will send the brave muhajideen to finish job, you see one day , serb subhuman

>damage control

Nope. Muslims are filthy inbred niggers whose only success lies in having large numbers.I fucked an araba girl with my big white dick and now she hates islam.

Also, Canada is where pussy faggots live.

Muscucks BTFO

>what is symbolism

Kys faggots

Do you believe the Quran is the literal, perfect and holy word of God?

Do you believe apostates should be killed?

Do you believe Muhammad split the moon in two?

Do you believe he flew off to heaven on a winged horse?

Do you believe women should have to be veiled?

Do you believe Christians and Jews should live as dhimmis, subservient to Moslems?

Do you believe pedophilia is okay because your Prophet did it?

God hating waifu reporting in.

>Do you believe the Quran is the literal, perfect and holy word of God?
>Do you believe apostates should be killed?
>Do you believe Muhammad split the moon in two?
>Do you believe he flew off to heaven on a winged horse?
>Do you believe women should have to be veiled?
>Do you believe Christians and Jews should live as dhimmis, subservient to Moslems?
>Do you believe pedophilia is okay because your Prophet did it?
no beucase aisha was having period. so no pedophile

So you can see why non-Muslims despise Islam, right?

>Do you believe the Quran is the literal, perfect and holy word of God?
>Do you believe apostates should be killed?
>Do you believe Muhammad split the moon in two?
allah did
>Do you believe he flew off to heaven on a winged horse?
>Do you believe women should have to be veiled?
>Do you believe Christians and Jews should live as dhimmis, subservient to Moslems?
>Do you believe pedophilia is okay because your Prophet did it?
define pedophilia

I don't care. If they are not muslim, they are servants of Muslims. they should know their place. they will be serve to muslim childirens in jannah

This is why we hate you. I spit in a Muslims face here and he can't do anything. Me and my boys have jumped a few Muslims as well. They are so weak.

Muhammed was a white guy. Also why do you follow such a weak and savage religion? Islam is the religion of shit.

Muslims are inferior inbreds, do you want to be inferior?

Why did you fly all the way to Canada, moslem? Afraid of somethin maybe?

>this kills the mudslime

No I will rape your mother and sister while you watch. Muhammad was a white guy according to the Hadith.

Are you fugly and weak like most skitskins?

>This is why we hate you. I spit in a Muslims face here and he can't do anything. Me and my boys have jumped a few Muslims as well. They are so weak.
oh yeah. nice fantasy. i'm pretty sure mujaahiden jumped over your dead soldiers body too

Shut up mon frère.

Complete list of Muslim physics Nobel Prize winners:



praising kek for dead roaches

>Current year
>People still believing in magic

Why are Muslims weak little pussies? Don't you feel like a little retard believing something so stupid.

I can't wait till all Muslims die in genocide :)

Literally Torah for stupid people. At least Jews are smart. Quran is literally Torah for braindeads.

>can't eat in public for a month because it's fucking ramadan

kill me now

why is it prohibited again?

>cherry picking some american casualties from a conflict that was pretty much non-stop Muslims getting BTFO
You know, you guys should worship GW Bush, he was better at conquering shit then Muhammad. If Muhammad were alive today he probably would be a parking lot security attendant.

Real warriors are in the West. It's why we easily conquered two of your countries. The only time Muslims ever kill any one is when they pretend to be peaceful and then attack women and children.

They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. Verse (61:8)
i born here, parents come from east
>jews giving eachtother golden medals
oy vey what an achievement, meanwhile muslims invented chemistry and the scientific method while eurocucks where still doing demonology and alchemy

fucking murtads