>if you trigger me you can be attacked
>if you trigger me enough it would be wrong NOT to kill you
>i am always right because my master tells me what to do
Get ready
Its going to be one hell of a summer... Literally.
>if you trigger me you can be attacked
>if you trigger me enough it would be wrong NOT to kill you
>i am always right because my master tells me what to do
Get ready
Its going to be one hell of a summer... Literally.
Other urls found in this thread:
Trying to justify violence against a democratic candidate during an election cycle
HuffPost has hit a new record low
Not giving that cancer site page views
If this was provoked onto Killary, you fags wouldn't care
But yes. Huffington Post be cray
>Assuming anti-Trump protests should be strictly focused on electoral politics and not these broader goals would be a detrimental oversight. Understanding European anti-fascists use of violent tactics to shut down large rallies from White Supremacists can be illustrative here. Because while Trump isn’t leading full bore White Supremacist rallies, there is value in making it clear that even his fascism-lite has no place in civilized society. And whether his candidacy represents how fascism comes to the US or he’s simply opened the door to it is immaterial.
What did he mean by this?
Don't take the bait with the mexican flag and all.
It's just too repetitive and too obvious
>Double standards are fine because I think Sup Forums would be okay with it, maybe.
This is why everyone hates Mexicans.
>giving HuffPoo money
Good, this makes them look even worse.
These fuckers need to take a lession from insurgencies of the past.
If the opposition is being harassed or violently opposed people will look to see what their message is.
They may think they are doing good, but if anything they are causing more moderates who may have voted democratic to favor trump.
>Last, I want to briefly note the problematic nature of people with privilege condemning violent resistance to Trump as an absolute moral failing, or denying its logic. Whether you would personally engage in violent conduct matters little to your ability to understand where it comes from. Some people have the privilege to consider the implications of Trump’s rise in the abstract and negotiate which means are necessary. That’s not true for everyone. And when those who hold that privilege dismiss the potential validity or logic of violent resistance, it’s effectively an effort to dictate the rules under which oppressed peoples respond to existential threats, and to silence forms of resistance disagreeable to privileged sensibilities. Don’t be that liberal.
Apparently violence isn't a moral failing if you're "underprivileged" enough.
They know only the right has guns
They want a Trump CCW holder to shoot a bernout who was hitting him with a bat so Obama can lie and ban all the guns with executive order and call for martial law to save the people from themselves
No wonder BlackKK doesn't care about black on black crime and high abortion rates of black babies! Violence caused by the "underprivileged" is excusable!
Jfc their newspeak is un-ending
Why don't we just start another ShekelShoah against HuffPo? Basically the same situation.
nothing different than any other far leftist movement in human history
the only way to get the people you need to comply with it (successful people) is to threaten violence, as no one would go with it otherwise
they believe violence is acceptable and even necessary because it will bring about their "utopia". a few dead nonbelievers is worth it if we can live in a communist paradise
and of course it always the useful idiots who will eventually suffer the most under their new "utopia" that are pushed to commit the violence, not the elite that will eventually rule them
Gee, it's almost like they don't realize the violence they justify has throughout history has been one of the primary catalysts for actual, full-blown fascism.
We are at about around the time of the German civil war in our repeat of history.
The (((elites))) are doing everything in their power to agitate their pets into full-blown civil war against the American way of life. This will cause a lot of people getting killed, hurt, and will ultimately lead to a Fascist Party in America. But this is probably a good 10-20 years away, we still have to go through much darker, disturbing times unfortunately.
We have a thread on this that could is some dank bump memes for those that dont know
>mfw I live near an Air Force base in Massachusetts and I hear the cucks stationed there saying they should execute a Coup d'état on trump if he is elected
Tell them about Clinton's war plans and see if they like it
if I call a nigger in america "nigger" and he beats me half dead, will he be persecuted or not?
Ask them why they would stand with American flag burners rather than American flag waivers
Or did they sign up for non-combat welfare?
thinking about getting a job in accounting in boston, yay or nay living wise
You should be thinking about digging a foxhole and running for your life
If you're smart you shoot him dead before he even has the chance to strike you.
thanks for proving my point, underage
You're supposed to shoot him like Zimmerman and then troll people by selling the gun you used to do it online for $100,000
It's not being posted about hillary though, is it?
But if godzilla was coming you would shoot him wouldnT you?
((())) = not acceptable
violence = acceptable.
What's your fucking point with this hypothetical?
Jesus Christ I think the fact that it's not being posted about Hillary says more than I ever could.
Actually we would. We strongly stand for free speech and right to bear arms. We don't go to hill rallies and disrupt, they have the right to see her.
That would start a full scale civil war
It actually would. Even Democrat states would abandon Obama if he tried something like that.
Hell, even Biden, his fucking human bullet shield would disappear in a cloud of dust and lolis.
The author is applying to Uni. of Wisconsin-Madison school of journalism for a Ph.D in the fall of this year
He may trigger people because he is violent, Sup Forums
You can only trigger if you go against the establishment
The left can call for genocide (and do it) and it is free speech and freedom of genocide for the left under Obamas executive order next month
Civil War 2.0 when?
+1 (you)
Thanks bro.
Not true at all. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for terrible ideas.
Seems risky. They could very easily lose.
We will see if this ragtag jewish led George Soros militia can even organize or if it will just be a giant race riot.
Either way get ready for a happening like the paris shooting because ISIS will sieze the crisis opportunity by attacking at the same time for maximum damage
And you think they win if Trump gets command of the most powerful nation on earth???
Bring guns to defend yourself and cite this article at trial
At least they're admitting what they're doing now.
>Bernouts in charge of not acting like animals.
>literally justifying violence against those who hold opinions contrary to their own
Basically this person is trying to say they think he's Hitler and the want to justify violence against politicians with using the word hitler
But user! Trump is a fascist!
Bringing guns to any protests is the absolute dumbest thing you can do. The media will have a hayday and it's a sure fire way hurt the movement. They want you to bring guns, they are foaming at the mouths to have some Trump supporter to open fire during a protest.
>trump wants to enforce American law
>This makes violence against Americans okay
Why doesn't this piece of shit move to Mexico if he loves Mexicans so much
Ghandi overthrowing the British empire was not cuckoldry. We will take it until
we can take it no more.
The fucking madman up north was actually right this time. No killing them, or they win.
This retarded quote actually makes sense now...
That sounds pretty treasonous, 2bh.
For protests only.
In war, it's retarded.
OP, already predicted it. Just got a Glock and about to take CCW classes.
Violence is justified against the MSM then.
Lock n' load, boys.
Project more, cactus nigger.
>mexican intellectuals
No. Not now.
Let them expose themselves.
>tfw we are witnessing the beginning of the race war
seriously guys.... I think it's starting
violence is okay when it's in the name of the revolution, comrade
This goes way beyond race.
Why so many Shill proxy's today?
Thanks for reminding me we are fucked with passive little bitches like you destroy all the progress our ancestors built.
>I could tell you exactly what this is about.
Tell me joke to humour me and I might.
I thought Trump was popular in Mass. Are these BLM tier cucks.
W-wait what?
> huffpost
Glock 21sf loaded with $2 a bullet federal .45 HST hollowpoints should be the optimal standard issue for alpha male trump supporters that know how to use a weapon in CA incase lives need to be defended. Maxes out the restrictions
>10 round mag
>semi auto
>penetration and expansion
>easy to take apart and clean
>simple to operate
Shit trigger pull is the only downside if you live in CA but that is an annoying one.
>>I could tell you exactly what this is about.
Nationalism vs globalism.
Patriots vs the NWO.
Good vs evil.
So going by his logic, if his stance on violence bothers me, I would be justified in beating the shit out of him.
Good to know.
Yes but theres things ontop of those.
>it does come down to Good and Evil, yes, certain safeguards are being neglected.
>Yes but theres things ontop of those.
That's why I said this goes way beyond race.
Pol I need to know right now what states have loose self-defense laws and open carry laws. Riots in what state could spark a shooting?
Whoever wins, riots in November if Trump isn't shot dead before that.
>Frightening xenophobia
>Wears Trump Hate
And the whole Alien issue.
not even gonna bother giving those faggots a click
Sick and tired of this autistic "journalism"
Aren't most of the military for Trump?
yeah which means he has pretty much already won the race is just a formality at this point.
Yes. Which means they're traitors and will likely be dealt by the patriots.
Speaking of this. What happened to the /k/ommandos who shot into the mob that was attacking them?
They've been drawing first blood since Chicago you fucking idiot.
Enough is enough.
the drugs will pass no matter what 90% of the migrants are poor people the narcos dont even need to pass illegally
there is already a lot of corruption in the border what us need to do is kill his welfare system that olny help lazy people, niggers and mexicans drugs are more complicated to control since practically you need to invade mexico since at least 60% of the country is controled by narcos sorry for the ingrush
We're winning because they're being savage animals. Let them. For now.
It's all part of the plan.
this summer is gonna be fun, chimps will chimp more showing their retarded power level going too jail because muh bernie or muh hillary.
Problem: they will be more organized and their are brainwashed welfare sucking leftist leeches in the military too. They have been firing conservative higher ups for years and replacing them with obama drone useful idiots. Both sides have forces
>The comment section
Hope remains
The newest generation of soldiers 90% would die for the left. They grew up with facebook.
These gaylords seem to be forgetting that conservatives have the guns.
Same thing that happened to the militia in oregon