what woul have /pol done?
what woul have /pol done?
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Feminism teaches women that hitting a man is ok, but it's not. Well you see it for yourself, it's over, but the guy is delusional.
With equal rights come equal lefts.
>but the guy is delusional.
pls explain
i would have given her a backhand so she'll understand her place but not knock her the fuck out like that guy lol
He's trying to be a hitting sack for her emotional pain, because he thinks the relationship can be saved. His mistake was to even allow her to hit him that long, he should have just walked away after first hit. He made it only worse by allowing her to punch him that long.
seriously tho, what would have you done if you were the guy? it her back or just drove off?
I really don't know
>ut not knock her the fuck out like that guy lol
that's what I was thinking....guy went full savagery mode, I mean, look at his swings: full open arms, that fists were huge kek
I know "if someone is being hit, they should be able to defend themselves no matter what" but this is an exception I think. What even was this? This is one of the strangest videos I've ever seen. Are they stopping to kiss every few seconds or yelling in each other's faces? What's with the hug before he goes ape shit and knocks her the fuck out? Why chase the other girl?
Knocking her out with haymakers was a little overkill. But she's still a bitch who thought her vagina would protect her.
now I get what you meant, agree.
still usually this kind of relationships aren't that linear so I can kind of understand his trying
Equal Rights, Equal Lefts
You got your equality, you push your luck, you will get your shit kicked in.
Nice context we have there.
Good luck trying to sleep with that crazy emotional woman, because some day she's going to bite his dick off or grab a knife in one of her episodes. She clearly didn't know how to stop, so the man's job was simple: to walk away. I bet he watches too many soap operas.
I would've done that after the first hit. Ain't no bitch gonna hit me
>Are they stopping to kiss every few seconds or yelling in each other's faces?
I think saying shit like "please sweetie calm the fuck down I love you"
>What's with the hug before he goes ape shit and knocks her the fuck out?
if you watch it again you'll see he almost went for chocking the bitch then somehow regained control of himself and turned in that weird hug
>Why chase the other girl?
I think not to let her call cops or take her cellphone or something
not chased down the other woman. Wouldn't have continue to pummel the bitch after relented.
In all fairness, bitch can take a hit better than some boxers. Kudos to her.
there is a story behind this video.
guy and his wife came from Ukraine to Russia 3 or 4 years ago. He was working really hard and became somewhat successfull.
All this time he was trying to get a baby with her. Recently he found out that his wife was on a pills, she was lying to him. In the beginning he was trying to save a family, was asking her to drop the pills, get a baby, create a real family with him. She refused, attacked him. And got some justice in the end.
>so the man's job was simple: to walk away. I bet he watches too many soap operas.
still, I've been with a pycopathic girl once, I think now they call it "antisocial personality disorder"...well fuck, that bitch was literally mental: one minute she was telling me how much she loved me, the other she was going down to shit on everything about me and stuff, literally screaming like the psyco she was...problem is the minute after she would have gained again control so I was literally unable to understand how the fuck to deal with her.
ended one night after fueled by coke (btw never let any girl do more than 0.3/0.5 grams) she hitted me repeatedly, I slapped her very lightly and left forever.
She can't take a hit, the first time he really connected (and I use that term very lightly in this case) with her properly is when she went down. That balding faggot can't throw a punch for jack shit.
welcome to russia newfags
>Feminism demands equality
>OMG you can't hit a woman call the cops!!
If she wants a go at me, you bet I am going to be putting up. I do not care who it is. You respect me, I respect you.
Yes, Im not sexist.
Yeah they look completely qualified for their jobs
Hitting women is degenerate, they can't hurt me, I can just stop them from punching me why hit back?Except if your life is threatened ofc.
>after the first hit
still I think it's better if you let her bruise you or something before beating the shit out her...also need to video record that for the police
>they arent just there to look sexy while male cops actually do work
>there is a story behind this video.
really? any sauce pls?
Really interested about legal outcome for bro
That blonde bitch sickens me. She intervenes the fucking moment the man starts swinging back, rather than any time at all while the girl was wailing away on him.
>That balding faggot can't throw a punch for jack shit.
so you're saying you would have landed better hits?
Gender equality means that any excuse to hit a man is a valid excuse to hit a woman. If she runs her stupid mouth too long, steps way over her boundaries, or tries to physically assault you, beat the shit out of her.
You'll go to jail, but that's gender equality for you, that you can be physically and mentally abused by a woman, lash out at your attacker, and be the one to wind up in jail.
>If she wants a go at me, you bet I am going to be putting up
how could you defend yourself with the cops? you better set up a video recording of you being assaulted before going negro gorilla on her otherwise you're fucked, aren't you?
>guy and his wife came from Ukraine to Russia 3 or 4 years ago.
Fuck of russhill. You can't blame everything on Ukraine.
didn't want to fap today
you a real gentleman
tip fedora
fall of western civilization: trying to save what's already over or broken, forgiveness my ass.
Anglos pretend they are saving relationship, but what's actually happening is them thinking about pussy or money. Everybody knows that such things stay at back of your head forever and whenever some other fight comes up you remember physical violence from past and re-start the wounds.
>If she runs her stupid mouth too long
that is a bit to negro-esque by me.
I surely can take words, not letting to be slapped repeatedly tho
Webm when?
>what woul have /pol done?
After taking a few hits, lifted her up, thrown her in the car and the resolved the issue at home behind closed doors.
tried my bestest but it's shit, sorry bro
>resolved the issue at home behind closed doors.
you mean always beating the shit out of her or civilized cuckery?
The fuck did I just watch?
It seemed like a BDSM-thing at first taking those hits, then the dramatic hug and then the swings out of nowhere?
Everyone has a right to defend themselves.
Even men.
How to deal with women
>Girl beating the shit out of the guy
>over and over again
>no one steps up
>man swings
>blonde woman appears IMMEDIATELY out of no where
How does this happen without fail constantly?
Looks like she tried to drive the car even though she's piss drunk. He just tried to stop her. I've been in the exact same situation with my crazy ass ex gf.
Like this guy said
Her vagina would protect her, if you know what i mean.
that's top comment from youtube ;)
>those cucks in the comment section crying sexism
>alongside women who are either turned on, love the film and/or agree with the punishment
White knights make me sad senpai
>How does this happen without fail constantly?
I were to say it's the kikery if this didn't sound meme...but it's the kikery: do shit, fuck everyone's shit up, as soon as someone dare to fight back "urr durr you can't fight back"
Damn. She took a good few hits before going down.
Didn't look justified to me. Women are physically inferior and therefore should only be struck in the most select of citcumatances. This didn't look like such a situation. The way he blocked her when she tried to leave indicates to me, through his body language, that he probably habitually huts this girl.
This happened in America, so do you know what happened afterwards?
Some fat fucking cops arrested the man, charged him with a felony or misdemeanor, and now he lost his gun "rights" due to being charged with a crime involving violence.
Okay, are they both drunk? Guy looks like a ginger and the woman just wanted a punching bag?
noice, I got it from ync so didn't see on jewtube. nice anyway ty based russian bro
They all seem like okay guys.
>The way he blocked her when she tried to leave indicates to me, through his body language, that he probably habitually huts this girl.
that's a bit far fetched, don't you think? see
Cyka blyat
did another one, should be better
that's the same thing I thought...guy went gorilla kek
Shoulda just asked her to stop. Women are actually very nurturing.
I would hang out with all of these guys
Old saying from my grandfather
"Never hit anybody, man or woman, unless you can handle them hitting you back."
Punch a man, expect to get punched by a man
becomes too huge, sorry bro.
download VLC for mobile
If she starts hitting you, violence is on the table. Use your discretion, but absolutely it's ok.
>but absolutely it's ok.
what the about the police? will they believe you? what about ending up in court even having to pay that bitch?
i had 4 months in jail and 2 years probation for hitting a girl back who hit me first, she hit me 8 times first
Well, lets roll
Hitting wherever is bad, idk...
come on evgen
Hitting women = not ok
Hitting """"""womyn""""""" = great
It's okay to hit her if she tries to hurt you. As laughable as her attempt may be, it's important for her to understand that attacking people is unacceptable in a civilized society, and that her tantrum is just that - a child's shitfit. If she's going to act like a horrible child, she's going to be treated like a horrible child.
>what the about the police? will they believe you? what about ending up in court even having to pay that bitch?
No, they won't believe you. You'll need video evidence to prove your case. Even with video evidence, if you do enough damage, you may still go to jail. That's part of the discretion.
But anyway, OP is talking about morally.
Well, hell, Miss America said women are just as tough as men so, in that case, I guess it's ok 100% of the time.
>Has been playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3 for 16 years
It is morally wrong not to defend yourself.
>or hitting a girl back who hit me first, she hit me 8 times first
that is my fear..one should be able to video record the happening before beating the shit out her
based vasya
Fuck that.
don't make me do this. . .
boris and artyom seem like a match made in heaven...
But muh birthing hurts the mostest!
>It is morally wrong not to defend yourself.
Depends, if you ask me.
>all this butthurt
Ukrainian diaspora detected
>women strikes guy 30 times
>guy has had enough and hits her 5 times
She was owed 35 more but he had mercy, the other wonen didnt help him but whrn he starts to strike back she goes to defend a fellow pussy
Totally justified
>Guy loves her
>Shes crazy and abusive because he let her get away with it once so she does it more now
>Guy still loves her
>She keeps beating him telling him stuff like "ILL NEVER LOVE YOU! IM GOING TO FUCK A POO IN THE LOO!"
>Guy flips shit as he gets slapped that one last time
>Guy beats her but then realized what he did and is in "Flight" mode.
>They leave.
This is equality? No. If I even slapped a girl PLAYFULLY I would be savagely beat up by every bystander within 5 miles, hauled off to the most brutal prison in the world, they'd cut all my limbs off, remove my teeth and make sure that I was to be used as a fleshlight for the rest of my life by prisoners.
The psycho cunt got away easy, if you ask me.
>. If I even slapped a girl PLAYFULLY I would be savagely beat up by every bystander within 5 miles, hauled off to the most brutal prison in the world, they'd cut all my limbs off, remove my teeth and make sure that I was to be used as a fleshlight for the rest of my life by prisoners.
would have you done the same?