Ask a Russian anything

Ask a Russian anything

Other urls found in this thread:Чухна

>where you live
>what you do work/study
>how is life
>how Russians generally see Finns

how widespread is anti-Americanism in Russia?

I know the commies still hate us with a passion, but what about the rest?

do you suck cock? Do you make barrel?
Nvm i already know the answer

I'm Mexican and I'm getting really interested in the Russian culture. I started learning your language two months ago and albeit it has been a pain in the ass, I think I'm doing ok.

What do I need to know about your country before going there?

where is the answers you dick?

What do people there think of Gorbachov?

op is killed himself don't asking more

Кaк дeлa? )))

Why are Russians so short compared to other Slavs?

What's it like living in a third world country?

OP or other Russians ITT, please be my friend.

>how Russians generally see Finns
We don't know anything about you. Indifferent.

t Not him

why are the finns in /mammi/ so mean to everyone?

they think that he sold their Motherland - most powerful country at that time

зaeбиcь кaк caм

it's bullshit look at Serbs

very bad send dollars please

it's prety popular because we have strong propaganda against US

don't smile to strangers
don't show the cash
don't get drunk as fuck

Newtral. The country is good.

>What do I need to know about your country before going there?
Chose a right place with enough enetrtainment to your taste. Better google certain places and make up a plan. There are no big fancy tourist zones here so you should spend time and money wisely.

Some guy who did something good in 80s but he wasn't smart enough and he had no team.


We are same exact height as other Slavs except Balkanians. Balkanians are just tall.

No idea.

I don't consider distant relationships.

yes hello friend tell me your skin color please

No idea

Harsh language is common in Finnish NEET boards

they called me snake

Hating Russians is old tradition

I don't hate you tho, and it's not so common anymore

but why snake?

No idea

Some sort of slur

Old Finnish saying:

All Russians are whores and thieves

Are Americans the greatest race?

The fattest race

nice sayings you have there
we have a few jokes about finns being slow (because of your language)

Yes I've heard. It's quite true tbqh

Btw what does Tsuhna(slur for Finns) literally mean?


are you churka?

chuhnya (from chuhontsi) - old name for your and balts nationsЧухна

whity white





Does everyone know English in Russia? In the USA about a third of people study Spanish, french, or german most commonly but are rarley fluent. What is it like in Russia when it comes to language learning?

Does Russia have city identity (Like Muscovites, Novgorodians, Tverians, Pskovians etc) like Italy?

Why do you put the rug on the wall ?

Do you put a carp in the bathtub for christmas or is that a meme ?

How does it feel knowing the Jews are playing you and America against each other when us two countries are the only things that could stop each other if one of us decided to overthrow them?

barely. Everyone studies it in school and uni but I would say that 85% of people are unable to say more than 2 coherent sentences.

What do you think about Brazil?

is dangerous to eat sunflowers seeds while drinking vodka?

Nothing more except stereotypes. Based on them we think Brazil is bright, sunny, but dangerous.

>Sunflowers seeds with vodka?
U mad, bro?

give me a workin credit card number

What are Russians' opinions on Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese respectively?

Guess you guys don't really care unless living in Far East or so

why do you kep making such threads? you are not rare flag

everyone loves russians here

or I love russians anyway

never met one in real life ;_;

Russians are absolute bros irl, I love the fact that you are shit tier at futbol but still enjoy it

They are pretty practical kind of people. Enjoy little things like a good meal with friends and family. Cool guys. Could pass as chileans to be absolutely honest

>chileans are slavs