What's the longest you have gone without sleep?

What's the longest you have gone without sleep?

About 4 or 5 hours

three days

it was a wow binge

2 days.

Three and a half days

3-4 days

similar effects to those in some drugs. terrible headache after sleeping included.

Probably 2 days

for sure up to 35h


5-6 days can't tell you exact number of days because i was starting to become really delusional


48 hours, worked a triple shift at the hospital, very stupid thing to do when i look back on it now

16 hours, and I'm pretty sure it's impossible for me to reach 24 hours.
Actually I think people claiming they remained awake for two days are just delusional, they just slept without realizing it.

I have gone for 40 hours without sleep on two separate occasions as a teenager

2 days.

I was uhm on something. Something I don't do anymore and don't miss.

i quite often am awake for over 24h, i dont like it, but my sleep is fucked up and when i need to wake up early at certain day, i dont sleep all night before and go to sleep early

3 nights. When I fell asleep I had a religious experience, seriously. Don't believe in God, but I felt like I was 1 with the universe. Really strange stuff.

3 days never agay

Only sleep 32hours/week (nyctophobia)

Four days while doing my dissertation. It sucked. It wasn't even a concious decision, I tried sleeping at many points but couldn't because I felt like I should be working.

I think you might have an illness, even 7-13 kids are able to be 2 days awake

I started having palpitations at some time and kinda felt unconsious only to sleep.

30 something hours.

ITT autists lie to look cooler for their internet friends

You just haven't had genuine insomnia before. Not stupid teenage girl on Tumblr who is binge watching TV shows "insomnia", but actual "holy fuck I really want to sleep but I can't insomnia". It's uncommon but when it actually hits you it's like hell.

I went 48hours getting an assignment in earlier this week

when I stay up for multiple days i just feel like I can't shut off my brain it's the worst thing ever


I have an insomnia case every year or so and It usually lasts 2 weeks. In those I stay 2-3 days without sleeping before I can manage to do so, and I have no idea what causes It.