Sup Forums approved haircuts

Sup Forums tell me how to get my hair cut after work today. I want something short-medium length that is masculine and easy to maintain. Not going to shave my head. I'm fortunate to have healthy thick as fuck hair and don't want to waste it. Any suggestions are welcome, trips automatically decide.

In return for your help, tits.

1930s Germany - 1950s America.

Why are women such degenerate whores? Can they be brought back under control?

That's a rubber doll.

Thanks, you just reminded me to set up a haircut appointment.

Sauce would probably draw some more experts into your thread OP

no sir
we reached the point of no return



I just shave it myself with clippers without a guard.

Go with an undercut, its a bit of a bitch to train your hair back tho

>around 3" on top, 2" on the side or shorter
>clean cut around the ears
> tapered or straight cut on the back of the neck depending on the length of said neck
>leave about 2-3" of hair on the top of your forehead for styling purposes or if you have a fivehead like me
>minimal or no sideburns

Its classic, clean, and you don't look like a preening faggot if you want to style it a bit.


man bun

buzz cut

i ain't paying no jew barber

Non-whites fear the buzzcut.

Sure, takes about five seconds of violence.

This. It will make non-whites tremble in fear at the sight of you.

Have they started replacing real females already?

Undercut, combed to one side and not shaved too high up.

I hope this is sarcasm.

100% pure autism?

anglo autism.