>his constitution is less than a hundred years old
lol embarassing
>his constitution is less than a hundred years old
lol embarassing
Other urls found in this thread:
how is this relevant ?
Your gvt shit on your constitution
The ink had barely dried on the USA's constitution before they had to go back and add a couple of pages
>Yep, all this shit called the Bill of Rights? Yeah, we forgot about it. Our bad. And George, step back from that cherry tree, kthxbai.
>His countries civilization is less than 3000 years old.
The church in my village is older than your country.
Too bad it's now a mosque
>his constitution is less than 800 years old
The one that's housing all the immigrants, or the one that has been empty for the past couple year and is awaiting demolition to make way for a new mosque?
wait, before the newer from the 90's, we had one from 1886.
why do you want fucking medieval law?
And always remember: In less than 400 years you managed to have less than 50% whites in the age group 0-5. That`s a feat not even we managed to achieve.
Poland 1791 something is wrong here
>His country didn't gain independence until the 90s
>he explicitly doesnt have a constitution
feels weird man
at least theoretically we could rise up against Merggl
The constitution is shit, and I'm even sworn to protect it. Also, our constitution not as old as it claims to be, because it is elastic. Even more stupid than the American constitution is the religion of the constitution and the declaration, worshiped as the supreme gods of the land.
No, the constitution is absolute shit, because it assumes that there is only one condition that the republic will be in. The enlightenment ideas of inalienable individual rights are a toxic enema; there are no such thing as inalienable rights, and there has to be a constitutional allowance for the revocation of civil rights in the event of war. The Roman way of running a republic was better. In times of peace, they had their checks and balances with a senate and two consuls (essentially presidents). Then, when push came to shove, they had a constitutional way of morphing their state from a republican democracy into a fascist autocracy. The best government would be one that recreates this.
Das Grundgesetz ist unsere Verfassung, es heißt nur nicht Verfassung.
We had it before Soviet Union and before Russian empire.
GG >>>>>>>>>> The pile of shit they had during Weimar
because we don't want to be like colombia
Because Civil Wars and stuff done, so constitution needed to be redone, the first constitution was published in 1824 and the second one in 1857, the third and "final" was the one from 1917.
However what is the point of having an old constitution if every corporation comes with some money and lobbying and just make the amendments they need to fuck up your country?.
>this post
wew lad
constitutions can't be manipulated, people can though. that's why democracy and dictatorships are both shit compared to a constitutional republic. We have laws that outlaw laws. It's pretty great.
>there are no such thing as inalienable rights
Fuck off statist shill
who cares our constitution doesn't give us the right to bear arms but is over 100 years old
We infiltrated their government, Soviet Union was a Georgian Empire.
>tfw first in europe
suck it france.
You really shouldn`t be proud about that.
Didn't think the UK had a constitution?
besides memes, why do you want constitutions that can't deal with modern conflicts like internet, copyrights, computers, gay rights.
basically anything older than 50 years is ancient medieval shit.
Much better to make something new instead of patching something that gets obsolete.
But american politics are retarded as fuck anyway.
the US constitution was intended to be rewritten every few years
since it was already pretty good, we just amended to it instead
>gay rights.
Into the trash.
>inalienable rights are real
What happened to the people in prison? How did their inalienable rights get alienated? I'm sure it is because they violated some metaphysical social contract, which is idolatry. This metaphysical social contract never existed until it was conjured by Enlightenment philosophers. There are only social expectations and the penalties for violating them. You cannot get rights. Rights do not exist. Rights are merely what the state will not keep you from doing, completely at the discretion of the state.
Laws outlawing other laws is common law bullshit. We should have a comprehensive code of laws that carry penalties with them to rigidly define conduct both by the government and its people.
>tfw our Constitution is a literal unironical Socialist Manifesto
lol we were fucked from the get go
That shit don't go in the constitution famalam
because you can't make laws on the whims and trends of the times. they have to fundamental and protect the future from tyranny. No one can be king in america no matter how much they manipulate the people in the government because we have a document that prevents it.
I agree that a fixed constitution isn't adaptable enough for our modern times. I think the way it was solved in the Grundgesetz (Basic law, more or less the german constitution) was a good compromise: We have something called the "Ewigkeitsklausel", so certain articles of the basic law simply can`t be changed, while others can, if there is a big enough majority.
I had to defend my country, it's better to be a psychopathic commie than any kind of cuck.
>The enlightenment ideas of inalienable individual rights are a toxic enema; there are no such thing as inalienable rights
wew lad, the idea of natural rights is essential, otherwise morality comes from the government, and anything that the government does is automatically considered moral. Fuck that shit. We live in freedom because we recognize that government cannot give you rights, only take them away.
>there has to be a constitutional allowance for the revocation of civil rights in the event of war.
wew lad
>The best government would be one that recreates the Roman system where dictators took over in times of war, then over time did it more and more, then eventually stopped with the "crisis" pretense altogether
WEW LAD, putting that amount of trust in anyone was the downfall of the republic.
Thank you based Napoleon.
The bill of rights was written before the constitution. One guy refused to sign the constitution if they didn't put them in, so they agreed to amend them into it
>more edgelord philosophy 101 rambling
Yeah okay.
>We should have a comprehensive code of laws that carry penalties with them to rigidly define conduct both by the government and its people.
So like we already have? The point of a constitution is to restrict what the government does. It's not that hard m8.
Well, we have the Magna Carta, which is 801 years old, and the Bill Of Rights, which is about 425ish years old. The 'consitution' of the UK is both of those, plus the sum of a load of other Acts since then.
>his province has signed a constitution
>My constitution has less than 25 years old
Their rights were taken away. Obviously rights -can- be taken away, but the declaration was trying to say that they shouldn't be. We make an exception for criminals, who trespass on the rights of others.
I'll say it again. The government does not give you rights. The government can only take them away, and the US constitution is the only system of government that recognizes this.
The UK's living, not-one-document constitution started in 1215 with the Magna Carta.
Every country has a constitution you stupid mick
>The government does not give you rights.
Okay then, what is the bill of rights? Does it grant privileges?
>britbongs actually believe this
>American """Education"""
The point of the bill of rights is to guarantee rights the government cannot infringe upon, but that the rights aren't granted by the government but are unalienable in nature.
It's several documents spanning centuries.
As clarified in the 9th amendment, the Bill of Rights recognizes certain rights, so that it's perfectly clear that the government CANNOT take them away.
The 9th amendment is there to make it clear that the bill of rights does NOT grant rights to citizens, because they are all rights that everyone already has.
>ours is so old we can't write it down
Beat that faggots, it literally stretches back to 1215 and Magna Carta
>his constitution is made up of 800 years of notes written up on napkins and bound together in feels
I respect this a lot, actually.
couldnt you wait 5 more years?
jesus lard, I thought we were friends.
Yeah, the idea is that it can be altered and tweaked to suit whatever issues Britain has at the time for the good of the people.
Of course, this was before our political class all became globalist shills, but the thought is nice.
>not knowing the difference between descriptive and prescriptive documents
wew lad
It says in that text that it's written across several treaties and documents, you illiterate sack of shit.
our cuntstatushion is less than two months
m***cucks BTFO
what did he mean by this?
Shut up and make more witcher games.
shut up and don't bomb our national team, Ahmed
>Tfw no constitution or any legislation guaranteeing or even granting us our rights.
The government could pass a law tomorrow completely outlawing dissent and cancel the elections, we could do nothing about it ( well maybe rebel with our illegal assault cookies)
move to america, bitches love the accent
>for many years, linguists across the world toiled as they attempted to piece together the meaning of the Algerian post. Doctoral theses were published, vast syposiums were held, but to no avail. In desperation, they called the crytographers, but despite trying every code they could think of, no discernible message could be found. As the struggle continued, the enigmatic Algerian post's fame grew, and generations upon generations studied it in the world's greatest universities. Vast libraries were written. An entire new branch of study was devoted to deciphering what came to be known simply as "the post."
>But it was not to be. When the world died in nuclear fire in the year 2356, The Post was no closer to being understood than it had been in 2016. And so the Algerian post faded away, never to be understood.
>illegal assault cookies
Planning om applying after uni.
Pain in the ass, you need loads of qualifications and even then they might say no. Meanwhile some random beaner could go to Mexico, cross the border and get citizenship despite being totally unskilled, dependent on the welfare system and having a criminal record
We got to Australia or New Zealand these days
If America becomes great again then obviously that will change though
Because of the way the American constitution works the government are scared of it. If France if they don't like it they can just change it.
>Needing a written constitution
>His government doesn't actively fear it's own base-law because it gives the people their power
>this Paperclip MKULTRA NSA ass nigga
Oi copper bin that knife
>muh fascism xxD
>muh STRONK gubbiment XDDX
>muh grossgermaniums xd
Bin that knife, lad.
>lol brits have no constitution
hey guess what
we only invented the fucking thing in 1215
>because we have a document that prevents it.
So if someone rallies the military, rallies the people, declares themself king with 99% of approval from american people, he would just stp down and say sorry because of an old piece of paper? Bullshit.
I did, I accidentally killed my mother as we dropped it off
They are fucking lethal
our Constitution is 4 years old
pls no bully
you are like little baby
Well we finally got rid of the old commie one.
Thanks for ruining Yurop and helping the Soviet Mongols rape us for 40 years lad.
Really kind of you.
You can thank Mr Hitler for starting it
Even just my recorded family tree is older than your country
you didn't have any interesting spices or reptiles to steal
>how do you want your constitution, France ?
The piece of paper's purpose is to set up government in such a way so that that won't happen. It could fail in its job. But that is its purpose, and it's done pretty well so far.
bɟnoɥʇ sǝoɥs ʎʇıʌɐɹb-ıʇuɐ ǝsǝɥʇ buıɹɐǝʍ buıʎouɐ ʎpooןq 'uosıɹd pǝzısɹǝʌo ɹnoʎ uı ǝɹǝɥ uʍop ʇı buıʌoן 'ǝʇɐɯ ʎɐp,b
It works, but it only works because people let it. People give it the power it holds. If Obongo decided he wanted to take away everyone's guns tomorrow (imagine he had the military support and no popular revolts happened) he could just do it
We don't have reptiles, but look at these cuties.
Their little colonies were cut in half because of Trianon. Shame on you, Anglo-kun.
An agreement between the monarchy and the aristocracy is not a constitution, just a really old business deal.
But here's the thing, if he had that popular support, the constitution would just be changed by Congress and he wouldn't need to.
The constitution is set up to change if it needs to, so that things like that don't lead to an executive takeover.
no i'm talking edible animals, like giant turtles
we didn't let a soul harm giant turtle land
until we'd eaten all the turtles
yes it is, it was just signed before the word constitution exist
also parliament wasn't always the aristocracy. we were only a couple steps behind the french revolution at several points in this period