Why is Sup Forums so tolerant of fags

For every comment I see calling out fags for their degeneracy, I see three more arguing we need to unite with the fags. There are never any fag hate threads. It's not lesbians or trannies either. It seems Sup Forums has gotten snug with gay men.

Is this the work of that degenerate Milo? Or is it that half of Sup Forums secretly loves their quality "male bonding" time?

Sup Forums has been dead for a while now

Between the kike apologists and the political fanatics degeneracy and stupidity found their way in.

hey, you can be a fag with your bros; it's only for fun.

fags got gay marriage in america they are backed by the supreme court. they have no reason to side with democrats . muslims dont support fags and liberals want every one to live peacefully but fags trigger muslims just by existing

you dont have to like them but unless they crawl back in the shadows and stop kissing and holding hands and shit in public liberals will eat themselves trying to figure out who needs to change their behavior? brown guys or fags?

All fags in the world have been eaten by Christ threads. There now no longer are any.

What's wrong with gay people? I understand hating faggy behaviour and I understand hating the fact that people have lost their jobs and companies have been sued because they were not "tolerant" enough towards faggot behaviour. However, I do not undesrtand why people get so upset when two men decide they wanna fuck in their own privacy.

This is exactly what I'm talking about

Because whites are faggot,coward, weak by their nature
they are soft boys.
but don't worry Islam will fix whites

Sup Forums is a gay board, it's 2016.

This may sound sound, but they must be stopped from returning into this world ever again.

Manlier men than you had private sex, OP. Nothing wrong with a little fun if you're not trying to promote LGBT propaganda. It's called freedom btw.

Because they're a lesser evil, and many of us have accepted that they were born as a degenerate.

Seems like you're anxious about homosexuality. Why don't you try it out slowly, at first ? You can do more or less later, depending on what you like.

It all started with the influx of trumpfags. I actually saw someone claiming there was nothing wrong with being a jew a couple days ago.

Gtfo here Turkroach.

I'd rather have guys fucking each other than turning my country into a sharia honor killing mudslide haven. The cure for AIDS doesn't seem that far away, but you can't cure the stupidity that is Islam.

Faggots don't reproduce. White male faggots are becoming redpilled.

Who fucking cares.

I took the bait

Roach, go back to getting raped by your uncle

It's like someone being born with no legs. They didn't want that and don't particularly like it, but it is that. And like different religions, keep it to yourself and don't try to shove it down my ummm well yeah.


the left has labeled fags as still privileged white men and declared war on them as well, so we have an influx of gay posters who want to help purge the progressives but are also trying to justify their fetish

still degenerate

I like penis :^)

Because Sup Forums was always part of the gay agenda since the moment it was created. It was a Jewish trap to ulorrupt white youth. Once you realize this it's time to stop supporting Sup Forums as a whole and realize it's always been pure filth just like all of ''Internet culture''

Those moralfags you used to complain about as a kid on Sup Forums were always right. Sup Forums is a shithole and you should stop associating with it.

The very language of Chan culture of full of subtle homo programming. Even things like 'op is a fag' and using 'butthurt' as an insult is part of the programming

Fags are men so ultimately I think they will end up on our side.

homosexuals are mentally ill
i hate milo
i would never endorse LGBTs

>its only a matter of time till Dawkins call out LGBT for being a fetish

>butthurt faggot spotted

You've spent decades, centuries alienating and persecuting them, the only ones on your "side" are the Log Cabin Republican cucks :^)

There's literally nothing wrong with being gay.

>he's never fagged it up with the chaps

What do you even do when around each other?

Literally this :^)

Literally NOTHING wrong with homosexuality op, you're just being retarded.

The problem lies with FAGGOTS.

Besides, homo or not, there are bigger problems to focus on, such as the immigration problem. So direct your focus to the important political matters next time op.

Anyone here not give a fuck about sexuality in the slightest? Fuck what you want just leave me alone.

I get off to BBC but I hate niggers. What does this mean?

>The problem lies with FAGGOTS.

How? They're annoying, but you can just ignore them. Literally. Just ignore people who annoy you.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Because pol is seeing a huge influx of new visitors who think it's progressive and will help win support for democrats.

You can see it in nearly every Bernie if Hillary thread.

To be honest messing around with a guy sounds interesting and fun.

But I know such degeneracy has no place in our society, and Sup Forums should be aware of that too.

>why do you care what gays do in privacy

Yes, they're marring in "privacy", they're making gay parade in "privacy", they're adopting children in "privacy". Also if they are ok why do you care what trans, genderfluids etc. are doing in "privacy".

>they were born this way

No they weren't. Check twins study. Also there are more and more homosexual behavior in western youth then ever before. But of course homopropaganda doesn't exist.


yeah, they are like furries; they feel that their love are special and needs to show them to the world, but how the fuck you explain a kid that?


>No they weren't
Than how do you explaim homosexuals in countries that will literally kill you for being homosexual?

The reason for the apparent growth in number of fags is probably just because it's way more accepted nowadays.

There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who believe homosexuals couldn't single-handedly destroy heterosexuals in a week


Oh believe you me, us gays are ITCHING for a war with straights. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty species. There wouldn't be a square meter of straight soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding you defenseless mutants. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY breeder pig shit they see. When gays done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

Also can we end this meme "we need to support lgbt" becouse it's 2016 and many of them are "redpilled". You guys sound like republicans before trump "we need to treat minorities like democrats, otherwise we will fail". Don't you see that lgbt movment will collapse from inside? "Homonormativity" gays vs trans (i'm a man but i don't have a penis why you don't want me) etc.

>Tfw gay white nationalist

>i'm a man but i don't have a penis

So sorry to hear that

>checks flag

But of course.

Also can you answer this?

>Ahmed in charge of reading comprehension
Stick to ficki ficki

>Stick to ficki ficki

Ficki ficki indeed :^)

Just become celibate.
Read some Evola etc. And just reject sexually entirely and embrace the power of semen retention. I honestly believe a lot of great thinkers were abstinent homos who overcame their urges

I just don't give a fuck about fags unless they try to adopt kids

They're more of a symptom than a cause.

I'm not saing that beibg gay it's a free choice, maybe genetics play some role in being homo (still nobody found gay dna). But people tend to forget that there are not only homo and hetero but also bi. If you promoting somthing it's become more popular. Pic related

This, who gives a fuck?
Pridefags are terrible for taking sexual behavior into public in front of people that do not necessarily want to see it. But hating gay people by principle for the acts of its worst subsection is retarded, it's like hating all conservatives because a subsection of them are white supremacists and you hate that subsection.

They're a symptom of the sexual revolution.

The reality is that straight people who are promiscuous, use contraception and have sex outside of marriage are the biggest problem and led to every other degeneracy.

Sup Forums likes to focus on things like fags, trannies and race mixing to avoid the truth that most of them are just as degenerate and have or support premarital sex and sexually liberation.

Wow, what a nice bunch of folks you are.

We're not. We're just flooded with fags.
>muh degenerate dragon dildo meme
>I don't use them! I SWEAR ON ME MUM!

Because I am one.

Yep and Sup Forums was always degenerate. Ever last meme even the old ones are about promoting the fag agenda.

A true conservative of any sort would rightfully hate Sup Forums.

that's one onehundredth of the shit flung at gays. get thicker skin

You know how this makes you look right? nigga you gay just like me, accept it.

Thanks! Plus, I'm uncut :^)

>The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Probably because the world has gotten degenerate that plain faggotry isn't really a big deal anymore

Fags like buttsex with men, I like buttsex with women. Who cares? Milo is a degenerate because he's an annoying flamboyant nigger dick lover. If a gay dude is just a regular dude who dresses normal and sucks dick in private there is no reason to hate him.

Hello, my cheeky german friend.


If gags were a lot more secluded and conservative about them being fags, then I could be a little more tolerant about them. Kinda like the fag news anchors in American dad.


Because fags aren't a threat. They ain't fucking our bitches. They ain't trying to bash me for being a white or male. Fags appreciate beauty and strength. That's why they too are drawn to fascism. They are an ally. They can be used as a shield from the liberals and jews if played correctly.

because majority here are white, they think it's okay to degenerate. no wonder why white race is becoming the minority all around the world, they are tend to be gay.

why is the whitest board of Sup Forums full of faggots?
i don't know

maybe because they finally realised that their liking for traps and boipussies aren't just a fetish.

Fags don't bother me, the media that pushes a fag agenda bothers me.

Jesus fuck, m8.
That was glorious.

Z doesn't bother me, but the fact that the media is pushing Z bothers me, even though Z doesn't bother me.

Z good, media baaaaaaaaad

>right-wing cucktard logic


brilliantly articulated

That's fine that you hate niggers.
In your dark secret, you want to be breeded by dat BBC. :^)

>Coming from Turkey.
>Turkeys national sport.

tfw no twink bf

H...hello :^)

You're not a twink, m8.

Wanna pack up and move?

Just be cute

How dare you, I'm going to uni this fall :^)

I'm gay and a paleoconservative, why the fuck would you care what my sexual preference is.

Will you teach me how to shoot guns and deep-fry butter sticks wrapped in bacon? Then it's a yes :^)

>How dare you
You're right in the middle. The best of both worlds.
>I'm going to uni this fall :^)
What does this have to do with anything?
And with what major?

>hating aniki


Nobody likes fucken vagina. Too bad for you. You want a skank in your wallet to use you and be boring and unstable and different? Shouldn't have fucked up society. Enjoy your shoe shopping, alimony, nagging, and diaper changes

Fags at /lgbfaggot/ constantly shitpost here.

They are literally 4% of the population, worldwide, regardless of generation. Why put so much energy into them. The real problem is sexual liberation and how many Gen Zs are bisexual.

It's one thing to be gay. It's another thing to tell children it's great to be gay and influence them. If you don't see the why someone would be okay with people being gay, but against the gay agenda in media, you're an idiot.

I wanted to go to med school initially but while my grades are good, they aren't good enough, so I'm either going to law school or I'll study business administration and economics, I haven't decided yet. I also considered studying philosophy for awhile because I had it in high school and enjoyed it immensely, but philosophers almost never find a nice-paying job and I kinda like money :^)



If there's nothing wrong with being gay, I don't see how telling someone being gay is great is wrong.

How old are you?

not really surprising since this board is filled with weebs and furfags

I'm turning 19 in August :^)


Why are you just going to school now?

Faggotry is a disease. You dont hate a sick, you hate the sickness.

That a professional spartan army got btfo out by a band of faggots and their husbandos.