I don't mean some basic leftist but if you were ideologically into the whole social justice thing. If so what's your story and how did you end up here?
Was anybody here a SJW?
Who is this semen demon?
Year or so ago, used to be left wing, believed in edgy abolition of human rights. Was communist back in HS, but didn't know anything about it, just drew hammer and sickle on my notebooks.
Nope. I was a fedora tier leftist atheist when I was 16 going until 19. I never cared about racism or bigotry or any of that nonsense. I defended illegal immigrants once before because I didn't understand economics and thought they lowered produce prices significantly. I also thought the banning of gay marriage here in California was for stupid reasons. They had ads all over the media claiming all sorts of things, and as most californians are entirely media dependent morons, they voted to ban it.
Was left wing but never sjw. I don't understand how someone can go that far on the political scale.
Unfortunately my old friends are slowy turning into sjw and see moderates as Nazis. I can't stand their patriotism for non cis things.
I kinda was back in middle and high school. I honestly had the cuck mindset; my partner and I can fuck whomever while in a relationship, "I'm just making racist jokes! I'm not ACUALLY racist," dah Joos boogeymen, etc. Luckily, I was born in good ol' Texas and wasn't indoctrinated so harshly. I called them feminazis what they are-- feminazis. I also experienced the "jovial" blacks in middle and high school so I obviously stereotyped them. It wasn't until I learned about biased vidya media outlets that I actually started getting more political and following "happenings" in the Sup Forums community. at some point (I think around gamergate) I actually started going to Sup Forums and, well, you know what happens from there.
Sometimes I leaned towards left, sometimes towards right. I like to think of myself as centrist these days, which is quite sad cause the right considers me a commie and left calls me a racist nazi.
Kind of. I was pretty anti-white and into some far leftist theories, I was basically pro-"diversity". I never really cared for feminism though. This was before "SJWs" were a thing though.
Though it's worth noting I never believed in "white privilege" or anything like that.
>I was pretty anti-white
Are you white?
No, but I was always in the green fucking quadrant even though I want to get to purple.
Sup Forums hasn't really changed me I'm still libertarian when it comes to social issues. Race realism, and hatred of PC/SJW culture is what I got mostly out of Sup Forums.
Not really, but i was a leftist, and i would agree with some of the things they said. Then they tried to change my videogames. I started to see that the ones who promoted tolerance the most would not tolerate dissenting opinions. They attempt to censor and control speech and the media to save people from hurt feelings. When I came to Sup Forums the heaviest redpilling occured. I had never known that statistically blacks commit a highly disproportionate number of homicides. I never knew just how many muslims believe apostasy is punishable by death and want to enforce shariah law. I also was never fully educated on the wage gap and why the women make only 77 cents per dollar a man makes is a continuously propogated myth.
When I was younger, I tried to get into it. But eventually gave up as I realized being SJW is about finding problems that aren't there rather than solving them.
Yep as late as 2010.
Thanks Sup Forums for showing me truth and making me miserable.
Still craving dicks tho desu.
exSJW here. I got indoctrinated hard. When all you know is the propaganda you're taught and have never seen an opposing viewpoint, it's easy to stay there. I used to call "RACIST!" to people who say blacks are unattractive. I have a black gf but after leaving the lefty echo chamber for one second I realized in-group preferences are not racist. Soon after the cultural appropriation meme started. I look forward to President Trump triggering tumblrinas totally on a daily basis...t.
I was fullblown imageboard liberal around 5 or 6 years ago. It's still trendy btw.
Fun fact: some liberashkas from 2ch and other russian imageboards often come here for moral support.
>Fun fact: some liberashkas from 2ch and other russian imageboards often come here for moral support.
What did this Russkie mean by this?
I once thought all races were equal, if that counts.
I think I might've become one had they not been so anti-white, anti-straight, anti-cis, and anti-men that you could smell it from a gorillion miles away
Kinda sorta. I will say, I still believe the criminal justice system is used as a hidden Jim Crow, but other wise, I can't stand that ideology.
When I was Objectivist (3 years ago, still respect Ayn Rand, though), I believed in elements of "rape culture". That was about as far as it got. I haven't even been a leftist since I was a young teen.
>hidden Jim Crow
How so? Niggas do nigger things, their incarceration rate will be proportionately higher.
Well, they are russian liberals and everything western is their holy religion so they think they can find support here, because imageboards in Russia is full of them.
Reality of Sup Forums shocks them hard and they end shitposting in ru \po\ or damage control here.
I always considered myself leftist but I never bought into the rape culture, patriarchy, or white guilt nonsense. I was actually completely blind to racebaiting and affirmative action bullshit in general until only recently.
The extent of my political understanding was "nazis bad", "democrats good", and "republicans are anti-science." Yes, it really was that limited and looking back i feel retarded
Not full sjw. But signifgantly left, but as I got older and started to think about shit and actually put myself in other peoples shoes when i made an argument, i slowly realized how unfeeling and brainwashed those people are. At first i tried to help them, being friendly, showing them other points of view. Tried to help this one half black gay kid who didn't really seem to know his own place in the world or where to start to find it, but eventually they got to him too,"You're a white man and you're just pretending to be my friend to further your MRA agenda" Didn't even know what an MRA was at the time. In the end i just kind of stopped caring, what's the point of trying to talk to these people if nothing i say is going to get through. Now I only care about these people enough to see how much farther they want to take it, and wait for their eventual crash and burn.
Ahh, okay. My knowledge of lib Russians are the Pussy Riot and how a bunch of faggots got beat for being faggots.
Standard high school leftist. Was probably on the brink until I started questioning things that went a little too far. Now I'm here and I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse.
milky holmes ;)^))
I'm a feminist. I think American SJWs are fucking retarded, though.
Nope. Niggers in my elementary school, always hated them. By middle school I had discovered third wave feminism and hated it as well. Then I went to Sup Forums because le memes, thought it was delightful that other people hated niggers too. Adria Richards happened, and I started checking Sup Forums. There's no going back after that.
I was close a few times, and ironically it was Reddit that pushed me away from becoming it. Once was when I was doing my first research on feminism and I was on /r/askfeminists, and their sidebar said something along the lines of "men can't be feminist, sorry". The other was when I was researching trannies, and I was on /r/asktransgender and I used the word "transsexual" instead of "transgender" and I immediately got three responses telling me I had serious problems. So yeah, on two occasions I almost fell down the rabbit hole, but Reddit pushed me back out with their leftist arrogance.
>I'm a feminist
Why? There's no reason for feminism to still exist in the western world.
I am what could be considered an sjw I'm just on this board bc it's entertaining to see views different from my own
You're probably the same now. Know nothing but believe in memes.
>I am what could be considered an sjw
Same for me lol. We're just a big bunch of easily impressionable fags.
Nigga, in 08 I had an Obama tall tee.
But I never let that boy reach page 15.
I used to think that the UK/France was the cause of all the world's problems and whites were huge racists, but I read up on ancient and modern history and had more of an appreciation of what they accomplished and revived democracy. Also I eventually figured out every person was racist back then and it's not fair to hold them to today's standards.
Never. Father is a successful Taiwanese businessman who taught me early on that all that shit is stupid
I still hated religion in general (even Islam) and was anti illegal-immigration.
Never. I'm literally watching every single one of my friends turn into nihilists, SJW's, cucks, Marxists, hippies, cancer, or all of the above. I'm the only I know who has moved further and further to the right as I've grown older. Feels kind of ideologically lonely sometimes, but then I just remember that /pol is always right, and everything is better.
In many cases gender roles can be either a excellent support to built your life on or a cage for those who either don't fit or want something else. Full gender equality is retarded, but the least we get in the way of any individual (women in this case) striving for self-empowerment, the better. I think this is something most of us can agree on, yet I go a little bit beyond by saying that this can't be done by law equality alone and it requires a certain cultural component that has to be fostered (ie. you could give women in Arab countries the same rights was men, yet you wouldn't end with an "equalitarian" society).
I also believe Sup Forums got it wrong when it comes to feminism. Once a feminist (and I'm one) realises that the only culture able to foster women equality and freedom is white culture and that ought to be protected, you've gained an ally. Of course, as I said, American SJWs are retarded, so good luck with that. All I can say is that I have some feminist friends who really opened their eyes after the Cologne rapes happened.
when i see my country get swarmed by uneducated and illiterate sandnigeers that refuse to intergrate and get treated better than our own, i get more and more racist by the day.
before, i didn't mind people coming here as long as they became part of society somewhat. now i believe that every non-native should be deported -immediately- even if they've got a permanent citizenship.
basically, i wasn't a racist but now i am.
I became more and more conservative as high school went on. Never cared for feminism or white guilt or anything though. I was pretty economically left though. Now I'm fairly libertarian.
I used to be a huge faggot sjw, i was always left wing until senior year when i went full SJW anti white Marxist. I think most people who have an outlook like that have incredibly low self esteem and feel powerless as I did through most of my teen years. The other disgusting thing is how little research and facts mattered, Sup Forums is right on this one, most SJWs get their beliefs and "facts" from radical tumblr posts and empty edgy slogans. It's actually hilarious to me how cult-like the whole brainwashing procedure is. I got in it through modern punk music which is usually made up of moderate liberals. Then you start researching the political beliefs of a lot of the bands, you find some things you already agree with and maybe some sentiments that are a little extreme but you believe them because it's your favorite band saying this shit. After that you join tumblr to be around this "exciting" part of youth culture and these "new" political ideologies. It feels great to be apart of something for once. Now this is where they've got you. You get in too deep, you have friendships real and online built around your beliefs and accepting everything the culture tells you too. You start hearing things like "all men are rapists" and "you can't be racist against whites", which you logically know is untrue but you don't care at this point, you're in too deep. I'm lucky because I always had a bit more skepticism than most SJWs, otherwise I'd probably still believe most of the shit I did back then.
Leaned left, but never an SJW. Now I am disgusted with the left and want to hang commies.
SJWs seem to always either be horrible people, trying to repent for their awful past or ignorant betas trying to impress females. Zero rational thought between any of them.
Lmfao. This has to be b8. This "Tumblr Lite" shit gives me cancer.
I was on the left and into the Nordic socialist meme, and even considered myself a feminist. But I had a long contempt for current civil rights leaders as people who make up issues and just want to get money for nothing, and then I realized feminist were basically the same with each wave becoming more and more stupid and short lived.The whole framework comes crumbling down after that, and so how the left switched more and more to identity politics I became disgusted and left that side. What really got me going fast was the demonization of whites and Christianity, and not being a suicidal cuck forced me to switch my sides fast
What you said about self esteem and Marxism hits the nail on the head, the anti white thing also requires a degree of self loathing that just doesnt work once you get confidence.
"Gender roles" are a figment of your imagination. There is nothing forcing you in 2016 to choose any particular lifestyle. Just know that you are biologically hardwired with a predisposition to a particular role, and failing to fulfill in that role typically will lead to depression and self loathing. try looking around /r/redpillwomen for more information.
>but the least we get in the way of any individual (women in this case) striving for self-empowerment, the better
Nothing is in your way. In fact, society gives you a litany of special benefits and privileges that make achieving that far easier than any man would have it, and off the backs of men's taxes as well since we pay far more into the system and take less out of it. You're receiving special benefits paid for by a man, whose money is taken against his will through taxes you forced him to pay for. You already make up the majority of college students, and yet you're pushing for more because ????. You can't support equal treatment and be a feminist at the same time in the west, if you're going to be a thief and a leech at least acknowledge that you're being one, don't pretend you're "fighting" for "equality".
>I also believe Sup Forums got it wrong when it comes to feminism
What part of feminism? The part that's hell bent on destroying the court system? The part that's already destroyed marriage? The part that acts as a siphon for our money to fund gender studies classrooms that produce nothing but extremists? The part that's welcoming Islam with open arms to Europe?
>Of course, as I said, American SJWs are retarded
No true scotsman. They are a natural result of your gibsmedat ideology.
>All I can say is that I have some feminist friends who really opened their eyes after the Cologne rapes happened.
Really? So now they support destroying the West AND Islam?
Low self esteem is the key. Self loathing is the essence of so much of the left
I believed/believe in a lot of things SJWs pretend to believe them, so for a while I leaned SJW and had SJW friends, until I worked out that they were completely full of shit, and actually just hate normal white men.
Keep in mind where that poster is from.
Thank you for typing this out. I was far too fucking lazy to put the work in on my phone.
Same here (but with black exes and currently asian gf), I think if I'd stuck with it I would have gone on hormones and chopped my dick off. I'm glad I left Sup Forums and came here, to be hoenst senpai.
Let's be honest. Being an SJW always boiled down to being anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-middle class.
They were never about "justice." They just think their version of bigotry is okay.
I used to have moderate libertarian leanings, just as a matter of personal taste without any political knowledge. I still don't have any political knowledge, but my tastes are more traditionalist. I'm here for the memes btw
This discussion has happened before in many other places so I don't think I'll hit you with any particular curve ball: sex is a biological fact, gender is a cultural one (hijras, two-spirit, yadda, yadda). While gender is affected by sex (clear link between testosterone/traditional man behaviour), sex is not affected by gender, so mixing both is a mistake (Sargon of Akkad does this often).
>You're receiving special benefits paid for by a man, whose money is taken against his will through taxes you forced him to pay for
Lovely rant, yet you're hitting a straw man. I'm with you on that point: let's abolish the welfare state that treat us all like babies. Specially women.
>The part that's hell bent on destroying the court system?
I'm all for compensating stay-at-home dads after a divorce. And I agree that women should not be always perceived as the best caretaker for children (see what I meant before as gender roles being a problem sometimes?).
I was in army and believed in that humanity was decent. And the government was good
>boy was i fucking wrong
>Be me. Young frat bro at midwest university.
>Join cult of leftists for the resume boost and think it is the right thing to do.
>Get treated like shit for being a fucking white male.
>See through leftist bullshit and get red pilled.
Probably, my only real friend in high school was a girl who eventually turned into an "agender" bitch of a human being. I think on some level I do agree with a lot of leftist prinicples, but they're such fucking faggots that I refuse to publically identify with them.
The sex vs gender argument is irrelevant. The composition of your brain and the epigenetic effects of female hormones coupled with a few millenia of evolutionary biology and psychology cause you to have a predilection towards a certain role in society. That fact isn't somehow invalidated by you typing "sex =/= gender" into a computer. That's not an argument.
>I'm with you on that point: let's abolish the welfare state that treat us all like babies. Specially women.
That stance is the polar opposite of feminist ideology. If you really believe that, you aren't a feminist and you should hate feminism. That isn't an argument in support of feminism, it's an argument against it. Unless your goal is to agree that feminism should be destroyed?
>let's abolish the welfare state
>I'm all for compensating stay-at-home dads after a divorce.
Are you serious right now? Those two positions contradict one another.
Child support payments should be abolished entirely, no matter who gets the kids. Child support is the one of the biggest reasons that marriage has been destroyed, it incentives divorce and makes marriage scam a viable life choice.
>I agree that women should not be always perceived as the best caretaker for children
I never mentioned that. Not once. You're just reflexively reaching for the typical feminist talking points because you do not have an actual response.
I used to be big into social justice and liberation theology back when I was a Catholic socialist in early high school. Not anymore now though. Now I am a deist and a nationalist
I'm still a left leaning independent.
If the Republican party looked more like the Pauls and less like Trump and Cruz (especially Cruz, fuck the religious right), I'd consider voting Republican.
I guess I'll be throwing in with Johnson this year. Join me in Delusionland.
I was never a SJW, but I was a militant atheist, that used to debate with Jehowa's witnesses for hours on end, claiming religion was the cause for most of the world's ills.
Nowadays I still can't bring myself to believe in a god, but at least I'm not a smug asshole, claiming moral or intellectual superiority. The search for god isn't absurd. Almost everyone is looking for some sort of constant in his life.
Pic related probably wouldn't parade his dildo suit around, if he was a god fearing Christian.
no ...no... It's nigger bullshit.
I was always a right-winger. The only leftist thing I agreed with is abortion.
Now I am even more right wing.
Same boat my friend
was, and still am.
Sup Forums is satire
we're all secret liberals
I leaned left with social issues for a long time. I've always believed very strongly in gun rights and free speech, though. I feel like public school bombarded me with emotional arguments that kept me further left than I would have been otherwise. Still, I never bought into 'muh institutional racism' or 'muh children' shit.
Dude, go easy on him, he's already dead.