What's this 'black pill' I keep hearing about?
I thought there were only red and blue?
What's this 'black pill' I keep hearing about?
I thought there were only red and blue?
You don't hear about the black pill because once you take it everything semis hopeless and pointless.
The black pill is acceptance that white people and nationalism will be stamped out, and there isn't any hope.
These, the red pill is just another form of the blue pill.
Black pill was the real red pill all along.
The black pill is just a blue pill disguised as a red pill. If people who could be red pilled are all convinced that their struggle is hopeless to the point that they do nothing, of course it will be hopeless.
Take your dark blue pilled, self-fulfilling-prophecy bullshit, and GTFO.
So it's basically just complete and utter hopelessness?
Black pill is for faggots.
The age of liberal bullshit and racemixing will end soon.
the problem with pills is that they make you dependent on the system.
once you're out of the system, you won't need them anymore. you are inside the real redpill, and realize all you have taken before, was a mere purple pill.
that's all.
Its called defeatism.
Red pill is understanding how the system works, Black pill comes when you realize it can't be defeated.
The black pill ignores free will. Something that we humans have been very neglectful of.
It is rather similar to savior based ideologies, which were harbored by satinists to keep people waiting for absolution, rather than acting in their own interest.
Apathy is the blue pill. The black pill is a concentrated blue pill.
shill tactic to demoralise Sup Forums into accepting cuckoldry.
the black pill is despair
Saying we can't change our destiny has motivated a change in our destiny, thereby contradicting itself in terms. Understanding the world is the red pill (0.1% of people), less so the purple pill (0.9% of people), and even less so to the extreme the blue pill (99% of people), the reaction the subject has to the pill is arbitrary to the pill itself. This is the true red pill.
Is like what happens when you're red pilled already but then your 1itis of 10 years starts posting photos on Facebook with her new manlet boyfriend from India after having taken advantage of you and turned you down years ago.
>it's a pill autism thread
how do i become black pilled?
How did we get from this...
>If people who could be red pilled are all convinced that their struggle is hopeless to the point that they do nothing, of course it will be hopeless.
If you believe that your cause isn't hopeless it may very well still be hopeless though.
Hopelessness can be the correct conclusion in a lot of situations.
... to this?
Iron Pill best pill, btw
Just watch the anglo-masonic-jew alliance enslave the world, and enjoy
I've taken the black pill. Depressed, kissless, friendless virgin. What do you wanna know senpai?
i wish i was still bluepilled.
You may also want some bread pill, the most powerful of them all
Nobody even links to TRS doing the funny?
>mfw I took the black pill
Why do I love these so much?
I know that feel
Because Iron Pill is the man
Best introduction to the black pill is Spengler
Everything falls, we are not excluded
It's a pill of realization that women go only for
While you are a
And you need to suck it up and never try, because it's better to end up alone than a cuck. It truly is the hardest pill to swallow and maintain in your stomach.
But if you give up then you're guaranteed to fail. If you fight to the bitter end then nobody can fault you, and at least you had a chance.
sounds like the black pill has taken you desu
It's just a regular Red pill pham
There is the iron pill too.
Read Spengler, Nietzsche and the Stoics.
The Black pill is the most powerful one
sounds like a total cuck ideology
So this mind set is why you guys have such low birth rates over there. K, keep being a wimp and let the muslims have your women.
The black pill is a jewish trick to sap the hope of goys. Pic related for OP.
said the lad from a soon to be majority latino country
Whats the brown pill?
What's the green pill then?
>Caecilius est pater
Cool pill brah
Nice rune dagger
Eggman is black pilled as fuck.
It's Islam, aka the shit pill.
>an idea dreamed up by two jewish transgender degenerates
okay, I'm laffin
This. Tyrone is superior to the twink white man in every single way; he is naturally more muscular, confident, outgoing, sexual, and manly due to possessing more testosterone.
White men literally cannot even compete. And who can blame them? Deep down, I think everyone here would suck a glorious Nubian dong if given the chance.
Typical white boy
Blacks cannot compete with futanari. Sorry.
I am getting married in a few months but have taken the black pill.
I would cum so much in that it would be leaking from her eyeballs.
>that shit quality
Come on now
If the ship is sinking anyway there are more agreeable ways to spend your remaining time than pumping water though.
so blackpill is to make one a nihilist?