Dotcom 2.0 bubble crash is coming, lads

Dotcom 2.0 bubble crash is coming, lads.

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Huh, I guess this really comes as no surprise. Many of the people who frequently use social media were recent college grads who had more time years ago, only to discover that they have to work to put bread on the table.

It's not just that: Most of the post-facebook social media businesses got fat and heavy with VC money, and are being hollowed out by increasingly desperate VC Vulture shareholders, and turned into safespace conflict and advertisement platforms.

Americans in particular are extremely sensitive to advertising, and are good at sniffing it out.

And we fucking HATE the taste of advertisements.

So people are picking up and moving out before they get doxed, or because their favorite places to talk are now becoming aggressively colonized by ads.

I deleted all my social media accounts years ago. I'm very shy anyway. But I still see people on the apps all the time.

who /no friends/ here?

Right you are, I fucking hate ads.

I'd find communities in your area of people who share similar interests to you. It's a lot more rewarding than social media.

As far as how to do that? Places like meetup, maybe take up a martial art, something to at least get out into the world if that's what you want.

Real talk: Unless you live in a city, this just isn't possible.

I get that 70% of people these days live in degenerate-ass cities, but that's still about 1/3 of the country that doesn't, and a lot of those 'cities' are not megalopolises, but are instead overgrown cowtowns.

Sometimes, the smart move is to bet against the future.

T. Ronald Reagan

>needing social media apps to have friends
What you need are hobbies that doesn't involve degenerate vidya or anime user.

I like walking and going out in nature, but I only really feel comfortable on my own. The only friends I've ever made were huge normies who just wanted to go and get drunk.

Don't watch anime, hardly play vidya any more. I'm just a very awkward person. I spend a lot of time reading, but again, that isn't a group activity

How many friends do you need?

People have been sharing less and less "personal" posts and a lot more memes and ads for years now. It stopped being cool when your grandma signed up.

Twitter is finally undeniably dying, good riddence. Now its mostly used by celebs and media trying to stay relevant.

Teens are moving to things like snapchat, instagram etc

Only a handful, my Bulgarian friend. And a gf. Just someone to go through this shitty life with, you know?

It's because they all contact eachother through snapchat

It's not a coincidence that this is happening as the PC police are cracking down on the normies with all this "I'll kill you if you hurt my feelings" nonsense which is destroying honest and open discussion.

Thank God, I knew it couldn't last forever. The worst part about this is how it will probably be remembered fondly in 15 years. Facebook has been in decline for nearly 5 years now. YouTube is cucked and fucked, and has been for a while. Twitter is literally digital Detroit. Nice and friendly when white people were abound, until Nigs got their hands on it. Instagram and snapchat are ads on top of ads, and it's only getting worse. All things considered, one of these big 4 is gonna bite it, and it's gonna signal the end of the others. People are gonna lose fuck loads of time, money, and friends. It'll be a robots wet dream, and the only sites that will remain will be shadows of their former selves, knockoffs, or small time sites like us, Reddit, FJ, etc.

Google Lemon Market.

Markets can commit suicide if they shaft consumers too hard. Safe space censorship can kill the Social Media Market just like deception killed the Used Car market

People are sick of voluntarily surrounding themselves with advertising and negative energy. They've realized seeing the inside of their "friends" pov is horrible.

The new web will be a return to the old, where people build the communities and content they want for themselves - but it'll be a fight to get there, because most corporations want to close the web off.

I hope all the social media and ads get BTFO

It's a serious cancer on the web leaking into reality

The only social media I ever use anymore is snapchat

I never had an Instagram and don't use Facebook anymore


Remember when the Internet didn't have women and blacks?

Good ol days

A few of my normie friends even claim that they never log onto Facebook any more, and I think Twitter is just for celebrities and left-wing lunatics these days.

Remember those halcyon days when it was just us nerds and paedophiles alone together here on the world wide web?

>I deleted all my social media accounts years ago. I'm very shy anyway. But I still sit to pee.

That's what I read for a moment and it mindfucked me.


What are you doing? Bumping and deleting posts? for what purpose

Doesn't surprise me.
I Mostly just use Facebook to schedule DnD/Parties while tracking folks Bdays

>Americans in particular are extremely sensitive to advertising, and are good at sniffing it out.
It's kinda strange since you are probably the country with the absolutely longest advertisement time slots in the whole world. Hell you even pause live sports games in the middle to show some ads, while the fans in the stadium have to awkwardly wait for it to be over.

It's sure possible that you have a way to find out about ads, but to me American TV is absolutely unbearable.

Your flag is basically an advert for pocket knives and watches.

>People are spending less time on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.

And this is only because internet oldfags have been saying since the beginning that the people who unironically use these services are retarded for reasons that you only need to read the goddamn Terms of Service to see.

>Dotcom 2.0 bubble crash is coming

Its come and gone and I haven't even bought a cell phone yet let alone start a Facebook or Twitter account.

Now I wouldn't call this an internet crisis.

What this means is that people are becoming as tech savvy as the internet oldfags who don't trust these fuckers with any of their data.

Yes you should come visit our nice country. We also have cheese and chocolate and cows and stuff. Please come, I'll make you good prices.

Btw. what even is snapchat or instagram and why do people think it will live longer than FB or twitter. I've been around the internet for a long time, but I still have a hard time understanding what twitter does. I mean honestly, why did people think it would be a good idea to limit the char limit? Why don't they just all use free blog software and RSS? Twitter seems like such a downgrade.

Will we ever see the death of social media or is it impossible?

Because Twitter feeds enable the user to have access to a massive community where their favorite celebrities and political candidates can interact with them (((personally))).

And yet to this day nobody is urging the political candidates to go at each others throats on social media on the daily instead of saving it for the media gameshow debates.

You're using social media right now, user.

>I don't have herpes or clap but I have aids

Mobile shit in goes out of its way to be obnoxious with ads.
It is particularly stupid because I know quite a few people who watch the Super Bowl just for the ads and get excited to share smusing ads with their friends but instead they make third party apps act luke malware.

Successful social media apps have to pass the "can a black person use this" test. Since most blacks don't know what an RSS feed is, Twitter comes along and makes buckets of money.

not really

Literally the reason I stopped paying for cable. I just subscribe to multiple streaming services for the same cost and get everything I would watch anyway.

You can stop being a retard at any time.
>Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people or companies to create, share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks.

If you're using a broad definition maybe

You know what he meant shithead

Wow, remember Myspace? how the fuck was facebook an improvement on it outside of layout?

Come on mate... social media is stuff where you interact with named people, usually that you know irl.

I wouldn't consider stuff like Sup Forums, Reddit or your traditional web forum where you are anonymous or use a handle social media at all.

by that definition the internet is social media. thats fine but the point is if you use such a broad definition it becomes pointless. liberals do this type of thing a lot ie "rape" and "gender" have been so broadened they dont really mean anything as words anymore

That would be an amusing debate when candidates could only use 140 chars at each other.

Yes it's probably this. What I think is really strange about twitter, is that the media was pushing this so hard back in the day, when nobody even heard of it. I'm not sure if they just wanted to be hip, or if there were other more sinister reasons. However I still remember how everybody and their oncle was asking me about it, because I was always the internet dude and I couldn't really tell them because I never understood it myself. Btw. I still only know about two people who really have a Twitter account, at least in my country I think it isn't that popular.

No, actually I don't know what he meant.

Because he's using some oddly specific definition of the words "social media" which I assume only includes sites he doesn't like.

The owner didn't add you when you made an account.

I would wager that anonymous social media is fundamentally different than social media connected to all your personal data and primary/secondary contacts.

But you can keep being retarded if you want.

Trump would dominate.

not social because I'll never see you faggots in rl

more a shitposting site

>That would be an amusing debate when candidates could only use 140 chars at each other.
There are other services which would work better for it, I agree. We could make one, but that requires an investment, and good luck selling that one to the Jews who don't want the goyim to be informed.

who uses their real names on twitter? its definitely counted as social media

Eat shit faggot

>Facebook doesn't collect my personal information, not one bit :^)

Gooooood Goy :)


oh youre just an idiot. sorry i wasted my time responding to you

>by that definition the internet is social media.
Not really.

Shopping online isn't exactly a "social" activity.

>he actually thinks he's "anonymous" on Sup Forums!


>implying I have a Facebook

Family member made one for me because I didn't. I deleted it immediately and told them never to do that again.

Only social media I have is an inactive Myspace that I can't log into to delete because I haven't been on it in seven years.

I still use Instagram, and Twitter very rarely, but I deactivated my facebook and then sent them a request to delete my data about year ago. Who knows if they actually did it but they said they did. Something seems very wrong about trusting a private enterprise with so much personal information. It's crazy how many sites let you log in using your facebook account without registering. It just screams "Skynet."

Social media will never fully die. It will become a shell of its former self there will be some idiots who log in, look at MySpace its still alive, kind of.

I know you're sorry, now apologize.

>he thinks he knows who I am

A lot of people share the same sentiment about TV and don't watch it too much, or just have it on as "background noise".

>longest advertisement time slots
That's why we are good at spotting them; after spending so long having them shoved down your throat you start being able to just ignore them, or circumvent them.


Good. Fuck that Jew-run shit. I spend all my time on Sup Forums because I enjoy anonymity.

Good, maybe itll take some clickbait websites along with it

>So people are picking up and moving out before they get doxed, or because their favorite places to talk are now becoming aggressively colonized by ads
>South Park predicted the future

>who /no friends/ here?

Yeah me to friendo. Anonymity is the best part about this place.

can I still make a geocities page?

I agree but I don't think stock price is going to plummet anytime soon

I haven't been on facebook in almost 6 months and haven't made a post in 2~3 years. Never had a twitter. And its obvious these social media sites are going to go the way of myspace.

My question is what will replace this?
People want
>Wide networks and connections
Maybe something that is steam, instagram, facebook and twitter all in one lite package.
Or maybe Steam will take the title

It's neocities now

>Only social media I have is an inactive Myspace that I can't log into to delete because I haven't been on it in seven years.

Only thing I'm unhappy with is Jewtube dying, but the tech's there so that it'll get replaced easily with something else and Jewgle won't have shit to do with it.

Basically the kikes and the gov't need to realize that they can't control the internet like TV and newspapers. Because the internet isn't stuff - it's people.

While I like the idea of being able to change my beliefs on the fly to test out every angle.
Can you really have friends in an anonymouse sphere. Or is it just a loud shouting hive mind like here.

Many advertisements are designed to work best when they're in the background and you're not consciously paying attention to them. They're not actually reaching for your conscious mind. They're reaching for the unconscious one with the influence of suggestion and other psychological exploits like Progressive's Flo mascot or Geico's Caveman/Gecko retardation, or repeating phone numbers 3 times.

I advise you all to limit your exposure to the electric synagogue as much as possible.

Silicon Valley is going to turn into Suicide Valley.

>See Myspace

You can meet people on this place that are pretty fun to hang out with.

>pic related

>Can you really have friends in an anonymouse sphere. Or is it just a loud shouting hive mind like here.
This. But you can still make friends through Sup Forums, though why you'd ever want to is beyond me.

I hope so, Twitter and Facebook thanks to smartphones has allowed niggers and the rest of the human trash to create these online mobs where some stupid issues becomes "viral". That's how Mike "the dindu" brown became a "victim" instead of another dead violent nigger.

The majority of those companies are useless and make no money. Like Reddit for example.

Moot realized he couldn't make money off of Sup Forums so he bailed.

> More Jewry.
What really pisses me off with modern politics is that back when you had MS (not that i used it) people all KNEW and openly said facebook was dodge and "corporate". It was why so many bands were still on MS.

People were all talking about "independent" games companies/music labels, even de-corporatizing football. People were getting into DIY this/that/anything.

All of those dim-wits with anti corporate slogans on the Iphone they adore made me realize how false the left is.

Sup Forums is anti social media

and niggers. It's basically just niggers now.

>Or maybe Steam will take the title

steam has had social shit peppered throughout for ages and a lot of extra nonsense on the backburner, i wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they jumped in to fill that vacancy

>not realizing that most of the people here aren't serious
I'm not full 14/88 GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW in real life, user.


Sup Forums is filled with people who make a social event out of hating Reddit and Facebook.

But around here people ironically worship memegods.

But most of us are right of center Europeans and nationalists.

It's all a meme. That's the biggest redpill of all. :^)

I just read "people are surrending much less time on social media apps: report"
Had to read this shit 2 times to make a sense out of it
I hate all of you faggots and your stupid memes


That is psuedo-psych at best. To be susceptible to indirect coercion you have to be in need of something in the first place. The ads you are thinking of try and prey on common issues that people have (car insurance, lawsuits, health concerns is a real easy one).

And even if you also have one of these common needs, and are exposed to the ad often, the worst thing that will happen is you think of them when you look for solutions. This is only bad if aren't the type to do your research, and at that point you might as well go with whoever came up with the flashiest, catchiest ad.


social media is no longer social media as it was sold to us

>neutral framework provider
>you create this place with your own content

now they label political views they dislike as hate speech and ban you. you might as well be watching TV for all the influence you get on the conversation now.
the worthwhile product that was social media has been destroyed by tech giants attempting to exert control, and people are realizing they don't need that shit

Didn't blacks also kill myspace? It seems like even online white flight exists. I wonder where the blacks will choose to go next.

vote leave and I'll pray for you