Just heard gunshots down the road followed by a scream. I think someone was killed

Just heard gunshots down the road followed by a scream. I think someone was killed.

go there and make photos

timestamp and pics Favelinho

You are wrong. If someone is killed you would have heard a scream followed by a gunshot.

Risk getting myself shot? No fucking way

Also I don't live in a favela. Gunshots are very common in favelas I wouldn't even be posting here if that was the case

come on don't be pussy


No ambulance and police sirens? no commotion on the streets? Any updates?

2 years ago, i heard 6 gunshots in front of my house, i jumped to the ground and pulled my parents with me. I'm from a quiet village in South Brazil, so don't think you're special for hearing some gunshots because it happens everywhere.

Just a police car. Aparently a robber tried breaking into a store on the other side of the block. A passer-by told him he would call the police and the robber shot his gun towards the sky to scare the other guy and fled.

So it was nothing after all


Are guns legal in Brazil?


I can hear rustlings in my garden but its probably a fox or cat

Imagine living in a country where you can hear gunshots

imagine living in a country where you can hear explosions

My Brazilian friend was baffled because I went out at 4am to get some pastries

Years ago i had a similar incident just across my block, but didn't realise someone had died until the ambulance came, kek

oh noes
the macaco soup!

After a absolutely massive ordeal, yes.
Only shitty slingshot tier .22's and .38's tho.

Not trying to defend him but Mexico saying this in this context is priceless

Imagine cloning capitão nascimento. He's an honorary tuga

Just another day

Just another

Just another day in the life at the favela.

I heard a women get murdered by her husband when i was 15.
He stabbed her to death during an argument.
Her screams were really loud.

Someone shot down another ingredient for uma delicica soupa

>tfw saw an indian delivery guy get run over and kept on walking

>cloning a movie character

Why not clone Rambo while you're at it?

>I didn't take A levels, Durr hurr

t. butthurt 60 rank pointer from a previous thread

Better than you'll ever do in your life just going by what you claim of 60 rp

>implying you retook A levels

Doesn't matter in all honesty. I'm in NUS now no joke. Come fight me. Utown.

Used to actively compete in Judo in my JC days, so I ain't scared of you.

hey Singapor calm down ok?

Post acceptance letter, or it didn't happen
Cover up personal details as you wish

Rest is all personal details. Like my NRIC and course.

Must be hard to hear gunshots over the screams of Allah snackbar.

o shid

>tfw having to deal with such schoolmates for 4 whole years



I really don't think you're in my course, unless you 80+ rp your A levels. In which case then Fuck!

>not going to Aussie med school and migrating out of Singapore
You 2 fucked up hard that I almost feel sorry for both of you.

Are you living in the Favelas?

